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A member registered May 05, 2020 · View creator page →

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The art direction is amazing! Using the limited colour pallet was a smart decision for ensuring that art assets could be produced quickly, combined with good aesthetic style, and being able to produce so much shows that your artist is very skilled! (I think they also reused some of the leg walkcycles, that's really smart!)

The gameplay is very satisfying, I particularly enjoyed the spider mechanic. However, this is definitely minimal viable product, and it's clear where you cut corners to get it done within the timeframe of the game jam. This isn't a bad thing, just noticeable.

The QA could be better, there are a few bugs in the game like being able to move while refilling fireflys sometimes, and sometimes the physics glitch and you bounce around all over the place. Your music also doesn't loop forever. There is also the full screen issue (which is solvable, our team ran into the same issue during our first gamejam (I think we manually set the resolutions to some value, and make sure to use the minimal unity html5 template) My game's viewport is too big for the page, can i make it smaller with CSS? - Questions & Support - ).

Anyway, all of these are minor gripes. This game is really fun! Congrats!

Congrats on making a nice clicker! I got all the shop upgrades maxed out! 

Would have been nice if there were sounds to make it more polished, but still a solid fun game!

That is very likely as it doesn't match up with level 2 in our level design diagrams. Sorry about that mate, but congrats on getting past level 2!

For those still stuck (HINT: use the blue light to distract the guards)

Glad you enjoyed our game! The music and game design was all done by Medley Games ! He is awesome, you can check out some of the other games he helped compose music for by checking his profile out!

Nice platformer! The lantern switches are a really cool concept, congrats on getting that implemented! The combat was also pretty well polished I feel.

However, speaking about the platforms, they were a bit glitchy for me when I tried to walk on them, also, the lantern catched on ledges, but neither of these issues prevented me from completing the level. 

The sounds are amazing, in that you were able to implement so many and they all fit together really well to create the soundscape.

The lighting was really consistent and worked well with the levels, I found each level fun to complete once I got a handle on the controls.

The levels were fun, and at one point I thought I got stuck but then I checked and you implemented a reset level in your menu (which is something our team frequently forgets to do!). So overall, this was a really solid entry and excited to see more from your team!

It's a fun runner game! I really liked the art (omg you got so many art assets, it's very professional), and Minnie in her balloon in the background was a really nice touch that just made me smile every time I saw it.

The game mechanics are simple but well executed, and the complexity/scope was well suited to the length of time given for the gamejam. Congrats on getting it done!

If I was to recommend one thing, it would be to create a web html5 build of your game so that your game can be played in the browser. You worked really hard on the game, and making it more accessible is important so you can show it to more people.

I got a high score of firefly x 47 (13), 401m, 0s

18880 total.

Glad to hear you both enjoyed Frog is Infinite!

Great work on beating the final level! It was the most difficult level for our team to beat (some of us haven't even beaten it yet!).  😃

Thanks for playing our game! ❤️ 

Yeah the visual indicators rock! I'm so grateful to the members of our team that were able to implement it in time!

Spinny shooty space station of death! Really fun first few minutes, but wish there was more to the game once you filled every slot with turrets. Still a solid submission for the jam!

I really liked the transition from the menu to the start of the game in the beginning, that was really cool!

Very fun laser puzzle game! Definitely a standout of the jam!

Cute concept. Short and sweet!

Nice! Good core mechanics. The text on the signs is a bit hard to read. But overall a good concept!

(1 edit)

It's space FUNgus... eh? XD

Glad you're having fun!

Thanks for checking out the game and for the feedback!

Fun memory game, reminds me of card matching games!

I saw this on discord and was looking around for it last night! Glad to see you made it 6 minutes and 46 seconds before the deadline!

Really fun and good looking game!

This game is absolutely stellar! Brilliant everything, it really stands out! 

Like many other voices, no restart button! However, it's really creative and fun, so wouldn't mind trying to play through it again once one is added.

The puzzles really engage the BRAIN in a good tingley way!

I like how the rotation element was applied to the mechanics of how to dodge bullet's, or well I found that strafing in arcs helped. Also with how shooting worked.

Very chaotic and lots of bullets! All my enemies will fall before me! If I could just stop dying XD. Great work for 48 hours!

I like the deck building mechanics and how it tied into the lose condition really well!


This is fantastic for 48 hours to come up with so much writing, characterization and art-mashup! 

Win Spin Dizzy Spin!

Nice game! Wish there were more levels :D

Spaceship angry, spaceship SMASH!

You made a really fun game!

I really like the revolver mechanic! I got up to unlocking the 3rd bullet type :D

(2 edits)

Thanks for playing the game!

I'll definitely pass your comment along to the guys who made the music and soundscape!

Glad you enjoyed the game!

We made the death boundary on level 3 a biiiit too far out (sorry!) so it can take a bit of time for the frog to reach it.

This game is really tight! That VHS effect stuff is really awesome!

Thanks for taking the time to play our game!

It's our first ever gamejam so we are glad you enjoyed it! :D

Issue: Mouse cursor is way to big now


Game version: v1.0.2 Alpha
OS: Windows 10


Mouse cursor is way too big now in v1.0.2 Alpha, here's a comparison: 




Having it a bit bigger makes it easier to see but this is a bit drastic XD.

Issue: Crafting menu stuck open while moving


Game version: v1.0.2 Alpha
OS: Windows 10


So yeah, this happened.

How to reproduce

I figured out how to reproduce it.


Are you using a controller to separate user input from the models? Cause it looks as if two things are responding to inputs independently, when only one should be handling inputs at a time. Something like a controller class that has a stack data structure that looks like `var activeModel = [player]` and when inputs are recorded use `activeModel[0].left(args)`, `activeModel[0].interact(args)`, etc. Then when the user interacts with an object/something else wants to take control of the controller, just push it onto the stack `activeModel.push(crafting)`. And when you want to exit out of a thing you can do `activeModel.pop()`. Dunno what the exact equivalence is in gml, but that should solve most of the input problems or at least make it easier to debug.

Issue: Weird texture in puzzle near town.


Game version: v1.0.2 Alpha
OS: Windows 10


Yeah I dunno, the texture for the grass ring where the shard spawns is weird now.



Issue: Waves rendering over dirt


Game version: v1.0.2 Alpha
OS: Windows 10


Waves now render over dirt as opposed to rendering on the water (as seen in version v1.0.1. Alpha).




I've tried to hold back my knee-jerk reaction... but I can't. I don't like the new tile sets, I think they are too dark and strain my eyes. I know it's like, your vision for what the game should look like, and like, I think the dark colors help the player and enemies to stand out a bit more (at the expensive of my eyes). Since changing the tilesets, some textures have been a bit broken - which isn't an excuse to revert back, I'll just bug report them and let you decide what it should look like. (And yeah I know pallet shards are a thing, I just don't use them XD). 

I dunno, maybe one day I'll get used to it.

Issue: Save data records health before healing


Game version: v1.0.1 Alpha, v1.0.2 Alpha
OS: Windows 10


When the player saves, the game appears to use the player's current data, then after writing to disk it heals the player. This means that when the player goes to load from their save, their health will still be at the old value.


A workaround is to save twice, but this isn't desirable behavior.

Hah, I did the same thing. When I used observe on Nite, he didn't have a health bar / stats, so I assumed he was unkillable and the solution was to just walk out on him. Then there was some dialogue that suggested you were meant to beat him, but glad to hear I didn't miss anything XD.

Issue: Crash when spamming 'interact' in shower.


Game version: v1.0.1 Alpha, v1.0.2 Alpha
OS: Windows 10

Crash Log
action number 1
of Draw Event
for object obj_interact_parent: Push :: Execution Error - Variable Index [0,2] out of range [1,2] - -1.message(100137,2)
at gml_Object_obj_interact_parent_Draw_64
stack frame is
gml_Object_obj_interact_parent_Draw_64 (line -1)
Steps to reproduce
  1. Start a new game.
  2. Walk to the shower.
  3. Spam the interaction button. ('e' by default).

Issue: No start bar icon for Roseblight


Game version: v1.0.2 Alpha
OS: Windows 10


Like the title says, sometimes Roseblight doesn't generate a start bar icon initially.

This appears to be fixed the second time you focus on the application (select a different window, then select roseblight again) or when you set the application to windowed mode from fullscreen. This issue is particularly annoying when in full-screen mode and I alt-tab out. The only way to get back into the application is to alt-tab again (at least, for the first time).

This is related to why I was concerned about the frequency:

I was just tired and didn't post both issues at the same time XD, and was kinda hoping for an issue tracker before I started cross-linking different issues. And it would make duplicates easier to handle as well... (gentle nudge) :P.

Issue: There is no tile under this box


Game version: v1.0.1 Alpha, v1.0.2 Alpha
OS: Windows 10


This puzzle room is missing a stone tile underneath where I'm currently standing:

Without attempting the red-hearing puzzle (which I did solve even tho it didn't do anything XD), a box would normally be spawned in this location and cover the tile. It is still possible to complete the puzzle/walk over the space as if it was a tile, it's texture is just wrong.

The issue persists in v1.0.2 Alpha


I wasn't able to get the "red hearing" tip tree thingo to pop up this time, was that removed? (This was using my old save from v1.0.1 Alpha btw, after I got the pallet shard). Also uh, where are saves stored? It's be easier to test things if I could load multiple points.

Okay, I know this puzzle is a red hearing, but man this puzzle is tough! It'd be nice to get some reward for completing it XD.

Ahhhhhh! So amazing ^_^

Those chains are really good! Are they a brush?

The background is also really good. It's simple, but clear. Composition and texture awww!

Nite is terrifying!

(1 edit)

Issue: Two instances of the game seems dangerous


Game version: v1.0.2 Alpha (both instances)
OS: Windows 10


More of an observation then an actual issue (yet), but it seems dangerous to allow two instances of the game to  run at the same time on the same machine as they both use the same save location and there are no save slots (yet). While I'm not sure exactly what sort of issues or exploits this behavior could cause, it might be worth watching in case it causes problems in the future. The most concerning part of it is that it isn't completely unfeasible for a user to accidentally open multiple instances and start playing in one without realizing they have two open , which means it has a higher potential of occurring - it's the frequency and not the impact I'm worried about at this stage.