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A member registered Sep 07, 2017 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Hey everyone, I published my game here because it wasn't getting a ton of attention on the android store and I'd love feedback and comments on it! It's a pretty fun, but quick game. In a few minutes you can have all the levels unlocked and be playing your favorite one, trying to beat your best score.

The description: 
How many cars can you keep track of? How fast can you send cars from a backed up lane? Can you figure out the quickest way to clear out an intersection of cars waiting to go through?
Direct traffic around the world in places like Orlando, Rome, Anchorage, New Delhi and even Sarnia, Ontario. Complete challenges on each map for a big score before drivers inevitably crash or rage.

Here's the link to the game:

Let me know what you think, and any ideas for expansion.

PS it's free, no ads or anything like that (there are some in the android version, though) and playable through the browser!

(1 edit)

Cool concept! It was fun. I like that I had infinite lives because I died several times in a row. 

Fun little game, the jokes were great! It's very polished for a game jam game, good job.

I like how it doesn't feel turn based but it is. I think it takes too long to need to repair your pickaxe, though.

It looks really good and is fun to jump between the brains. The one frustrating thing I found was when the dark clouds were right on you at the start

Thanks everyone who tried it out! I had a lot of fun making it!

Thanks for the feedback, I like the idea of making more rooms have things in them and having less rooms to play through.

this is a great idea (colored rooms, just like in the movie) and I did consider doing it. I guess I just forgot. You don't need the apple to open the last door.