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Janos Biro

A member registered Sep 18, 2017 · View creator page →

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Olá, eu também. Você quer ajudar na tradução PTBR?

400 Trillions. Why?

(1 edit)

My ball glitched outside the game space. Now I know how a level feels when I fall off the floor or through a wall.

I worked until I was 65 and then stopped, because it didn't make sense anymore. I died at 79, which is good enough for me.

great game

I'm sorry I misunderstood your first comment. You're right, from a certain point of view it does seem like passivity. From my point of view, I think it's more realistic that the established power, regardless of the warnings and regardless of what we can do individually, will not do anything. The cool teacher actually does something, he goes there and invades the rich people's bunker. My question is, in that situation, what else could be done to "mitigate the damage"? They had already past the point of no return. We have to admit there's a possibility of this to happen, horrific as it can be. I'm not even sure we can even affect the outcome of our situation right now. I have no evidence that we can. Sometimes I have hope, sometimes I don't.

I am 42 years old and have spent over 20 years trying to do something, only to have my struggles commodified to entertain younger generations. So the fact that nobody does anything in this game strikes me as more realistic than a vague hope that we can change something, even if we do resort to radical actions. It's not that there's nothing to be done, it's that nobody in power is going to do anything. I don't mean to sound nihilistic, but I can understand the idea that there's no future. When you can't believe in something without evidence, you can't believe in fighting for a better future without evidence that this outcome is possible, considering the damage we already done and the generalized lack of will to change.

I loved "Trash the Planet" and wanted to do something similar for this jam using Twine. I'll try to do the best I can with the little time I have left. My idea is a game where time runs backwards, civilization is deconstructed so that we can see the effect of human life becoming simpler and simpler.

Got second place. Nice game.

Any possibility to translate this to Portuguese?

This is a game I've wanted for 20 years. Thanks for making it real.

1. This seems more like a personal opinion on anprim.

2. Can you provide any evidence that the raccoons had any ability to reverse course or affect anything if they tried really hard? I know it is really about us, humans, but I could ask you the same question anyway. If you do, please send me the sources. I've been looking into it since 1998. I can assure you everyone who studies human ecology and climate change would love to hear this great news. What seems bleak and overly cynical to most people is actually quite realistic when you face the real data about our ability to revert after we reach a certain point.

3. This I can agree with. It sounds naively optimistic. But to think that we can do anything to stop climate change after we reach the $lol concentration of money, without any solid evidence for it, seems even more naively optimistic. The hope that at least some of us will find a way to survive rebuilding a community similar to what our ancestors had is the only realistic hope we can get after the downfall of civilization.

Overall, your criticism seems to be based on the belief that the situation the raccoons got themselves into "wasn't that bad", as if their science was simply wrong. It seems to reflect your own belief that the situation we're currently in isn't as bad as specialists say. And I wonder if you have what it takes to support that belief.

I finished a digital version and update of a board game I made for my brother last year.


String of Pearls is a song by Soul Asylum, written by David Pirner and released in 1995, in the album Let Your Dim Light Shine.

I made the lyrics it into a small Twine game. Hope you enjoy.

I'm afraid this will become a category.

Sim, isso é para evitar problemas na hora de clicar.

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Overrun is an RPG based on the Shadowrun universe (FASA, 1989). The objective is to complete missions of sabotage and data extraction from corporate systems. Overrun has a random mission generator as well as a main story.

This is a remake of a game I made in 1996 using QBASIC. This version has a turn-based combat mechanic and extended dialogue.

Overrun community · Created a new topic English version

Link to the English version of Overrun: [BR Portuguese]

Um RPG cyberpunk baseado em Shadowrun.

No female base?

Não precisa pedir permissão, o código está aí pra isso. Editar é mais fácil. Se precisar de ajuda ou tiver alguma dúvida, me avisa pelo e-mail

Infelizmente não. Não pensei em fazer com essa intenção.

What did you used to make it? 

Thank you!


It is possible to integrate some solutions using mouse inputs. For example, right click to look, left click to move/interact, mouse wheel to change the verb.

Yeah, it's a demo of a "point&click" choice system for Twine/SugarCube, so it's all about the code and not at all about graphics. But it could be used with graphics too.

Thank you. I've played a lot of your games, they are very good.

Thank you. I've played your game too, I liked the story and the art a lot. I hate those jerks too.

Thank you. I loved the art in your game, it's really good.

Great game. I got to room 60.

I can make a lot more than this with Twine.

Thank you.

Wow, Osmos is great 2009 game that would fit this theme perfectly.

Will do.

An insightful commentary on the dangers of feline domestication. ;)

Spoiler Alert

My score: 99.