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A member registered Aug 03, 2017 · View creator page →

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He just stared and stared.

Well, great to see you went the text way of the force too! Very nice concept you got in there, curious to see what was your vision with the visuals.

PS: Got the Wasted ending. As always ;D

Glad  you enjoyed! It feels amazing hearing that you want to see a little more <3

There may be some good news for you in the not too distant future. Thanks for the feedback!

Hey buddy!  First and foremost, art is entirely subjective to the viewer, I for example think you're extremely talented at putting together a fun piece in such a little time, one ability that I really need to work on. I'm really really trying to conduct this in a healthy way (fun fact: till early morning today I thought there were only about 20 replies, completely forgot about the next pages ;D).

Your words makes me really happy given that you were the initial flame. And I must return to you the same advice, just don't burn yourself out.

Thank you for the words! Thank you for having inspired me!

The wait is over ;D

Yep, this one reminds me of a little game I used to play (don't exactlyremember the name). I like the idea of being able to defend myself using anything at my disposal.

You know what would be even more fun!? Throwing spiders at the spiders ;D

Great game!

The only Juan is quite menacing o.O

I don't know I just liked it. It feels smooth and fun to play! Great game!

Would love to see more levels, and the Juan jelly design really allows for character customization, that would be a great feature in the future.

Well that's another neat game ;D

That's a different one, congrats on the horror game.  Cool idea!

Yep, that's mostly the reason why I'm not using the rating topics. Wise words!

Oh yeah, I was just playing your game. No worries, text based games can be a bit of a niche.

Just yesterday a streamer was playing my game and just closed the window out of nothing. It was quite funny his reaction ;D

Thing is I don't want to spoil much, but it isn't actually 'restarting'. I'm just glad you tried!

Really glad you enjoyed it! I'm using this as a kind of prototype for the bigger project I'm currently working. I decided taking out the visuals so that the written story would take all the spotlight.

Sure thing, I'm actually looking for collabs, already emailed you.

Thanks for the feedback! Nothing out in the open yet, I do pretend to release one by the end of the year. Stay tuned!

(1 edit)

Hey, here's some concept for your main character, pretty spyish ;D

Great levels, it really makes you think. With a improved AI I believe this concept could turn out pretty good.

Nice job!

Thank YOU for the game ;D

That's some great storytelling! One of my favorite genres was really well worked in here. Nice job!

Addicted to your game <3

Lovely game, the kind I will always see myself playing. Also, props for using Delphi ;D

Thank you for letting me know of this, really nice idea!

Great character design BTW!

A fun little game, kind of takes the "only one" to the next level.

Nice game!

I'm sorry, he went super saiyan ;D

One of the few games I actually wanted to keep playing and trying. You did a very good use of the theme. Loved it!

Thank you for the kind words! It really makes me happy ;D

Give my text  adventure a try!

We got land this bird!

Got 33 meters, everyone was safe. I believe.

Really cool idea!

I'm using this as a prototype/reaction test for a project I'm currently working. Glad you liked it!

Thanks for the feedback!

Glad you liked! Yep, it's all about what you think is right.

Thanks for the feedback!

A very dangerous man ;D

Nice idea, just needs a little polishing. Interesting how you used the theme.

Let's hunt those aliens ;D

The slow mo really did the trick. Great idea!

Here's blue boy ;D

That's what game jams are for. Good ol thinking outside of the box, nice game!

Sure, go ahead. Really glad you liked!

That's a hard one ;D

First Unreal game I see here, that's great. Nice idea !

PS: I blew it.

Thing is, it's mostly up to you whether you feel it's the right choice.

Thanks for the feedback!