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A member registered May 10, 2023 · View creator page →

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A truly wholesome and relaxing game :)

I love the artstyle so much honestly 

I love platformers and honestly the art style was great but I am a bit confused on how it blends with the theme? I hope to see what you do passed the game jam! :)

I have a hard time getting the game to launch, I had to refresh my browser a few times and the music was really loud but once I got to play I could see the appeal of this style of game, once you get into the motions it can seem very relaxing. 

Love the art style on this one! Really drives home the theme! :)))) Greasegod approved

I have no idea where you got your music but its AMAZING it really made me feel in touch with the game 

Loved the voice acting! And the art style is amazing, I loved spinning around in circles too! :0

No really I love visual novels! Keep up the hard work, I was relaxed during the entire story

I love reading!

loved the music and art however I got behind one of the rooms and couldn't progress! :(

I loved the art style and music but didn't find the gameplay that clear! I could just have this one in the background for the music alone

The game crashed my browser two or three times unfortunately. I really liked what you have so far though

I love seeing a combat focused game but could use some polishing! Also I have no sound as well!

Hrmm I am not sure about this one

This game made me feel surprisingly relaxed!!!!!!!

No tutorial left me wondering about the controls but once I get it I had a bit of fun :)

Nice effort~! The Gas was a real game changer

An amazing game! I will be supporting you on steam! :)