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Cute game! Love the cat illustration a lot!

Thanks for your feedback! Yeah I think we checked the box of feature breadth rather than depth, 1. painting 2. "quests"/tasks 3. dialogue system 4. shop 5. item placement 6. inventory system that doesn't reuse anything from the dialogue/shop system. Each system exists in a pretty simple, sometimes fragile state. (the inventory/placement system is pretty spaghetti coded) I think that comes as a consequence of even trying to replicate a surface level of a farming sim is there's just so many tiny systems like that you'd expect, it would be better to have condensed the loop and gone deeper on some things. 

I agree! One of the main things people from some adjacent art community friends that played the game was they really enjoyed doing the specific silly tasks. I was surprised, since, yknow, they were more jokey dialogue points and a light nudge to try to go back for another loop to incentivize more cash where the tasks are absolutely flavor text. I think that is a missed opportunity and something I totally agree with, and it honestly would've been more simple to implement. Every request, task, acceptance, waiting text are all disconnected arrays of data and it probably would've worked better as a map of a specific quest that had those related quest bits. I think it would've been better with a more emotional, incentivized connection to that.

Thanks for playing! We're learning a lot with Godot and gamedev in general, it's been a bit! Thank you for your feedback, genuinely!

Yeah! We were both surprised, just a solid plan early, commit to the plan, build on top of everything else quickly! Thanks for playing :)

I think this time it was because  the GTMK jam was going on so a lot of people were making games for that jam instead this time around. I saw on the discord someone missed it because they thought it was next weekend.

Really fun game! I only wish there were more levels. From a feel sense, there's some times where 1-2 pixel bleed over causes you to not be able to jump with both slimes like I'd expect, but otherwise the game was really fun and the little "squish together against this" boxes were a godsend. This has crazy challenging potential.

Pretty fun concept! I tried for about 30% of the gauge to get pink only walls, but quickly gave up on that idea after 3 dudes streamed in lol. I love the game-y-ness of how silly it all is

Fun game! Really great art, I was hoping I could break it but other than the text overflowing that was about it, rock solid game!

lol I barely caught this while playing, is there an end?

Pretty unique concept! I had a lot of fun, I got fired lol, I knew I wasn't cut out to ... paint faces on people

Really cute art! I love the chill aspect of this while your little gremlins just splatter about lol.

I think that was the first guy that was made, that made the whole town-on-fire ball go from there!

Yeah! Me too, I'm hope this is good motivation to start a bigger project, or more jams where I really go into mechanics rather than just simple feature building!

Thank you!! I tried really hard breaking the what ended up being pretty complex and fragile code and fixing it so many times, just a lot of rapid iteration until "good enough"!

Yeah I'd like to dive more into Godot's mouse actions. One thing I found kind of mid jam was my clicks were actually per frame detection and a bit odd with how I was detecting it, when I assumed they were single clicks!

It caused some quadruple frame weird behaviors in UI menus and those are now mostly atomic, but I never got to rewrite the movement since it was "good enough for a jam" lol, admittedly is harder to use on Mobile too for things like item placement.

Yeah! I wanted a larger, clickable collider, I went in the direction of "you can click to transition when player is in the area of transition, hence the indicator" and it feels inconsistent. I'd like to rewrite movement to be a bit more "destination" aware every frame and give you feedback on what will happen like are you moving or moving scenes with cursor data.

Glad you liked it! Thanks for your feedback!

The vibes and pallet choices are so awesome, the splatters are really cool too. VERY cool concept and love the old UI aesthetic. I think refilling towers is a pretty unique concept!

I love games like this, scratches my brain, I totally could not get past #16 though, I'm going to try again... I swear there's something I'm missing

Really interesting world building and layout! I think it's cool you can reset at any time to get more credits than dying and losing half, very high risk, high reward. I think it's neat that you were able to get so many different enemy designs and have a boss while still having a lot of customizable weapons and upgrade mechanics.

I will say, it took me a minute to realize I could both double jump and wall climb and reset a few times because I wasn't sure if I missed how to get down originally lol.

Still, a ton of mechanics, the jetpack thing was fun to use , especially since when you dash and use the jetpack you can stay up in the air infinitely since they sort of allow each other to reset lol.

I do think progression is a little hash for a game jam game but I had a lot of fun with it!

Honestly really love a lot of the mech designs and module choices. I do think this is a really cool TTRPG concept especially with how easy it is to get up and go with just 2D6 and some circles for tracks. I like that is very adventure focused and more story telling and world building. I think the provided examples for the different systems are pretty great and I honestly would like to run a game of this with some friends if they were interested! Sif 11 feels very hostile and I like the general vibe.

I think the rough 50/50 success rate makes it pretty difficult but that fits the theme and I like the idea of you being able to shed off those damaged modules for new ones. I think that helps balance it out where you don't feel totally lost if your current objective causes a ton of harm to modules and wears down your passive abilities.

Yep! You saw most things, there's just a few stray dialogue things on the red light posts, one door in the bottom section and the sticky note on the car that you missed! Thanks for playing and hosting the jam :)

Really love the art style! I love these 2D in 3D type of games and with the sketchy style I think it looks totally unique.

I like how the audio, lighting effects, screen effects all go hand in hand in making it feel absolutely chaotic. Sound effects are really bold and intense which makes blowing up barrel seem so intense in a fun way. Same for the lock-on and rocket noises, just pure chaos in some areas.

Game controls really well, I like the slower movement choice, I think it works well with the maze like structure to not fall off every encounter. (but some encounters)

I think like some others said my only real critique would be the camera, it feels good in some spots but in the first area you drop down and the area underneath the camera puts most of the enemies out of view which makes it hard to approach those areas.

Overall really awesome game!

Pretty fun game! I liked the atmosphere, it's like mech Mad Max, it took a bit to get a hang of penetrating multiple enemies, but that was really satisfying. I liked the breaks, it felt a little randomly generated at times since I got two outposts in a row, but that was totally fine by me! lol I didn't get to the end screen (hit 100% and played more outposts/one more enemy round) but it was a pretty fun concept!

Honestly I love these types of games, really well done implementation of everything. I liked the mech design, the mission briefing, even the sound was really well done! I don't know how to rate this since it is building on top of another game, but really cool entry!

Honestly really great. I love how you took this genre and added tank controls. I think it's awesome you had a solid progression system in a jam game that made me want to keep replaying it. I think the real thing here if the focus on the gameplay loop and really not adding any fluff that is unnecessary.

The art is really consistently well done. Everything feels really well designed, I genuinely think that's hard to do in a jam game and especially with this high quality! Even the animations are consistently styled.

I think the mech building mechanic is really cool and how the head and legs have some similar values and expands more on flexibility of playstyle rather than being forced into one playstyle based on leg choice for example. I personally really enjoyed the frog legs and the high mobility, but being a weapon of a mech was pretty fun too.

Really cool game and I loved the background music.

Love the art and UI! Progression to 100 is pretty hilarious and I think it was fun to spam skills to quickly beat the first set of battles super fast. Didn't realize I was progressing my levels that quickly lol. I like how you used your assets and the consistency of the art style throughout the game, very simple but clean. Really likethe future vibe. I appreciate the jam time consideration, but definitely would've been fun to progress at least one or two rounds, but I understand the design choice.

I like the 2D in 3D! Also sliding around feels fun with the sick graphics. I think the audio just needs to be a little louder, and the cursor being in the world is cool but takes a sec to re-find when you lose it! Cool concept!