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A member registered Aug 11, 2019 · View creator page →

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Looking forward to seeing more!

Thank You so much!


Fun idea! I like the smooth movement!

Thank you for your feedback! There were 2 doors, once you have collected 3 orbs you can open the door on the right to get the last orb and then you can open the door on the left ;)

Thank you for your honest feedback! I didn't expect that the levels would be that hard. I am sorry. You can hold other keys while moving so you don't have to think what to press when you are jumping ;)

Cool game, I like it. Well done! I'd be happy if you check out my game too :)

Thank you very much!

Thank you so much! I will try your game too!

Nice game, you are out of control because you get so many emails :D

Nice game, I really like the idea! It is sad that it is not finished :(

Thank you so much!

Really good visuals and the movement is smooth!

Nice game for your first game jam!

Thank you very much! 

Thank you! I accidentally changed the comments type and all the comments disappeared. Thank you again! ;)