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A member registered Nov 07, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks! 🙌

(1 edit)


Released my first game ever a week or so ago and would love to get feedback on it!

Let me know if it gets boring after a while, if you like to play it or if its lacking content!

A new huge Christmas update should be coming soon so I want your feedback to be part of it!


In 3 years of using unity never happened, maybe its the coders fault hahaha

Unity wins ez

Coming very soon!

Visiting the direct Google play link doesnt work?

Same! Thats why I knew it didnt work for you! Did you manage to download?

Hi! Hitting the download button simply opens this page:

It isnt working because you have pop-ups disabled in your browser most likely!

Hi Zakaria! What do you mean? You installed the game and when you run it, it doesnt even launch?

Thanks, that means a lot! If you get an error such as "No suported devices" its because of Google, they fixed it but it should take about  6 hours from now to go into effect!

bla bla

[shameless self promo nº2]

Give Cowardly Heroes a try!

An awesome and fun casual arcade game!

Looking for feedback on my latest game release: Cowardly Heroes!

Heyo! Im a Indie solo developer, I love to make games and just recently finished my very first project ever: Cowardly Heroes!

I dont like to market my game, its not easy and as Nevada mentioned, you run the risk of people looking down on you.

I actually just released my first game ever yesterday, Cowardly Heroes, and its not easy to market the game at all.

Shall we start the christmas topic?

Unity forever! Love that damn game engine haha!

Actually just released my first game ever using Unity!

Loving your videos Zakaria! Keep it up! Just released my first game ever if you want to take a look! 🙌

Just released my first game ever: Cowardly Heroes❗ 🙌🙌

Its a fun, pixel-art based awesome game!

More info on its page!

I also made a trailer for the game!:

Hey Zakaria! I made my first game ever: Cowardly Heroes!

But its a mobile game so I dont know if you will play it, but either way, heres the trailer I made and its Page!

(1 edit)

Hey guys! Just released my first game ever!

Cowardly Heroes is a free 2d pixel-art based fun casual arcade mobile game!

You can watch the games trailer right here:

And find more info on its page or on its Google Play Store page!

Any feedback is appreciated!

Have an awesome day!

I LOVE this art! Thanks! I used it in my game Cowardly Heroes:

Check it out!

Thanks a lot! Used it on my game!

Check it out!

LOVED the minotaur! So much I used it in my game! Thanks!

Check it out!

Loved this asset! Must say I had to use it in my game and it looks amazing! Thanks a lot.

Cowardly Heroes: Check it out!

Thanks! Made a game and I use your assets in it! Check it out!