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Quick follow-up thoughts:

  • Could there be a setting so that weapons which are switchable but also have the <Twohanded> note tag default to not adding 50% when wielded two-handed, but instead have their atk reduced accordingly when swapped to one-handed?  This would be helpful for showing the player stats visually.
  • Alternatively, would it be possible to incorporate a toggled eval or other means to switch text and / or an icon printed in the description for a piece of gear that works off of the switch?  Essentially it would be slick to be able to have a small block of a weapon description to display an icon that represents one-handed or two-handed, presenting information that's context-sensitive to which state the weapon is in.
  • Would it be possible to explore states based on which handedness is switched?  It would be neat for comboing with other plugins, such as different attack replacements whether you're wielding two-handed or one-handed, or things like a parry bonus when one-handed or an armor penetration bonus when two-handed, that kind of shenanigans.
  • Would it be possible to make the hotkey to switch handedness configurable, or able to support gamepad inputs?

Apologies, just kind of geeked about all this business.  Your plugins are a lot of fun to build with!

  1. You can accomplish this using a specific set up in the current version of the dual wield plugin. But the effect will apply to all two-handed weapons, and requires a bit more initial configuration as a result:
    1. Set the two-handed modifier to be 1.00, so two-handing a weapon does not change your base atk value at all.
    2. Set the two handed (and switchable) weapons to use the following note tag:
      1. <TwoHanded Attack Modifier>
        value = Math.round(value * 1.5)
        </TwoHanded Attack Modifier>
    3. The above tag makes the weapon attack value of the weapon 1.5 times greater than normal, but only while it's being two-handed. A weapon with 10 atk in your database will have 15 atk when being two-handed. 
    4. Because you've removed the normal two handing boost, you'll need to make all two-handed (or switchable) weapons use a similar note tag.
    5. The above effect is technically adding atk value when you use a two-handed weapon, rather than taking it away when you swap to a one-handed one, but it has the same effect, so it should work the same way.
  2. This is a good suggestion that sounds like it shouldn't be too difficult to implement. I'd envision a note tag you could set on an item to set its one and two-handed help description text, and then an escape code that would be replaced by that text depending on whether the item is currently one or two handed.
  3. Although I haven't personally tried this yet, I think this request is actually already possible, but isn't particularly user friendly. Using Yanfly's passive states plugin, you can use almost anything to enable a passive condition on your actors, including what they have equipped. 
    1. Put a passive state on a switchable weapon with the following tag on it:
      1. <Custom Passive Condition>
        if (user.equips()[0]._isTwoHanded {
        condition = true
        } else {
        condition = false
        </Custom Passive Condition>
    2. The above state will only be active if the weapon in the main hand is currently two-handed. Using this state, you can change the weapon unleash, xparams, block chance, applied by the weapon.
    3. Use a second passive state on the same item to have a different state applied if the weapon is not currently being two-handed:
      1. <Custom Passive Condition>
        if (!user.equips()[0]._isTwoHanded){
        condition = true
        } else {
        condition = false
        </Custom Passive Condition>
    4. You can use this state to set up a different set of bonuses or traits when that weapon is being one-handed.
    5. If each of your weapons use different passive states for one and two handed bonuses in this way, you'll have an issue where the one-handed bonus of the offhand weapon will also be active with the one-handed bonus of a main handed weapon. This won't cause any problems, and might even be what you're looking for. The only issue is that, as mentioned somewhere above, the Weapon Unleash plugin only supports one weapon being unleashes, so the specific unleash of the offhand weapon will not happen
  4. I can certainly look into allowing the dev to configure which key is used to switch the weapons. I'm not at all familiar with gamepad support for the same thing, so that might take me a bit longer to figure out.

Good news.

I have just uploaded version 1.01 of this plugin, which implements a couple of your feature requests:

  • You can now configure the keybind for switching weapons in the plugin parameters.
    • I haven't had a chance to check this yet, but I believe the default keybind options correspond to specific gamepad buttons as well, so they should be working as well (shift would be the dash button... X I think on an xbox controller)
  • I have added some note tags and an escape code to allow you to conditionally show different text in the help box depending on whether the weapon is currently in one or two-handed mode.
    • %h is replaced with the text set by these new note tags. See the help file for more information.
(2 edits)

These sound like fantastic changes--I seem to be having issues getting this version of the file to work, however.  I have the plugin in the same order placement as the prior version, which worked OK for reference.  

Trying to switch with the default shift hotkey isn't doing anything, Edit: Got it to toggle again by removing the plugin and re-adding it fresh.  Not sure why that made a difference, but it did.  

A weapon that I have with the <TWOHANDED> tag set as its default grip is printing the <ONEHANDED HELP TEXT> in its description block.  On further checking, it just seems to ignore the <TWOHANDED> tag in general and defaults to one-handed for stats + the help text blocks.

I'll try tweaking my plugin order and other troubleshooting, but figured I ought to report in just in case.  I have this plugin towards the very bottom of my list currently.

(1 edit)


Sorry for the inconvenience, that was a bug caused by a typo. I have corrected it in revision a, which I just uploaded. 

The first (crossed out) problem you encountered is actually a problem with RPGMaker.... sort of. In this update I added the plugin parameter to set the keybind of the switching weapons. When you updated your plugin, if you didn't go into the plugin settings to set this new parameter, it would be blank, as it didn't exist on your plugin settings. This would cause a crash the firs time the plugin tried to access that value, which is on boot. Removing the plugin and re-adding it fixed the issue because the plugin has a default value for that plugin command, but opening the plugin parameters and double clicking the new parameter, which would've been blank will also load the default value into it. Something to know for the future.


I got a chance to test gamepads now that I'm at home, and the default 'shift' value for the keybind binds to the X button on an xbox controller, while control and alt don't have any equivalent on the controller. pageup is LB and pagedown is RB. I'm not sure how to set up control and alt as keybinds on the gamepad, but I think there are already plugins that do that kind of thing kicking around. So if you want it on the gamepad, shift, pageup and pagedown are all usable on the scene to switch weapons.

Perfect, everything is working accordingly now!  Thank you again for such swift resolution!

That's interesting to hear in the gamepad department, I'll try to do some more exploring.  The only remaining avenue control-wise is my ongoing efforts to try to incorporate stronger mouse support for the game, but I can't really fathom any practical way to handle the switching via mouse in this case.

As an aside, it may be worthwhile to add a screenshot that shows off the slick new %h incorporation, it's really a fantastic feature.
