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A member registered Sep 10, 2014 · View creator page →

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Hi @Blah !

Thanks a lot for your feedback, that's lovely and motivating ! Sorry for screenshake abuse, good idea to let the player parametrize it.

If I had to push dev one game and release it on steam that might indeed be the first one I'd like to release. I can't talk about a plan but the idea is there for a long time... But yeh, this needs work and more content, and maybe someday something will happen :)

It's almost been here and played for 10 years, maybe time has come for me to throw it an eye again.

I tried to make it crossplatform at some point and option menu was + or - experimental, I mean you can crash the game and nothing more will happen if you exit on html version for exemple, also changing control might bring a mess with HTML version so maybe that's what happened to you ? otherwise it was suppose to have some "back" option when scrolling... I'm sorry , i'm aware a lot of issues i'm just a bit lazy/overwhelmed by life somethimes :')...

If you're curious about it, I tried to experiment these vibes a little further with another unfinished jam game more lately, but it's really raw & very unfinished, you've been warned aha:

Thanks again! <3

Awesome :)

Hi RegsaGC ! glad you enjoyed, thank you for feedback ! I agree some checkpoints should be added to make life easier when falling to the bottom... I swear I'll make this door less frustrating if an update is ever pushed XD

Cheers !

<3 Merci pour le message ça fait chaud au cœur !

L'idée d'un port Playdate est en effet plutôt séduisante, je prends note ;)

Merci !

Hello there ! Thanks for your kind words <3 I'm quite a pinball junky too.

It was built with Game Maker Studio (1.4), that comes with a neat dedicated physics library; I've reiterated releasing some kind of (unfinished, of course) sequel to it for the Lowrezjam 23, sticking with GMS 7 years later so I guess this still feels good for me. Here it is if you're curious about it:


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Haha awesome simple and effective game. I really enjoy how simple things have been used to make a such pleasant and nervous gameplay. Very colorful eyecandy, addictive gameplay along with finding ways to break hiscore, and also I enjoyed that the gameplay somehow makes the ambiant music ^^ (the real music is nice too)

Awesome job, this one is in my favorite top list ^^

Cheers !

Congrats my pinball friend ! Very well done as usual with your games, my own favorite for this jam ! I liked how you integrated world elements to make the ball move across the map without input, and at the same time without being stuck by gravity, what a clever move for this kind of game. A lots of other gameplay mechanics are quite clever, such as leveling and unlocking zones thanks to that. Ho and the boost to move the ball are a nice idea too to keep it dynamic :) Almost played an hour and I still feel I have a lot to discover. I discovered there was a map quite late, but I think even with that levels are huge and it's easy to feel lost; also what a neat think the game  is saved in browser and allow to start from last checkpoint. I stopped playing when the ball was somehow stuck between a slope and a bumper with no stamina, in a cave at north/East of second level I think. As I said It seems i miss a lots of things to collect and place to discover, will try later ;)

Super, awesome job !

Great Diablo and old school dungeon crawler vibes here :) I found it a bit hard and get killed by butcher at second floor ... maybe some red flash could indicate twhere hits are coming from ? And adding some checkpoints could balance difficulty ? great gory evil and oppressive atmosphere nice job you don't have to be triste aha!

Hey did it in 102s ;) nice simple old school game with that always neat GB feeling ^^



Here is mine, it badly needs ratings -_-'

Content was made before deadline but I submited it late, and it is still not really finished

That's a physic pinball/platformer, somehow influenced by Kirby / Sonic games and their pinball spinoffs.

Enjoy! <3

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Cool pure arcade :) reminds me a little bit of SCB ^^ Maybe some more weapon implemented could be fun!

Good job :)

Entertaining minimalist concept :) good job!

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Cool implementation of the pathfinding and aggressive AI :) destroying all the walls around is always a nice feeling aha ! 
Guns sound are a bit too loud at some point but at least it feels powerful somehow aha! Maybe adding some screenshakes  and muzzle flash  when shooting for exemple could add a little bit more feeling for this kind of ggameplay, you know juice and everything ;)

Cheers ! 
Good job!

¡Hola DNC's! 

He juego a Lacura esta mañana, ¡fue una forma interesante de mostrar artistas y colaboraciones con ese ambiente raro! la música fue mágica como siempre...

No estoy cierto que comprendo todo del juego (porque no me entendo español a 100% ahora quizas, necessito a estudiar poco mas por el momento :) pero estaba interesante de ver tan detailes del este universo con el level design, shaders fue simpaticas tambien, muchos artworks a descobrir con QR codes etc...Muy psyche y experimentale pero pratico tambien. Buenas idead, GG para el developer :)

Muchas gracias a Foyone y Sceno ya los otros por poner tanta energía en la música y arte. La verdad es que el rap español me parece mucho mejor que el que se hace aquí en Francia... Siento si hablo raro y longo, la majora parte de que puedo decir ahora lo apprendo con estas canciones por unos meses XD

Con mucho amor,


Thank you @microwee for your kind words :) This gives me some motivation to update it  someday :)


Hi there!

Well thanks a lot, I'm glad you enjoyed  :) 



hope it's not to late to participate and show some support!

feel free to add to the collection!

Thank  you!


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Hello, thank you for reporting this. I was kinda aware as this issue appeared for a while now and is somehow related to iterface or browsers (it seems to be working fine outside of I'll try to throw an eye on this ASAP and I'll keep you in touch. Cheers !


thank you Jupi, it's always a pleasure to see you shuffle jam games for us :) Hope you liked the game,

Cheers !


thank you for playing and review, I'm sorry about the "too easy" difficulty that is absolutely not working as expected. I wanted to fix this for the next release, that will come along with a bunch of new stuff and some more polished works. I hope you enjoyed it through the other difficulty settings anyway; still hard, I must admit, but certified beatable ;)

I'm glad that you could notice references to Parodius, and yes, powerups, enemies patterns, even some level design are ripped off directly from Gradius games ; not very original, I know, but it helped me a lot to determine a scope on this project in terms of content.

Hopefully i'll upload a fixed and up to date version of the game by the end of the week, please let me know if you ever give it another try :)

Cheers !

Hahahaha good drummer's game :]

Hahaha that was fnu :] pretty nightmarish situation :D

Cool :] Poor flies... I guess beer was required to make this game idea :)

Cool music and animations :] I liked the main character design.

The best score I had was 15 but i think i did not understood what I was doing :]

Hey super nice game :]Difficulty is nicely levelled The end was a bit hard but it's beatable and very pleasant to go through !

I loved the story (even if i'm not sure i understood everything) and how the insane idea was used to tell it:)

Very few collision issue (one that helped me with at a hard jar :) but super cool game.

That's nice especially for a first game :)


Nice art !!!

Thanks a lot :)

Hello everyone !

I hope you could find fun here. I just changed few lines to remove a bug since the deadline on the files here, but i keep working on a nice and fun release ! A lot of stuff is missing to the gameplay, and i have some hope to end with what i imagined at first !

I'll try to give some news here. A lot of work and fun awaits !

Wish me good luck, you can help me making it real by giving comments, there is no bad ones !

