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A member registered Jul 01, 2020 · View creator page →

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I can't tell for sure since I don't own one but it should work with every standard midi controller. Thus it should be ok with nanopad 2.  If it wasn't the case, you could ask for refund to support.

Thank you for reporting the issue. While I try to fix it, I temporarily reverted the mac download to the previous release.

You could also make the latest version work by doing:

  1. Open Terminal
  2. cd to the folder
  3. xattr -rc *.app
  4. Double-click, it will open

Thanks for the feature suggestion, a visual editor would be a good addition. I'll consider adding it in a next release.

In the latest releases, the communication has been changed to websocket. This should hopefully fix your connection issues. Be sure to update both Sound Show and Sound Show Remote

Go to the Options view and then to the "button commands" tab. Then you can click on any button and changes it's assigne key. Note that you assign a key to a button and not directly to an audio clip. If you change the current tab it will be the other audio clip at that position that would be triggered.

the buttons that where there have been replaced by the menu bar on top

Not sure about your problem. Is it for streaming or sending in a voice chat?
If so, Sound Show plays sounds only your output device but you can use software like VB-Cable and voicemeeter ( to have your output goes into an input device.
Hope this helps.

Thanks for the additional info.
Yes, some UDP traffic may be blocked by some routers.
Websocket implementation will be more reliable in all kind of networks. I've a version that already works with websocket but that need some more polish. You can expect it to be part of a next release  (probably in max a month). If you need it before let me know. 


Sorry for the connections problem

Could you tell me the info on the server window on Sound Show desktop ?
I noticed that there could be some problems when there are a lot of sounds preconfigured. If it is the case, maybe try with a smaller library. 
The current technology that I use for the communication seems not reliable on some network. I'll try to switch soon to a websocket implementation that will be more reliable (and that will allow external program interaction through an API)

I'll add the possibility for multi-window mode. Thanks for the suggestion!

Thanks for the nice comment and the support :)
I will fix the spelling in next release

I released a new version with some of your suggested features such as drag and drop to reorder instructions. The full release note :

Thank you again for the detailed feedback and good suggestions 🙂

I'll reply in more details later (or will just fix bugs/implement the changes) but will already reply to a few points 

- Deleting a library already kind of works. It is just that you need to save after having done the delete of the library. There is a bug, the save icon doesn't show when just deleting a library, so make an other change and save and it should work.

- "The search menu for a sound within an instruction displays search results, but the titles of these search results are not visible." To be sure, do you mean it show empty rows ? I just made a test, It seems to be the case with long title where there are no space between words. I'll fix that.

- There is already a button to load all the sounds of the current page of a category. Do you mean a button to load all the sounds of all the categories of the current library ? If so, that seems risky to load to much in memory causing perf problems, but I guess it makes sense for some use case where you know you'll need all or most of the sounds of the library

Yes, I'm interested in feedbacks: bug reports or feature/improvement requests. Thank you!

A new version has been released. All the things you mentioned should be ok now: simultaneous instructions, nested loop fixed, no need to nest an instruction to configure it to loop... (release note:

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In the new released version, the sound length is now ok for variable bitrates

 A new version has been released, the autoplay feature takes now only into account the sounds it launched itself to know if it has to launch a new sound

Glad to hear that helped! Have an amazing day too :)

Currently the autoplay feature of the playlist system will play a new sound when no other sounds are playing.
Your request make sense and I'll change this behavior in the future so that it only takes into account sounds launched from the playlist.
In the meantime, you could use the instruction system to play sounds one after another. You can drag and drop sound button in the instruction pane, you'll need to set each instruction to autostart to not have to press the GO button.


I changed the bitrate of an mp3 song with Audacity to 64kbps, 128kbps, 192kbps and  320kbps and it worked fine for each rate in Sound Show. What software do you use for conversion ?
Maybe you can contact me through so that you can share with me the audio files by mail.

I understand your concerns with Unity's history, but I remain confident that Unity is the right tool for Sound Show. The choice to use it has been key to how far this project has come: multiplatform support, strong multimedia capabilities, a rich asset store, and ease of programming with C# are just a few to mention. Unity's board seems to have realized they can't do everything they want. Their leadership has changed since the latest events. Also, if they make really bad changes in the future, it will only affect new versions of Unity. So, I feel quite confident for the time being.
Thank you for the kind words about Sound Show :)

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Thank you for the info. There seems to have been a problem in the build process. I uploaded a new version SoundShow-Linux-Pro-20240309 that should  be ok.

Thanks for taking the time for this detailed post :-)  This kind of feedback is really helpful

Hello, I understand that it could help a lot especially for the configuration views.
I don't know when I will be able to add new translations, once it is done reviewing it will certainly help me.

Thanks for reporting, I'll check that

Weird, it seems like the sounds are not loading. Can you check in your options if the option "Stream sounds" is checked. If it is, uncheck it. I'll try to figure out the problem.

In the latest version of Sound Show Pro, you can now define the grid size (in the option view, in the 'Visual' tab). Release note

1. Since last release, all the paths are now only with '/' to ensure compatibility with all platforms

thanks for the info, just in time for me to put this change in the latest release. When multiple files are dropped, they are now added in alphabetical order


1. I'll check that slash issue, thanks for reporting.

2. Backspace would not fade out sounds when the focus is on a text field (for example on a search input). When focused the fields are in yellow color to make it clear that the keyboard is used to write text rather than execute actions. Could it be that ? 
Sound Show generates some logs but nothing that would help in that case. 

Nice to hear 😃

I will add some grid dimensions configuration in the future. In the meantime, on windows, for a simpler interface, you could use the windows version of the remote app .  It still lacks many features, but maybe it's enough for your usage.


Thanks for the kind words.

Sound Show is made with the Unity game engine and sadly Unity doesn't support build for ARM, so I can't make a release for raspberry.

You can maybe make the Linux version run on your raspberry with Box64. But I have no idea how complicated it is and how it would affect the performance.

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A new version has been released that should fix all those problems  
Release notes

Ok, I think I see the problem. It works for me because I have those scenes in a common widget in QLC+ that guarantees that there is only one scene active at the same time. When I remove the widget, it works the way you described.

I'll provide some changes to the way Sound Show works with QLC Functions. I'll try to provide this new version as soon as possible. In the meantime, you could have a workaround by creating a widget.

Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for your feedback

Alternatively, there is also the possibility to hide some tabs.
In edit mode, you can click to edit a category and hide it. It will then only be seen in edit mode.
I use this to hide some specific tabs that have no use for my current show.


I encounter the same behaviour you describe when qlc+ is in design mode. When qlc+ is in play mode it works well. 
Inside qlc+, you can switch between mode with the button on the top right of the interface (with a play icon or stop icon).
Hope this helps, if you still have an issue let me know 

- you can already have different sets of sounds with different tabs. You must go to the library view (by clicking the musical note icon on the top left ) and create a new library. You can then select the library you want to be active
- Ability to have a portable mode is something that I want to add in the future

Thanks for the kind feedback and the suggestions !

In the latest release, I added a button to record some sound  from the microphone directly  into Sound Show. It is a first version of the recording feature so there may be some adjustments in the future, but it is functional. 


Inside the Microphone pane on top the UI, there is now a button "Start recording"

Once started it records from the selected input device and you can stop the recording from clicking the button again.

When the recording is stopped, a new sound will be added at the end of the currently selected category.


It is only available in the paid version since I want to add extra gadgets that are interesting but not essentials into this version. 

Since you were the one requesting it, I don't want to trap you into buying it. So if you want, you can ask for a free version with this feature by contacting me  Sound Show - Contact Form


  • A current annoyance that will need to be fixed is that the recording sound is also sent to the output while recording.
  • Currently the recorded sound files are put in a folder in the Sound Show app data folder. In the future, it would be nice if the user could configure it.

This feature would be fun to have. I'm confident I can implement it without too much complexity. I'm targeting to release it by January at the latest.

The latest version released includes the following changes :

  • A confirmation popup will appear when you attempt to close the software with unsaved modifications
  • The software now defaults to opening the most recently used library instead of the first one in the list
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Thanks for the nice  comment.

Yes, you can  export your sound library from a computer with all the audio files and import it on an other computer.
To do that, you need to go in the "Sounds library" view by clicking the musical note on top 

Then you can select the sound library that you want to export and click on the export button on the bottom
You'll need to specify a path and it will create folder with your sound library and all the sounds

That folder can be copied on another computer
Then you will have to use the "Import" button.
And specify the json file in the copied folder.
Note : You can't currently just export a category or an item, it is the whole library


Thanks for the feedback.

  • The sound library loaded at start is the first one of the list. You can reorder them so that your library is the first one and it will be loaded at start. In a next version, I could make so that it is the last one active that will be loaded at the start.
  • Sorry about your loss of configurations. I prefer manual save than automatically at each change, so that if we do changes that we don't want to keep we have the possibility to just quit without saving. But I'll try to add a confirmation window when the app is closing while there are unsaved changes