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A member registered Oct 12, 2018 · View creator page →

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You get more dices as you play so this skill is much more powerful later

The HTML version crashed my webbrowser (I tried 3 times) while using 100% of CPU. I'm on Linux so I can't try downloadable version :c

I'm on the linux right now and I can't find a file that will actually run a game. I just have a game files for editor

Nice looking game and concept in general is on point.

My nitpicking :P 
- Mouse enemy is hard to see. With CRT shader then blur into background and it's easy to miss them.

Thank you for playing! My girlfriend said it was way too hard xd

At first controls are hard to get used to, but once you get it... It pilots like container ship :P

I like the graphics and ship 3D model looks great IMO. 

(PS. I need to restart a game 2 times, because parts get stuck under the ship. My fault too)

This game definitely have a feeling of good old classic games. I enjoyed playing, but after few levels I felt that game is pretty slow. I miss that chaotic movement of ball from classic breakout game.

Also it seems that there are enemies, but they do something? I couldn't shoot them and they don't do anything to me.

If this is your first game jam then I'm really impressed and I hope to see more of your games!

(1 edit)

Quality of this game is really high. Like in the end I liked basically everything about it.

I like how game teaches me everything step by step.
Lvl1. Thought me how to control the ship and that it's not easy so you need to get some skill
Lvl2. Thought me about docking and shooting
Lvl3. Thought me that I can use weapons to change direction and basics of combat before fight with real enemies.
Lvl4. Put to the test what you learned about controlling the ship
Lvl5. Test all your skill together. Awesome!

I really feel like no part of the game is random choice and everything is done with intention.

If you would like some feedback for final touches then:

 - At first I was annoyed that there is no "Slow down" button, but it wasn't an issue when I got used to it. Maybe consider adding Assist mode with inertia dampeners to help those who had hard time controlling the ship.

- Death by colliding with wall is based on speed it seems. I would add an angle of impact to equation, because hitting a wall at 1 degree angle while flying fast will do almost no damage to the ship while flying ship slow and hitting it at 90 will do some serious damage.

- hmmm.... Add more missions! :D

Very nice job and great game! Your skills always amaze me. I'm sure you worked hard to get to this level!

(1 edit)

I played a bit and I like that there is some context to the game, but sadly there is almost nothing to do in the game. You can just go press E and Fire and go like that forever. (Also instruction say that is should use Right Mouse Button RMB to fire, but it's LMB in the game)
Maybe second weapon or different enemies will help with that.

I got pushed out of the screen by sheaf and farmer and couldn't attack or do anything really.
Also setting amount of carrots to save that high make it almost impossible to finish the game so it's taking away a satisfaction of finishing your game :c Setting it to like 1000 will at least make it possible in reasonable time.

I hope you won't be discouraged by my feedback. It's actually to help you. I'm sure you learned a lot and next time you will make even better game :D Can't wait to see your next game!

Can I ask you to rate my game too and tell me what you think in the comments? Thank you in advance!

This game was strange at first, but overall fun.

I like that there is some context to your actions and working gameloop. Going back to ship to refill is cool too.

But I don't know what enemies are and why moon is eating then. I seems that it doesn't change anything. It even ate me once and I didn't lost a life.
Also at the end of the game there are a lot of neutralized enemies that are just an obstacle.

Maybe moon should eat neutralized one and just leave enemies that still fight?

Overall good job and congratulations for both of you and especially blackmaggit for finishing the game. Good job!

Can I ask you to check out my game and leave a feedback? Thank you in advance!

Very nice and peaceful game. Definitely original and not something I saw in the jam before.
I enjoyed looking through telescope, discovering stuff and searching for planets.

I hoped that you could zoom even more to see more details of the planets.

There was small bug: I played in full screen and when I want to stop using telescope I pressed ESC and the mouse cursor show up. Since that time I couldn't rotate camera, because game didn't captured mouse movement outside of the window. I just restarted the game and it worked fine.

Overall very nice experience. Congratulation!

Can I ask you to check out my game and leave some feedback? Thank you in advance and see you in the comment!

Thank you for playing!

I really like your feedback. Your suggestions are on point. Some of them are even in original plan of the game, but we need to cut the scope to finish it on time.
For example: For using warpgates I wanted to make effect where FOV increase rapidly. It looks like classic Sci-fi warp.
For the planets I planned to do exactly what you described - Planet looks was supposed to be based on composition. Planets are procedurally generated in shader, but I had no time to add this in code.

I like your way of thinking about solving problems and I want to thank you for playing once again!

Thank you for playing!

From the comments we received it seems that we totally failed at informing that you don't need to be exact. There is a margin of error of 5% for resources and 10 units for orbits.

I was really expecting that people will not try to be exact and get annoyed that we force them to be exact so we implemented margin of error.

But it turns out that everyone IS trying to be exact and they are annoyed, because they think that they must be exact. So it's only a communication issue. Solution to your problem is existing in the game, but we failed to inform you :C Sorry!

About the E key: E key removes resource you are in right now, so if you are in rock cloud it will remove rocks. If you are outside cloud it does nothing.

Thank you for playing!

(2 edits)

I see that many people have issue with trying to make it perfect... That's totally against what we were expecting :C
I was expecting people to get annoyed when they are forced to be exact (and it seems you are) so we made some margin of error so you can do task "good enough".

Generally MY system for building planets is to make planet with mass of 100. so for 30% of hydrogen you collect 30 units etc.

I guess we took that into account, but failed at informing that this feature exist. Maybe there should be some signal that planet is good enough and can be placed on orbit.

But I really thought that people will not try to be perfect...

I added note in game description ;)

Thank you for feedback!

Yes. There is  (+-) 5 margin of error so you don't need to be that precise. 
We knew that getting precise values is hard so we added that to make game less frustrating.

I'm glad that you tried to get perfectly matching values tho :D I do that too! 

(1 edit)

It must be very very short. I tried both on PC with mechanical keyboard and on laptop and I got the same result (random mix, but usually long space). I read your comment that it must be very short and I tap as fast as I could and still got same result that seems random.

I think the solution will be to expend time to something like:
- Less then 1s hold --> short space
- more then 1s hold --> long space

Because right now it's feels like it's below 0.1s so just few frames or there is some bug that doesn't register when you release a keyboard and press again.
I really don't know what is an issue, but I ask my teammates and they have the same issues on different devices, so I'm pretty sure that an issue is in the code or in implementation.

I tried man. I really tried. I almost completed second stage, but after like 30 failed attempts I gave up.

I think the main issue is that space bar input was really inconsistent.
I read all the instructions and I knew what to do, but game was just doing something else.
Stuff like: I pressed space two time super fast to get double jump and I got two long spaces or some random variation. It was very common.
Having SPACE as only input was a great idea, but sadly something is off with implementation :c
Remember to playtest your game with someone outside of your team. The game could be easy for you, but very hard for someone else ;)

Besides that:
- I like the main men,
- I like the art
- I like level design with multiple obstacles and skills
- i like end sequence after completing first level (very col)
- it's great that you made multiple levels.
- sadly I couldn't see the whole game, but I'm sure it was more waiting for me.

Can I ask you to play my game and leave some feedback? I would be glad. See you in the comments!

TBH the game is very hard to understand, but by trial and error I got it.

Once I spawned the ship and I spend some time on random stuff until I figure out you can push away the seed to grow it.

Ship control is very hard. It will definitely benefit from some damping for speed and rotation.

I have mixed feelings, but it's original and you even added coop mode? Nice.

Can I ask you to play my game and leave some feedback? See you in the comments and Thank you!

(1 edit)

Yeeeee. Tower defence game! It brings back memories from flash games era.

Solid entry. I played few times (Because I died quickly at first) and it;s hard at the start and getting easier as you progress.

Very good job with explaining how to play the game. Great job!

Can you check out my game and leave some feedback? It will be very cool. Thank you!

Thank you for your feedback.

It's true that we doesn't have tutorial in our game, but we tried to make stuff simple and explain everything in GAME INSTRUCTIONS.

About attaching sun there is a part saying:

Quote: "- To attach planets or stars on the trailer, use SPACE again."

And about tasks there is task tab on the left, but on there right there are details about planet orbit and composition.

Quote: "To finish tasks, planets must be made as described in the task tab. Usually, it's about orbit radius and composition. Pay attention to the tab on the right for more details." (Right tab has details about planet orbit and composition).

Sorry if this was misleading.

We tried to make it intuitive and split levels into manageable chunks so you can even figure out stuff by trial and error.

About the tone of the game. We wanted to make calm game where you build stuff without any pressure, but I understand that someone would like more challenging game

Thank you for playing and for detailed feedback. I really appreciate it 🥰

(It's running fine on my browser if you are still worried about that)

For the first jam game it's very good. There is some polish going on. Much better then my first game haha.
I liked that there are multiple weapons. The bomb/mine is a good stuff. It saved my ass few times.

I also liked the pointer that show you direction. Very important stuff for game with large environment. It's nice that you thought about that. It gave me a clear goal.

I would increase rotation speed since it's very slow and it's hard to dodge/turn/attack. Also when you collide with enemy you are shooting past him since guns are on the side. Was it intentional? I get around it by going backwards.

In general solid entry. Congratulations and I hope to see more of your games!

Would you like to rate my game and leave some feedback? Thanks!

Hello! I played your game and for the first jam it's really good. With some polish like sound and sfx it will be great.

It's awesome that you implemented AI (I lost to it). It's very hard to do so really good job.

I liked the ship momentum, particles effect and game is good for speed running since it require some skills. Good job!

I would be glad if you could play and rate my game too and leave some feedback! Thank you!

Very good game with some serious attention to details.

I love that you made particle system for every action you can take. I'm very impressed.

Ship fly nice, but it feels weird during turning (like the center of mass if off), but I got used to it.

Shooting feels nice thanks to particles and sfx. Homing missiles definitely help in early stage of the game, because I couldn't hit anything :D

I also like that everything interacts with each other. You can push away missiles, you can shoot down other bullet, collide with environment. Very nice entry. Congratulations!

Would you like to rate our game too  and leave some feedback? Link below! Thank you!

Thank you for playing!

The planet building mechanic was supposed to be much more expanded, but we need to cut down the scope.
There is only one trailer used to gather resources, but we planned to have:
- one that made gas planets,
- one that adds rings around planets,
- one that adds atmosphere,
- one that adds moons,
- also one that let you build the sun

but yea... scope creep. Good thing is that it's a good base for expanding it if we want to!

Thank you once again and I hope you liked the game!

Thank you for playing!
Skybox was rendered in Blender at 8192x4096 resolution. Nebulas/clouds are volumetric and are prerendered into the skybox too.
As an artist I'm glad you liked it :D

Thank you very much for feedback and I hope you liked our game!

Thank you for playing. 

We are currently working on combat system remake. The skills and combat will be updated in the next patch or release :)

New patch is released today and this bug is fixed ;)

It's working in the code. The update of the action stats have a 2s delay. It will be fixed in the patch 1.0.1 ;)

(1 edit)

Congratulations! You found all the bugs and unlocked Bug Hunter badge :D

The "7" skill is working in the code every time, but UI for it has 2s delay between activating it and stats windows updating.
It was last minute fix for sound looping bug that was present only in exported version, but not in editor.
The fix was to put 2s timer and stop sound after timeout signal and that's from delay comes from.

The bug for playing again was spotted after uploading the game and is caused by the fact that we forgot to reset game state when starting new one and it's crashing.
It's all fixed already and waiting for jam to end to upload new version.

Here is your reward: While in Main Menu tap on keyboard: "iroll20". You should hear the short laugh and now you have 7 lucky dices and you are invincible.

Thank you for playing!

Great game! Why you hid it under this black and white splash image?

The controls are smooth and idea is interesting. I see that art and music is online asset, but that's fine.

I played through the whole game in one go and never thought about rage quiting. (Maybe I played to much Celeste?)

Chaining the double jump in credit scene was the best part of the game, but you never used it in any normal level...

Good game overall and with great potential!

I liked your game. The movement was smooth and the idea was good. You used the wildcard in interesting way and game makes sense overall.

For the next game try to include some splash image and screenshots for you game.
Without it and with missing .pck file it looks like unplayable game.

The mistake of not including .pck file could be easily resolved. Just contact Bakenshake in GWJ server and she would let you upload complete version.

After fixing that you will have 2x amount of ratings without any issue.

It's the game from the BornCG tutorial right?

For my defence I can say that if you put cursor on the 7 skill it says:

"Put dice of value 7 to make skills twice as effective" and you need to put dice that sum up to 7 and other dices will be twice as effective (like 2x 6 = 12) :D

(1 edit)

Thank you for playing.

The "7" skill works, but there is 2s delay between activating it an update of the actions. Even if stats don't update the boost still works in the code. You can activate it by putting dice of value 7 inside and wait until the stat box starts blinking green.

The delay was caused by last minute fix we did, because in exported version we had an issue with sound looping that don't exist is editor version.😔

The fight take very long time if both you and enemy heal and block. You can make them much quicker by playing offensively ;)

Thank you for playing once again!

Thank you for playing! You are right. The "7" skill is not worth using at the start, but later in the game you have 5+ dice and it's veeeery useful. You can boost your actions to incredible values.

Also optimal strategy seems to be attacking as much as possible if you have more dice value then enemy can block

That's ok. You don't need to explain yourself and I don't blame you for using the assets. It's allowed.
I never thought that you tried to ```pass off any of the assets as my own creation```. That was not my intention.
You made credits file so it's fair and square.

I just wanted to know what you did, because it's not stated anywhere and I don't know that you are programmer. I literally look for any information on who you are and what you did in this game so I can check if it's good or not :)

Just a single note that: "Programming and putting all this stuff together by Aether95" will be enough.

Like man... Show off a bit. Tell me what you did so I can praise you :)

Game looks impressive. I was impressed with pixel art, but then I saw it's downloaded asset, then I like the sfx and it was also downloaded asset.

Finally I downloaded credits.txt and I still don't know what part of game YOU did.

I know that  it's allowed to use assets, but for me the idea of the jam is to show what you are able to do in this timeframe.

So I think you should stated most clearly what is downloaded asset and what is your work (like inside the game, not in the file that I need to download) and TBH I would prefer simpler art and sfx, but made by you. Other solution to this is to team up with artist and musician.

So generally good idea, but for me it lost the charm as a jam game.

Yea. It was literally last minute fix. We had issue with sound looping.

In the code the boost works, but display have a 2s delay until it starts updating. 

Thank you for playing and I'm glad you enjoyed the game. We worked really hard ☺️

From my experience the working strategy against Lich is being more offensive :

- block/heal on weak rolls

- Attack if you have more dice value then Lich can block.

-Wait for good roll like 6, 5, 6, 4, 3.

- Use 4 and 3 to trigger "7" skill and get 2x boost

- Use other dice for attack. (You should deal 17 x2 = 34 damage this way.)

- after 2-3 attacks like that you should be done even if Lich heals or blocks. (He has 50 HP)

This way the fight usually take like 3-5 turns to finish. Being defensive gives Lich a chance to heal and fight will go forever.

There is still more in the game (2 more enemies on swamps and final fight with Big Bad). I encourage you to give it a second chance ;)

(1 edit)

Oof. You stopped playing at the best moment. With 5 dices it starts to be easy to use "7" skill.
Sorry to hear you find it repeatable. Some fight are skippable. You just need to clear the one that block path to boss so you don't need to clear the whole desert.

From my experience the working strategy against lich is usually more offensive and like :
- block/heal on weak rolls
-Wait for good roll like 6, 5, 6, 4, 3.
- Use 4 and 3 to trigger "7" skill and get 2x boost
- Use other dice for attack. (You should deal 17 x2 = 34 damage this way.)
- after 2-3 attacks like that you should be done even if Lich heals or blocks. (He has 50 HP)

Game ending is very fun and you missed 2 more unique enemies + final big bad fight.
Thank you for trying our game and I encourage you to play to the end :)

If you still have hard time finishing the game then I can share cheatcode that will give you 7 lucky dices and you don't need to finish every fight ;)