I appreciate the feedback. The difficulty of jumps is hard to judge, based on the two of us who made the game. So this is definitely something to improve on. Glad to hear that you had fun playing it!
Jakub Slezáček
Creator of
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Thanks for your feedback! The restart button and sound settings are definitely needed, and I'll probably add them after the jam ends. Thanks also for the feedback on jumps. There is a bit of coyote time and variable jump height, but maybe not enough. I based the difficulty on just one other playtester and me, so there is definitely room for improvement.
Hello, I really love the visuals of the game and physics-based mechanics, but the game was, unfortunately, a bit frustrating. It looks like the second weight at the beginning of level 2 was sometimes falling on its own, so when I finally managed to do the first jump, I couldn't continue and had to restart the level.
The "character" controls are unique and perfectly fit the theme. I really like the game, including the visuals and sounds :3 The Only slightly confusing part was the rotation of the ice block. I think if the cross rotated together with the block, it would be more obvious which way the scaling axes are and how the block rotates.
Uuu, I played with it for a while, and you can do really cool things with this game. Having each note just once makes it also quite a challenge! It took me a while to figure out how the timers work, but when I figured it out, it really opened infinite options. I want to see a more polished version of this game!
Wow, that's really cool and innovative platformer :D The sliders make it hard but interesting at the same time. I would maybe focus more on making the jumping feel more controlled. I really missed a little of coyote time, as it is quite hard to jump precisely and control sliders at the same time. Is it also possible that there is a but that the speed slider doesn't get applied sometimes?
It took a little practice to get used to the controls. Pointing with the mouse and scaling the rectangles is hard at first, but the mechanic is cool. Also, the level and difficulty progression is perfect.
The only confusing part for me was the scaling boxes, partially in the ground. I thought there was a hole in the ground.
I liked the most the Gift rain mode. The gameplay is fast and it is clear what and where to deliver and the timing of packages is well-balanced. I really enjoyed it!
I did not enjoy the other two modes as much. As the whole map is not visible, you don't know, where to deliver packages, or even where are some packages. Also, the time to deliver is quite short. I think, there are two different solutions. In one, the player doesn't have to remember anything. In this case, show the player directions to packages and to receivers (e.g. arrows on the screen borders). Another option is to not show the directions. In this case, the player must have enough time to memorize (ideally one color at a time) the locations of animals.
Yeh, the static map makes the game a little bit boring. I hope to introduce changing map for endless mode and a challenge mode with predefined waves and map layout. I also want to try an option, where the player would throw obstacles behind him and the obstacles would break after being hit by a snake.
Hello, thanks for the feedback! Yes, the jump is usually your best friend. Even though the controls are very simple and in my opinion intuitive, I should introduce them better, when the player plays the game for the first time... About the sounds - I agree :D When I was playtesting the game for the last time, I swap the sounds from even more "offensive" sound, so I thought it was OK. But now I see, that it is still too much.
what a game. I really like the idea, mechanics, and visuals. The idea of cards is really cool. I was actually playing it for quite a long time and I enjoyed it, although I was not able to completely finish it.
A few things, that would make the game even more enjoyable for me:
- It takes a lot of time to understand the mechanics. Even with the tutorial, it took me several runs to fully understand, what is going on. Especially with fighting. The fighting mechanic is very interesting, but it took me a long time to figure out, what is going on and what each number means. I think, that the best way would be a step-by-step fighting tutorial at the beginning of the game (e.g. the player collects things from the trees, always gets something useful for fighting, and is forced to fight with one easy zombie).
- There are a lot of things inside the inventory, but the order of some items looks quite random to me. 1. is there really a need for so many different items? (I guess, it makes the game more interesting) 2. If so, why not show only items, that are inside the inventory?
- When I have the inventory open and I click inside the map, I would expect the inventory to close.
- I had a hard time figuring out, which key to press to move in some cases (usually the diagonals).
One last question - do the explore and map buttons do anything?
I hope to get back to this game when I have more time :)