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A member registered Jun 18, 2019 · View creator page →

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Fair criticism on the UI element, I myself suffered a lot while playtesting from it as well but had no time to fix it. Thanks for playing!

Glad you enjoyed the radar part! I was really worried the game would be too flat haha

This is all great feedback! I had the same idea to make the messages tab light up more after watching some friends playtest it but I ended up having to forgo it due to time constraints. Thanks for playing though!

Thanks for playing! And yep, you totally got it, I had this idea after watching a video about Duskers

Thanks for playing! We actually playtested this with some friends and ran into the same issue, given more time I would have definitely liked to add more guidance, unfortunately I started the jam quite late haha

Thanks for playing! Glad you enjoyed the juice!

A little of both honestly haha. I'm amazed that you managed to get something complex done in such a short amount of time, but at the same time I can't understand what's going on

Rogue-like deck builder and snake is a great idea! Cool game!

Cool visual vibes and music, but I couldn't for the life of me read any of the text or figure out what the gameplay was

The game seems crazy complex! It's boggling how you were able to cram so many different mechanics in there!

(1 edit)

Thank you for playing! Looks like you and our team had the same idea but diverged ultimately, was interesting to play your game too!

Beautiful art and a simple but addictive gameplay loop! I got more invested in this than I thought I would be, really cool idea and executed really well!

Very cool visual ideas! The constantly shifting colours when you restart is a very nice touch. But I did notice there were fruits that would sometimes spawn way too close to the wall to be collected without dying, or maybe I'm just bad at snake

Interesting gameplay, but like smemulon said, way too much hitstop haha

Cool game design ideas, but I wish the shark was a little faster!

Nice visuals and simple but fun gameplay!

Thanks for playing and glad you enjoyed the juice!

Great game. I think I did a pretty good job

Thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing! Yup, I wanted a score counter too, but it was just too much of a rush haha

Thank you for the kind connect! Would have loved to add the sfx too haha but definitely weren't enough time lol


Thank you for the kind comment!

Thanks for all the valid criticisms!

Unfortunately for our team, we started a day late to the jam due to personal issues, and the idea was just kind of scrambled together on the night of the first day. I think one of the big mistakes I made with design was the inclusion of heals when killing an enemy with a risky play. After a few waves, there's pretty much no incentive anymore to even play with a real strategy. As for what you pointed out though, the idea was that the play of choosing a position with knowledge of your attack pattern beforehand would be punished with less damage, but I do suppose that it wasn't really punished as well as it could have been!

Thanks for bearing with the text tutorial! Glad you liked the game :

Thanks for playing! Glad you liked the hand haha. I got it as a result of a mis-input but it was too funny to remove

Thanks for playing! And I have to agree with you haha . Hopefully, after the jam, we'll have more time to rebalance the game!

Thank you! I just watched the video of you and your friend trying the game, and I'm glad that you guys liked it so much!

We've decided to hunker down for a few weeks and completely finish the game, then release it as a full game. At this point we've already finished some big systems that'll hopefully make the game much better! For one there's actually a quest system now!

Boss refilled my health to 100 and then instakilled me after that, 10/10

Amazing game, wish you included the exe in the file too, but amazing regardless


Thank you! Glad you enjoyed the juice!

Really neat concecpt! Unfortunately, I just couldn't play the game for too long, the timer on the bullet seems to run out really quick

Really simple concept, but executed quite well! Wish it was a bit faster paced tho

Really fun game! Pretty hard tho, couldn't get anything higher than 83

Solid game!

Really cool idea! Got a bit dizzy from steering the bullet around so much tho haha

Cool game! I actually killed borg like 5 times before I figured out I was supposed to help him lol

Thanks a lot for playing! Glad you enjoyed it :)

Thank you for playing!