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A member registered Feb 05, 2022

Recent community posts

What if you kind of combined both, where you play as one of the king’s sons sending peasants to take back the throne, so you use the units used by the king while fighting against the necromancer

This is very cool and I would definitely play an entire game based around this mechanic

(1 edit)

I want a high score leaderboard

Y'all should join the gigasword discord if you haven't already!

Ok, thanks!

This demo is really cool, but I have a concern with the foam, that being that I never have enough to clear all of the burnt walls, meaning that I couldn't beat the levels with burnt walls

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The Mouse got me good

Cool Idea, but the reset button doesn't work and the options cover the playable screen

Really fun game, but I do have one qualm. It's nearly impossible to dodge the obstacles, as they scroll so fast you have to know whare they are in advance

Yo this is awesome

This is a quality deckbuilder. Bug: The bone effect (spawn funny bone on death) cancels out the arrow effect (shoot an arrow after stepping)