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Litygames / PowerPoint Games

A member registered Nov 23, 2022 · View creator page →

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Hello everyone, I'd like to share a game I developed in Microsoft PowerPoint, using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), to be able to play with the keyboard. If you try it, please don't forget to leave me a review. Your feedback will help me improve. Thank you! ^^

Download Link:

Gracias por probar el juego y por la reseña ^^

Please unblock the .ppsm file from its properties to enable macros. thanks

thanks a lot, bro! your support means a lot for keeping on creating projects like this ^^

Necesitas desbloquear el archivo .ppsm  desde sus propiedades, ya que tiene Macros. Saludos ^^

Gracias por probarlo ^^

thx for this pack bro :)

This game was developed in Microsoft PowerPoint and using Visual Basic for Applications. (VBA).

The game is simply about collecting all the Celestial Whites, but you can only collect them when you are in their same dimension. To change the dimensions you must move the mouse towards the edges of the screen, but keep in mind that you will appear on the opposite side. So, will you be able to collect all of the Celestial Whites without fragmenting space?

Visit If you want to try it! ^^

And if you want to support me or see updates, please visit my Patreon. Thanks for your time, I hope you like my game! ^^

- excuse my english xd

(1 edit)

Deben desbloquear el archivo, para que les funcione (Clic derecho; propiedades; desbloquear y aplicar). ^^

They must unlock the file, for it to work (Right click, properties, unlock and apply).