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A member registered Dec 19, 2018 · View creator page →

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thank you so much

thank you

We wanted to create an immersive environment so the player had to work to get all the information on the weaknesses of the alien races. It for sure needs some polish though for sure.

Yeah I agree, I already have some ideas for improvements. 

Proud of this one!

Thank you! We were planning on implementing a delay after a click but we didn't get the time unfortunately. Thank you for the feedback

Thank you i appreciate that, we would have loved a sound designer but we didn't know anyone unfortunately.

This game looks fantastic, way to create such a nice looking game in such a short time! Very talented team.

This was great, i loved the character art, amazing artist, all around great game.

I loved the smooth transition up a ramp, very cool mechanic.

Very nice art, love the growing school of fish.

(1 edit)

Interesting mechanic in this game. Also loved the story.

I loved the visuals for this game, very nostalgic. Well done!

Very cute game, i love the character art.

Very fun and cute, pretty short but i really liked it.

Very cool!