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Lion Yawn

A member registered Nov 27, 2023 · View creator page →

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Interesting, every time I rolled I had the power die at the end, but the number would always be positive, so it just kept healing the boss. I might come back to it soon, but it's good to know there was more to it. Thanks for the praise! Glad everyone enjoyed it.

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There are so many good things about this that to list them all would take me forever. I managed to get lucky on my first run and made it all the way to the finale, so my review is based pretty much entirely on that. The sound design, art, and music are spectacular. The core gameplay is clever and addicting, and the progression is done extremely well. The only things I'd ask for would be the ability to know how much damage a roll will do before pressing attack (some dice are clearly intentionally hard to read, which, admittedly, is funny) and some shortcut for dragging POWER. One other thing too: the final boss. I lost to it in my run; the positive-to-negative and vice-versa mechanic completely blindsided me, and the dice I had weren't capable of adapting to it in any order. After the fact, I could see what combination would do it (mechanical die and some multiplication, then power die), but to have a game-flipping situation like that after 30ish minutes of building up a specific strategy was brutal. It adds something for future runs for sure, but I'm on the fence about whether it's worth it. Of course, if I missed something important with that fight, feel free to call me out!

Lots of critique there, and I'm sorry if that's unwelcome (maybe I'm just miffed about losing my first-try perfect run, lol), but I want to reiterate that it was my only semi-issue and this game as a whole is FANTASTIC. The lengthy comment is because it seems to me that you all are super into this, so I wanted to do my best to provide something of value in case you want to keep working on it. Great entry, contender for my favorite for sure, and I hope to see more of it in the future!

Oh yeah good point, visually squishing them a bit right before they shoot to telegraph would probably work.  As for music, it's always nice to let someone else in on your projects, especially someone who knows what they're doing.

I fear golf.

Interesting concept! I liked the minigames you chose and I like the trade-off of taking longer to complete the minigame, but making it easier. No lives is brutal, especially when it takes a second to locate where the newest game is happening and what you need to do. Also, I'm not sure what the technical specifics are for slowing down time, but it felt to me like time on the clock was slowing down a lot more than my time in each game. Still, this is a good game, so I hope you build on this!

Solid idea! Looking at the whole 0.5 second thing, I agree with Tower Illusion: it'd be a lot better if the timing was visually conveyed somehow. Aside from that, I like the controls and the art. I could ask for a bit more precision, or slower moving bullets, but those are minor gripes. This would also go great with some music. Nice work!

Fun little game! Reminds me a lot of Reigns. I liked all the different paths, I think with more options this could be a hit. Good stuff!

Once you get rolling, nothing stands in your way. I like how many health bars you can have. Good stuff!

Deserves way more votes. Super impressive that you did this within the timeframe. My only complaint is that I got softlocked at the very last parkour section in the game (very easy to get stuck between platforms) and had to reset the game since I couldn't tell if there was a way to reset the level. Otherwise, this is a fantastic game!

Finished all of them, I thought it was the perfect level of challenge. Took a couple minutes to do some, but getting there was possible and it felt great when I did. The mechanics were used really well! Great stuff! Also, the music kinda reminds me of Omori if you've ever played that.

Love this style of humor, had me chuckling the whole time. Great stuff!

Very fun concept that's very easy to get into! No tutorial was needed, it was very clear what was going on. I like the progression system and how much that system is expressed visually with the goofy body horror. The different upgrades you could get, like the mantis leg, were super unique, too. Overall, good stuff!

(3 edits)

This is so cool. The concept is mind-blowing and absolutely worth the lengthy tutorial. The mechanics are super in-depth. My line of crudes and wokes was unstoppable. I could easily see this becoming a fully-fledged game. The only thing I would recommend if you wanted that to happen would be a system that auto organizes your panels and makes it easier to set up a line of inputs and outputs after cutting all wires. Great stuff!

(1 edit)

I want to try this again later, since this seems like largely a skill issue, but I couldn't get a good rhythm going.

The UV weapons all seemed like they weren't doing much in the long run, and I would always end up getting swarmed as soon as gas was low, which was often. Other than that, this is a vibe, monsters are creepy, and I'm sure once it all clicks it's really fun to multitask the gas and UV things. Good stuff!

No notes, really. This is quite a fun game that I had a great experience with. The upgrades are cool, combat forces you to move around, and the god of hands is an entertaining character. It left me wondering if there was some secret ending . . .

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What baseball should be. Great game, love the aesthetic you went with. 

This is a really interesting idea for a power mechanic, and I love that you can use it for both movement and combat. There's a bit of jank involved in various mechanics, but the game comes through as pretty fun, so nice work! I'd love to see a version of this that's more fleshed out.

I'll give some hints in case you ever come back: pink guy/shield means your power bar needs to be pink. Each battery gives a specific amount of charge when used, so you need to find a path that'll give you at least three batteries, which will get you to the pink power level. Glad you gave it a shot, hope you give it another!

Reminds me a lot of fall guys and gang beasts. Hopping around was pretty funny, failing was even funnier. Good game!

I like the idea of having to find a way to quickly drop yourself to 0 hearts to wake yourself up before the boss catches you, and sometimes spamming fireballs doesn't cut it, so you have to get creative. My only note is that the dream space is pretty small vertically, so things can sneak up on from above and below really easily, or shoot things from out of view. Other than that, I had a great time, so good stuff!

I had a lot of fun with this game, and I really like that you used the GB engine for it. The sheer amount of wires was difficult to wrap my head around, especially since they were the same color (though you'd lose the GB feel by making them distinctly colored) and I was mostly making decisions based on intuition, which worked out for me. Still, the puzzles were fun, the ability to pull was incredible, and vibe was very arcade-y. Good stuff!

Wish I had some friends to play this with in person, this would make a really fun party game. The quickdraw mechanic, the bonus for the ricochet, pity pete, it's all really well thought out. I had a great time. Great game!

Extremely original concept, loved it all the way through. The number of possible mechanics are probably endless. With some nice music, this would be perfect. Great stuff!

Interesting mechanics! Only note is that it's small, but that's not a big deal for a game jam. I'd also say that levels 2 and five were very similar. Plugging the shower drain was clever and a bit comedic. Good stuff!

Making the speed levels more clear is a good idea. I think the colors just need to be more obvious (accompanied by a colorblind mode, of course)

Just to be sure, are you referring to level 20, 18, or something else? There are a couple touch-ups I'd make to several levels tbh!

I agree with everything, already have some changes prepped for when uploads open again. Thanks for playing!

I really appreciate the feedback! Yeah, the levels are not very challenging and reasonably open-ended since I've had plenty of bad experiences making and playing tough games for a jam. Everything you mentioned is really good stuff to think about (as far as score, we were talking about implementing a speedrun timer that'd be shown in the top right). There's so much else to mention that I don't feel like cramming in this one comment, but there's a ton of things that can be done here, and it's all under consideration. Working on this into a full release is becoming more and more of a possibility. 

The concept is really amazing, reminds me a bit of dance of fire and ice, but with a lot more interesting mechanics like the resistor. I'm sorry to say that the timing for switching rings never really clicked for me, I think a more in-depth tutorial about when to click a wasd button would go a long way. I could never tell if I needed to do it to the beat, when I was right next to the ring, a bit before, and so on. Still, I'd love to see this game again once it has more instruction! The visuals and sound are both really nice, so good stuff!

Is that getting hurt sound effect a dunkey sample?
Those are some really cool effects, punching the enemies feels super satisfying. Great stuff!

Movement is really clean, lots of room for messing around with enemies and explosions. The grapple-to-point-blank-shot combo is awesome, art is great, music is great. No notes, really. This is one of my favorite games from the jam. Great stuff!

shpoobo is the most powerful being known to existence, 5/5 theme

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"JUST HIT THE– oh I got it. Nice"

Great experience.

Really good-looking game that reminded me a lot of subnautica with its creatures. Level navigation was entertaining, even if I found myself getting turned around a lot. The chase sequence is great, had me racking my memory to avoid all the corners the levels have. I think the player drifts slightly to the left or right when going up or down, which made dashing through narrow gaps a bit weird a few times. Overall, great game!

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I tried that unfortunately, and I just tried god mode. The particles get seizures since I guess it doesn't take the analog input from the pro controller well, and for some reason triggerless without god mode still fails me. Oh well! God mode made me able to listen to the music, which I can confirm is also great. I definitely agree that controller is optimal, but for situations such as these, my outsider, consumer opinion is that it doesn't hurt to have a keyboard option, even if it's not as clean, then have a "Controller strongly recommended" or "Meant for controller" display during an intro. Still, great job on this!

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Man, I wish I could play this, but my nintendo pro controller doesn't seem to work (keeps registering the shoulder buttons as pressed so it forces a failure). Judging from the gifs and screenshots, this game looks awesome, so I thought I'd leave a comment to say that even if I cant rate it in good conscience. I think you could theoretically put this on keyboard, it'd just be real unconventional, like wasd and pl;', for movement, then lshift and rshift for shoulder buttons. Aside from that, the game looks great, and I hope to eventually see a version I can play with what I have!

Fun little dungeon crawler! I did a run with both the broadsword and the greatsword, and both were pretty balanced. The greatsword also had its own one-shot combo for the skeletons, which was cool to figure out! The boss had some really fitting attacks for the movement and mechanics, I just personally thought it was slightly long for two attacks, but that's me being picky. Overall, nice work!

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Oh I want to clarify that I'm pretty confident it's a bug. I just beat the game in under a second because I kept spamming double jump at the start. That doesn't seem intentional. I can send a clip over discord if that helps.

As others have said, the longer puzzles are a bit rough, especially the one in that third room where there are so many ways to lock yourself. Other than that, the game looks and sounds amazing, and you have a really good foundations with these mechanics. All you really need is short, snappier puzzles. I hope you keep working on this!

This is super original, especially the idea to change shot types by holding down the specific keys. I didn't get very far, but I'm sure once you get the hang of it and start typing away like a madman, it gets insane. Would love to seem more of this game!

Having trouble with the game, whenever I try to start it immediately puts me at breakneck speed, so I die instantly. I will say, the art and sound make up a really cool vibe. Maybe it'll eventually work! But for now I'll hold off on a rating.