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A member registered May 19, 2017

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Interesting!  Well, this seems to have resolved the issue collectively between fresh starts and otherwise.  Cheers!

So this one may be a stretch, but I'm hoping it'll make sense to you and you'll have insight on how to resolve it.  I have recently incorporated SumRndmDde's plugin to be able to retry a battle after defeat, with the Retry Upgrade plugin to provide an option of making adjustments to the party's equipment before doing so.  

However, upon hitting the scene prompt for the equipment menu from this approach, I'm hitting a crash that seems to be citing an issue from DualWield.  I've attached a screenshot of what I'm getting:

As far as I'm aware, the Retry Upgrade plugin is making a very basic call here--it's just hitting a SceneManager.push(Scene_Equip) when that option is being presented, and rolls back to a snapshot of the party prior to beginning the encounter.  

The crash occurs when selecting a character whose equipment you'd like to change; in this particular screenshot I was selecting a character who doesn't dual wield and just has a main hand + shield equipped.

Perfect, everything is working accordingly now!  Thank you again for such swift resolution!

That's interesting to hear in the gamepad department, I'll try to do some more exploring.  The only remaining avenue control-wise is my ongoing efforts to try to incorporate stronger mouse support for the game, but I can't really fathom any practical way to handle the switching via mouse in this case.

As an aside, it may be worthwhile to add a screenshot that shows off the slick new %h incorporation, it's really a fantastic feature.


(2 edits)

These sound like fantastic changes--I seem to be having issues getting this version of the file to work, however.  I have the plugin in the same order placement as the prior version, which worked OK for reference.  

Trying to switch with the default shift hotkey isn't doing anything, Edit: Got it to toggle again by removing the plugin and re-adding it fresh.  Not sure why that made a difference, but it did.  

A weapon that I have with the <TWOHANDED> tag set as its default grip is printing the <ONEHANDED HELP TEXT> in its description block.  On further checking, it just seems to ignore the <TWOHANDED> tag in general and defaults to one-handed for stats + the help text blocks.

I'll try tweaking my plugin order and other troubleshooting, but figured I ought to report in just in case.  I have this plugin towards the very bottom of my list currently.

(1 edit)

Remarkably swift!  Expertise and Pierce Parry are both great--I was actually just experimenting with setting up flails and Pierce Shield so that they're harder to block, so having a source of parry piercing as well is fantastic!

My only remaining wishlist element then is not having an avenue for a scaling expertise formula, simply for concern over how to balance expertise against scaling enemy parry chance.  I'm going to need to do some brainstorming over how to best present expertise equipment / skills / actor perks to players in a fashion they can appreciate defeating enemies with high parry (or really, a way to visually ID parry-happy enemies in general.)   Maybe a state icon, or a 'parry aura' effect as visual shorthand.  Hmm.

I realize this is ultimately a sliding scale issue to begin with though, since it will be difficult for a player in an RPG Maker game to really get a transparent understanding of their odds / the 'why' of how these calculations occur in a given battle.  That stems from the broader boundary of RPG Maker MV's UI limitations in general though--my kingdom for the ability to mouseover a UI element and get a tooltip with information for the player!

Though writing that, I'm prompted with the notion of potentially having an optional animation for expertise making the difference for an otherwise parried hit (I imagine that is not actually viable, with expertise reducing parry rate instead of being its own calculation--but it's a fun mental image for one battler to do a parry 'clash' animation, only for the attacker to do their own expertise 'clash' animation to 'overrule' it.)

Much oblige for your efforts, stellar materials!

(1 edit)

To my frustration, I seem to be having an issue where the game will not show damage numbers on a block, even if it's just a percentage block, and irregardless of whether or not I set hide pop-ups to true or false.  Actor health still goes down, but no damage numbers show.  I've been testing by having a 100% block rate 20% damage blocked shield in play and letting enemies hit for a while.

Edit: with some more troubleshooting I've got guard displaying after temporarily disabling the parry plugin.  For some reason despite having a very obvious animation attached to it, parry was triggering with priority over a 100% block rate.  I'm still puzzling out an odd interaction with Olivia's Battle Impact plugin where the Guard impact effect seems to butt heads with the Block animation and it seems to coin flip which plays--and if Guard impact plays, it won't display damage numbers.  Hmm.

Agreed on the point blank shot, just trying to make sure I don't have the reverse happening after all the work that goes into fun action sequences!  I'll try exploring the if conditions, thanks!

One quick aside as a possible stop-gap, at least--even if I end up having to give up on the different formula for now.  Might there be some way to partially restrict which kinds of offhand equips could be made based on the main hand?  

Whether that's going 'pair daggers together' or fist weapons or whatnot, but also if there's something like a hand crossbow it's weird to go hand crossbow + melee weapon and have the character stand back and stab from the back line after taking a primary ranged shot.

One of the things I was using there replacement attacks for was for action sequencing + animations in general, so that I could ensure that if someone was using a spear they'd thrust, etc.; I'm likely overcomplicating this though!

love this plugin and it's got me pretty excited about designing elaborate shield-use mechanics in my current project.  As a quick note, the demo project requires but does not include most of its plugin dependences (I presume this may be in part due to Yanfly shifting plugins in part behind pay requirements.)  Figured I'd give you a heads up though--if all else fails you could have a 'packaged' demo so someone can try it out without having access to those additional plugins?

In the meantime, I noticed that you'd played around with a 'flat-footed' state, though I didn't see it used in the demo near as I could tell; I love the prospect though as it pertains to blocking--and also, potentially, parrying.  

I was curious as to how you might suggest going about implementing such a state as a thought exercise--I figured it could be set to auto-resolve after an action is taken, to represent the actor being ready to receive attacks, but I'm a bit on the fence for implementation when it comes to how broadly to apply the state and when.

Presumably, via Yanfly passives or otherwise, the flat-footed state could auto apply to everyone and then fall off as actors perform actions; this could be trimmed down with a qualifier for only applying the state if a given actor -also- has the 'blocking' state, since a reduced block chance isn't relevant to actors who can't block in the first place.  However, if a theoretical flat-footed state also applied to parry chance, that gets a bit broader.

Overall not necessarily too huge a deal in the context of 'actors are flat-footed when battle starts'--but it does open the door for more D&D-minded mechanics like sneak attack, etc. too--with actor abilities that can leave an actor 'flat-footed' for however long and dealing bonus damage or whatever other effects as a result.  Just food for thought!

I'm pretty excited about the possibilities--I was stoked when I saw this plugin available, as one of the core party members for my current project is framed as a duelist and intended to be a very 'mechanical' sort of character, juggling various stances and the like.  

Having the ability to wrangle parrying and triggering actions into ripostes and the like has great potential for fun and interesting mechanics--and I similarly like the idea of being able to have enemy battlers or even bosses who utilize parrying in compelling ways too.

As it stands I just worry for managing scaling without ending up in a situation where the player is left frustrated because enemies are frequently parrying with no recourse on their part--but I don't want to write off enemies being able to parry altogether.  Thanks again for the consideration!

Bummer!  I'd been pretty jazzed about differentiating weapon attack formulas as one of the perks of weapon unleash (honestly more than actual unleash skills!) since I could diversify the arsenal / make gearing a little more nuanced than just 'Stack as much atk as possible!'--so I presently have some weapons that use different combinations / ratios of attack, agility, defense, etc. for their default attack replacements.  I'd certainly appreciate any endeavor to back-port a support hook for the plugin, but understand if it isn't a priority.  Thanks for your time and attention just the same and kudos again for some really fantastic plugins!

Just to clarify--is it <Weapon Unleash> that doesn't work, or does <Replace Attack: x> also not register on an off-hand weapon?  If it's the former, no big deal--but if it's the latter, that's a serious bummer as it would stop me from doing things like having daggers key off of attack + agility, etc.

Hmmm, I dig the parry, but is there any way to factor in parameters from the opposing side to balance down parry chances?  As it stands, as far as I can tell with the default formula + base parry, by a.atk 435 you're at a 100% chance to Parry, basically.  

Can work around this by not having a scaling bonus formula, but I'd ideally like to have a little bit of give / take with scaling, especially if enemy battlers are going to have a chance to parry player attacks too.


Quick follow-up thoughts:

  • Could there be a setting so that weapons which are switchable but also have the <Twohanded> note tag default to not adding 50% when wielded two-handed, but instead have their atk reduced accordingly when swapped to one-handed?  This would be helpful for showing the player stats visually.
  • Alternatively, would it be possible to incorporate a toggled eval or other means to switch text and / or an icon printed in the description for a piece of gear that works off of the switch?  Essentially it would be slick to be able to have a small block of a weapon description to display an icon that represents one-handed or two-handed, presenting information that's context-sensitive to which state the weapon is in.
  • Would it be possible to explore states based on which handedness is switched?  It would be neat for comboing with other plugins, such as different attack replacements whether you're wielding two-handed or one-handed, or things like a parry bonus when one-handed or an armor penetration bonus when two-handed, that kind of shenanigans.
  • Would it be possible to make the hotkey to switch handedness configurable, or able to support gamepad inputs?

Apologies, just kind of geeked about all this business.  Your plugins are a lot of fun to build with!

Question: The documentation indicates that this will automatically sub-out the a.atk in the formula for the default attack skill when used by a dual-wield actor--but what if you're using Yanfly to replace that skill?  In my case, I give each weapon type it's own version of default attack, so that they can have different contributing ratios for stats.  Should I manually adjust those formulas to account for mhcalc?  Cheers!

Picked up your plugins today and -love- the lot!  I thought I'd drop a nudge for a possible request, if it struck a chord with you: as a subset of this, might it be possible to set up tags via a state or otherwise so that a particular actor could wield 'two handed' weapons as one-handed and potentially by extension eventually dual wield them? 

I love the idea of 'flexible grip' weapons, but would also really like to have weapons that are ordinarily two-handed only--but means for some characters to wield them one-handed once they got the right state / skill / whatever.  It would be neat to be able to model the equivalent of 'titan grip' or the like from some tabletop games, with a character getting so strong they can treat two-handed weapons as one-handed weapons.
