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A member registered Jun 06, 2020 · View creator page →

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Тема - ідеально, тут без питань. Ґеймплей, ігролад, ігровий процес, ще як його називають - доволі веселий і добре підв’язаний під тему. Графіка - подобається. Дуже чітка палітра і консистентна деталізація, єдине, що білі чоловічки вибиваються. Аудіо - ну, небагато, але піде. Креативність - в принципі зробити ґеймплей з жарту про “тук-тук” “хто там?” це найвищий рівень креативності тут в принципі.

9 злих сусідів-нацистів з 10

My submission for Global Game Jam 2024 - short vertical shoot em up game about Deu, looking for members for his humor team. Has one stage (due to time constraints) with mini boss and boss. Controls are how you would expect it, except you don’t have any bombs.

Inspired by Touhou, obviously. There is a lot of similar things.

This game was sort of fun challenge for me to make. It’s the first time I used framework ( instead of full fledged engine, and I think it turned out really great, so I wanted to share it outside of the jam :D

Nice game, didn’t make it past level 3 though. Fun gameplay, nice graphic and sounds, as well as overall feedback. Didn’t see the connection to the theme though. I also was try to see the logic where enemies will fall

*probably the WR and I’m definitely the best person at playing this game *

yeh, absolutely

Extremely short, doesn’t fits the theme

This game is just… wow. I literally have no complaints except that interaction is a bit weird and I don’t quite understand how I should position myself and aim for it to work 100%, otherwise it’s just straight up great. I love the visuals and sounds, I love the feedback, I love the style and the atmosphere… One of my favourites now

Here is mine

Short decent game. I feel like sound design wasn’t enough, music is nice but got a bit weird dissonant harmonics (for my taste at least). Gameplay idea is ok, but it’s too simple. Despite lacking in sound design game’s feel is still pretty great. Simple and nice UI. Fits the theme pretty much too.

Why did it even count “I” as link

I actually started to get creeped out at one point, I think it could get even more creepy. Gameplay is fun and nice, plus that was pretty great utilization of the theme. I love sound design, but the music is too repetetive for my taste. Graphic is not exactly great, but considering how well the gameplay and the narrative were I think I can forgive it. Good job

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I just need 6 ratings so far

the walls looked like you can land and run on them, but you fall through them and lose

I definitely shouldn’t have made these walls this big, they never were meant to be jumped from

Damn, I love old shooters despite being not skilled at this genre at all, and I enjoyed this game a lot, it was very fun. I like the movement (I’m not sure, was there bhopping? :D). I really enjoy the overall feel, I enjoy the sounds. Enemy animations though make this game look a bit like some asset flip on Steam, lol, also, despite overall liking the feel, combat doesn’t really feels this good, like there is not enough feedback. I like the sounds, especially the damage ones, very Quake-ish. Nice!

Aside from UI it’s incredible beautiful game. Maybe I just love underwater settings a lot, but it was really nice. Controls are not exactly the best, I didn’t feel the weight and that it’s actual diving exactly well. Atmosphere is great. Theme is obviously perfect here. Sounds are nice as well. Just very relaxing and calming game.

It could be great calm puzzle and concept is nice, but there is a lot of problems. Where can we start… movement is really bad here. It’s too slow (Left Shift didn’t make it so much better), jump slows you down for some reason, not to mention that springs work absolutely weirdly. Music fits, sounds are bit weird and doesn’t really gives any feedback. Polishing in game jams is questionable theme, but I basically could skip one of the levels (don’t remember which exactly, but here was one level with some gameplay that I basically completed by pulling only one lever), also I stuck on 9th level because the box just fell off the conveyor belt (maybe I missed something, but I feel like it’s not how it should be)…

Could be good, but the execution is not great.

Textures and UV maps could use a little work, there’s some seams and stretching that are quite noticeable

Forgive me my sins, I just hate working with 3D models and levels and got really annoyed

Weird game, to be honest… I didn’t really understood what’s happening here, lol. Music adds some tension that isn’t really here actually, sound design… where, it doesn’t exists. Controls feels nice, but sound is lacking sadly. Gameplay isn’t bad, but nothing more, really (says me, the person who just made some first person platformer). Fits theme perfectly tho.

Okay, so here is the first GameMaker entry I ever see on this jam. Nice little game. I like how it feels, I like how it is polished, nice sounds and graphics. The music is looped a bit weirdly, but that’s not that bad. I didn’t exactly see the connection to the theme though.

Yo, that’s fun game! I like these games where you’re like using some sort of operating system, and in this case it was some short fun ARG.

And yes, I also like cheese with holes in it.

Nya meow mew mrrp :3

Really nice atmospheric game. Great art direction. I like the writing. Gameplay in this game is not something great or innovative, but I think in this case it was made to work for the story, and it does it job. I really want more

Overall good but a bit weird game. Controls feel good, but jump feels weird because character is not accelerating at all when falling. Nice wall-running mechanics. Graphics is not the best, but it looks nice in closed locations. Sound design

When the siren sound started, I instinctively took out my phone to see if it’s air raid there, lol

Overall nice game, runs smoothly, overall got not bad feedback. I didn’t make it through computer password puzzle sadly


It’s fun game with narrative bits, but it gives by far not the best feedback, especially on the warrior (I could not play as the warrior actually because of it). The sound when enemy hits you is too loud and overall sound design is kinda meh. Fits theme in narrative and gameplay sense good. Graphics is quite nice. There are a lot of weird stuff also happening (for instance my camera for some reason could only rotate for the certain range when I only started the game, also on last level I just could stuck between the pipes and shoot bosses from here, which was really funny). Overall good, just could be better.

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Sadly the wall jumps are bugged

Well, they aren’t, but it seems like it was a big mistake to make it work only in case if your vertical velocity is above certain value

Nice game, and it actually made me laugh a bit on the start - I wasn’t expecting these sounds at all, they fit so well. Good feedback (though it definitely could be better). Art is nice as well. Gameplay is fun. I think theme using here is a bit stretched (still better than my game that does not fit the theme at all).

Here’s my naughty boy -

Fun game and good atmosphere, I like how the lighting is done here. Feedback was lacking for me though.

This is top notch game for me already. Visuals are great, sounds are great, MUSIC is great, gameplay is fun (but a bit hard for me personally, I didn’t manage to make it past 2nd level). Attack feedbacks isn’t that great though, but overall it’s absolutely great entry

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This is my first Brackeys Game Jam entry I have ever finished (I previously tried 2022.1 and 2023.1, failed)

Якось не дуже. Візуал прикольний, але все інше якось не дуже. Кіт відчувається трохи дивно із його інерцією під час руху. Геймплей… ну, норм. Як ця гра пов’язана з темою, я взагалі не зрозумів

В цілому прикольна гра і добре використана тема, але вона якось не відчувається. Презентація теж могла бути дещо кращою

Реалізація теми не дуже, але дуже весела гра сама по собі. Так ще й актуальна. Шкода, що докінця прибити всі фабрики і вагони не вийшло.

Норм, щоправда для геймплей закінчився рівно на тому моменті, коли ти відкриваєш всю алкашню. Я ще й примудрився випасти за карту

Файний хоррор, в перший раз навіть злякався. Щоправда тема розкрита тільки на рівні того, що “треба втекти на іншу сторону” і все, тож не дуже. Оформлення класне + звуковий дизайн на рівні, єдине, що звуки зовсім трошечки earrape. Але стає дуже легко, якщо знайдеш палицю (чи шо це), один раз я таки програв і трошки дрогнув.

Дуже класна ідея і весела, мені подобається. Графічно мені не дуже подобається, музика… ну, як музика, піде. Але між сторонами плутаюсь, що пздц, більше 30 секунд не витягую

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Точно не найгірша)

На джемі можливо ні, але я казав про свої ігри на джеми в цілому. Це просто найгірша гра, яку я взагалі колись зробив. Баг із стрибком пов’язаний із кількістю кадрів в секунду і тим, як у мене він хендлиться - я трошки по-тупому там зробив. Хотів би оновлення завантажити (бо я зробив білд, де це виправив), але не можна Q_Q

Файна гра. Дуже подобається такий тип ігор, де ти використовуєш якусь операційку чи шось на кшталт. Добре відчувається. Ну і те, що гра себе видаляє було трохи несподівано.

Але вона якось спішить із подіями на мій погляд, проте можна скинути на обмеження в часі.