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A member registered Oct 25, 2021 · View creator page →

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I am having the same issue here, but using -force-vulkan fails without error for me. I'm assuming my graphics card is just super old and doesn't have Vulkan support, anyone know of a way around this that doesn't involve -force-vulkan? I had this running just fine on a Mint install (at least version 2.2), but version 2.3 isn't working on my EndeavorOS install.

Looks awesome!

I have been trying to take my models, export them and make a black outline in Blender, but it exports all the materials and it makes it nearly impossible to make a black outline for the whole model in blender. I have been exporting my models by the Blender preset. Anyone able to help here?

Awesome! Fair enough, I was playing around with the hexagons last night and it can be tough to align it all and whatnot. Either way, this all looks awesome!

I tried adding a screenshot of the sword but for some reason the forum wasn't letting me. Essentially though, when trying to add a border (about 2:30) there were horizontal lines all across the blade rather than an actual border.

I was wondering if anyone was able add cell shading with Blender from an exported Asset Forge file? I tried with a basic sword following this tutorial, and it didn't work as expected.

This also can work by just having you .desktop file pointing to where Asset Forge is. It doesn't really have to be in any special place, just make sure it's executable and you can launch anything with a .desktop file from anywhere.

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That looks super cute! I think it would work really well with hexagonal tiles.

What you linked to is Asset Forge 2.x, so you already own it.

Thank you! I will check out the video at some point today!

Thanks, I never noticed that before!

How did you change the background image in Asset Forge?

Thanks for the info! In the announcement for the future of Asset Forge you showed enhanced 2D export options in Asset Forge 3.0, will a version of that make it in to 2.0 if 3.0 doesn't get released any time soon or would it be too hard to backport?

I love the work you are doing and am really enjoying Asset Forge and Kenshape! It's literally the only way someone like me (very non-artistic) can make good looking assets! 

This forum seems fairly dead so I may not get a response but figured I may as well ask, any word on Asset Forge 3.0? It was just under a year ago that Kenney announced it but there hasn't been any word since then that I could find? I looked on Kenney's twitter for the last few months and didn't see any Asset Forge mentions there and am kinda out of spots to look so I figured I would ask here where there is the highest chance of Kenney seeing it.

I went and looked on the Twitter over the last few months (back to August-November) and noticed there hadn't been any word on Asset Forge in that time frame. Any updates on this?

Had fun with this. Found myself really rushing when the time ran out.

I originally had it where the player would stop when someone talked to them but very late in the jam I had some issues with my dialog system and had to redo it from scratch and didn't have time to re-implement the stopping sadly.

I originally had it where the player would stop when someone talked to them but very late in the jam I had some issues with my dialog system and had to redo it from scratch and didn't have time to re-implement the stopping sadly. I also tried to change the font colors of the numbers but I definitely could have reworked that to get it to be more clear. Thank you for the feedback, it is really helpful!

I really like the idea here, great fun!

There was a bug with the timer starting too early but I unfortunately ran out of time. Thank you for the kind words though, this is the first game I've ever made so it is far from great but I had a good time.

Thanks to my slow/laggy computer I managed just under 1400 points. Pretty fun and gets pretty challenging.

Good fun to be had with this game. Found myself playing it a bit more than I expected.

The only thing I wish was different is that the vacuum would follow the mouse. Aside from that, good fun to be had and I love the visuals.

I really like the idea and the art!

I really like the art here and it is pretty fun to play!

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I like how there isn't a fail state and each fall aside from the last lands you on a platform of some kind. Really helped my first run not last only a few seconds!

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This is really nice but I do have two things I wished were different. The first being the ability to open more than one project at a time and just have them in tabs. The second one (and a more needed improvement in my opinion) is the ability to add layers. For example, I wanted to add eyes to something with the circular type input but it leaves a blank space around it where the other boxes meet. So with layers you could add eyes (or any rounded/diagonal shape) on top without adding that empty space. Still though, I really enjoy this tool and give it like 8/10 but with just the second improvement I think it would be a 9.5/10.