Yeah, the look of the robot. I've just seen too many Among Us memes 😂
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Ok, that's creative! Gameplay is fun and use of art assets is clever. Also, Synty's Polygon City is really good fit for your game. I burst out laughing when I got hit by car! 😂 Only thing I would nitpick are controls. It's great you can select control scheme, but it needs some more adjusting. For example, when camera is fixed in one spot, player character should move based on camera perception, not on rotation of a character. But still a great game and a really funny idea!
Opening cutscene is great, such a shame there is no ending one too. I'm curious how did you do this little text appear animation effect during cutscene dialogue. I don't know if it is me or what, but pick up sound was awful to hear, it just hurt my ear like some weird sound artifact. Love the dinosaurs tho!
Love the vibe!
I've encountered some bugs:
- During my first game tutorial broke, It was pointing me to the blue hut, but I were there multiple times. When it happened I also could just spam "E" and my health was increased each time, even if I didn't have enough money and wasn't close to the yelow hut. I was also in debt as my money was -3 (pretty realistic experience).
- During my second game ship flew up in the sky and I just couldn't do anything about it. Here's the screenshot:

That being said, I had my fun with your game! Pretty solid experience, just need some fixing. And as I said above, I love the vibe! 🚢
Great to hear you've found fun in the boat movement, I've spent huge part of my time on it. I agree there is sometimes a problem with visibility of lightning bolts. About the theme, if you didn't see it in my game, then it is a flaw and that's on me. I've imagined it as a clash between the calmness coming from movements fluidity and a stress inducing bullethell-esque gameplay. In those types of games usually it's the end if you start to panic, so there is this whole "staying calm" thing. But as I said, if you didn't feel it, it's ok, my game should by speak itself and it didn't. Thank you for playing and giving such an insightful feedback! ❤