Hi @Blah !
Thanks a lot for your feedback, that's lovely and motivating ! Sorry for screenshake abuse, good idea to let the player parametrize it.
If I had to push dev one game and release it on steam that might indeed be the first one I'd like to release. I can't talk about a plan but the idea is there for a long time... But yeh, this needs work and more content, and maybe someday something will happen :)
It's almost been here and played for 10 years, maybe time has come for me to throw it an eye again.
I tried to make it crossplatform at some point and option menu was + or - experimental, I mean you can crash the game and nothing more will happen if you exit on html version for exemple, also changing control might bring a mess with HTML version so maybe that's what happened to you ? otherwise it was suppose to have some "back" option when scrolling... I'm sorry , i'm aware a lot of issues i'm just a bit lazy/overwhelmed by life somethimes :')...
If you're curious about it, I tried to experiment these vibes a little further with another unfinished jam game more lately, but it's really raw & very unfinished, you've been warned aha:
Thanks again! <3