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A member registered Sep 24, 2020 · View creator page →

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Well here it is, the end of a long journey, 5 years in the making, ups, downs and all.

Step into the arena of Foot Joust, a high-intensity endless runner with pixel art charm, where skill and strategy collide! Master precision swipes to counter enemy stances, either by following on-screen prompts or by memorizing their moves for a true test of your reflexes and foresight.

Thanks for all the support you guys. If I have ever interacted with you here, on Twitter or on my Discord Server you've all been a big help and if It wasn't for this amazing gamedev community I would not have reached this point with the game. Have fun playing.

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Interesting, ill see what I can do. Its just how the unity button system works lol.

Cute game, lots of fun! Great artwork too.

Thanks bud!

Thanks for playing! 

Thanks! I hope so too. 

You're amazing

Had fun building, all the pixel art is really nice and so is the concept.

I guess my feedback would be just quality of life stuff that is most likely planned for later. Stuff like having the different objects found in different catagories, some tool tips on each item that say what they are would be nice when you hover the mouse over, since some of them I couldn't really tell what they are.

-Scrolling through items is a bit sticky/not really smooth when using the scroll wheel.

-I hope you add a fullscreen feature, since I use a 1440p monitor everything was extremely tiny, had to change my desktop resolution to see everything.

-Would be nice if tiles could overide each other, I was placing down tiles then later changing what I wanted where I had to delete them first to place a new one.

-Maybe a middlemouse click, hold and drag would be a nice way to navigate instead of the arrow keys.

-Maybe right click would be handy to quickly delete objects instead of switching modes

So yeah, not really criticism, more just things to think about I guess, I really look forward to how this keeps developing!

Thanks for playing, better late than never haha! But I am glad you enjoyed those aspects.

Yeah that was a big intentional decision I made that was inspired by Resident Evil's tank controlls.

Yeah never had time to setup any sort of controller support as Id have to make a whole new system becuase of the aiming. Well the WASD and E to interact is that way becuase it's the industry standard of like every PC game made today.

The browser version is also the 1.01 version. So it is up to date!

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Chur bruh. Glad you enjoyed it, hope you recovered after being scared as.

Awsome game, really loved the use of the requirement here, it is cool to be able to use your own weapon as a shield to suck up enemy bullets and then fire them back, it reminds me of something Ratchet and Clank would do. Not sure where the turn up the heat theme fits in though.

The art is really nice too, the lighting used also really adds to it too really well. The sound for picking up health cracked me up too.

Although it would have been cool to be able to use the coins to spend it on upgrades too maybe.

Thats for playing! Sorry you found it a bit hard, I tried to keep it as true to survival horror as possible and keep things nice and grounded. Glad you made it through to the end! Hope the story was worth it. 

Thanks for playing, glad you enjoyed it so much! Yeah, I was contemplating letting the Axe be an attack but it would have completely taken away from scarcity and function of the gun/ammo and the player's need to choose between more loot or defense. The actuall first idea for the game was, "What if you had a shotgun to defend yourself, but it's also your only way to open chests".

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Neat game! Sound is nice and punchy. Not sure if the enemies are meant to be able to shoot me through the walls. Awsome effort though!

Neat little relaxing game, nice sound work too!

Thanks for playing and thanks for such a long detailed write up! Really warms my heart. Glad all those components worked out well for you. I agree about the chests tho, was on the list to improve at the end but ran out of time, its mainly to stop people opening it from the back and the pointer where the bullets spawn stick out over the top of the hit box if you stand too close in front lol, something ill improve in an update. 

Thats awsome mate really greatfull you played it twice! 

Well if you keep practicing you'll get there. Luckily there are no ratings for grammar etc.
Still, full marks for technical implementation I gave. Doing a system like that in 7 days would absolutely do my head in, the one I made was already hard enough and that was more simple.

Thanks for playing and giving it a try, glad you rated it so high even if horror is not your thing! Well you are the first to a find a bug, so special prize to you haha. I thaught I deactivated all actions, lol, I guess not, thanks for finding out!

Thanks for playing, glad you enjoyed it so much. Wish I could do more, I have a lot of other projects in line first. Maybe one day haha.

Nice and consistant art style. Clever use of theme and use of humour. No complaints from me. Very solid entry.

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Aussie Gordon Ramsay cracked me up good, what a fucking funny cunt you are m8. The soundtrack was pretty dope too.

Absolutely stunning visually all round lighting and particle effects! Lot's of polish by the looks of it.
Is very cool for most of it but the simplicity of the gameplay does get a llittle repetitive before the end though.

Concept is really cool and good use of theme. Love the colour pallet that was chosen and the atmpshere of it all. Intertwining puzzeling is always neat to me.

My only issue was I had to restart twice, once for Elenor, there is a red button with a little ditch on the other end, if you over jump the button you can get stuck and cant get out. The Second Time was I had activated a platform to move for Fernando and he was standing under it so he got stuck in side the moving platform.

Otherwise well designed and presented,  just maybe a bit more polish!

Thanks for the in depth comment! Really makes me happy and means a lot especially if you think it's a masterpiece. I agree about the collisions absolutely, it was just a case of saving time really, stuff like that has put me in endless holes that go on for hours trying to get it just right haha.

Very cool concept and is something more interesting and different from other jam gams! Character srpites are very good, although the UI I think clashed with the syle. My only nitpick is just the writing being a little weak and having mostly bad grmmar made it hard to follow some times. Otherwise very good job, the technical implementation is a lot of work to undertake in only 10 days.

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Satisfying fun and addictive! The music is pretty hype too. Saw this on vim's stream and had to check it out.

Concept is a very good use of theme. Neat little puzzle solving. My only issue is the edge detection is a little off, id fall in when I was still on the land I could walk on.

Neat little game, simple and fun in a good way also a little addictive. The lighting is actually quite beautiful, good job!

Thans for playing! Glad you liked it so much, was definitely a tough 10 days just by myself. 

Thanks Im glad the 1-bit style worked out! 

Thanks glad you enjoyed it! Good that you thaught it was polished haha, I definitely could have used a few more days tbh haha.

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Use of physics is incredible 

Haha thanks had lots of fun making sounds! 

Thanks for playing, glad it was enjoyable! 

Glad you liked the sound, had a lot of fun making them. 

Thanks for playing! 

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Thanks! Really means a lot, honestly makes me so happy. Glad you loved it so much. Id love to do more but my time is super limited haha

Simple fun and silly nice use of concept!

High points for theme, I like the out of the box idea use and concept of exchanging the buttons. Didn't take to long to wrap my head around the concept of it. I liked the way all the puzzels evolved and continued to be intersting throughout, although maybe a little too long. Really beautiful grahics too.

My only minor issue is just detection of objects trying to give them buttons, and trying to get other object to move the player would push him off in a differnt dirrection if the angle is not just right.

Otherwise very good job great stuff!