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Flaming Brain Games

A member registered Jul 10, 2023 · View creator page →

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Wow! Thanks for the high praise!

Artwork absolutely draws me in.

I love the various conclusions based on player choices. Many possibilities and an intriguing story!

Some wonderful flavor for these encounters and sites. Procedures make this easy to use but also replayable.

Why not have the PCs start more in the middle of the map?

Thanks for the feedback!

I'm glad you noticed the non-combat possibility. We also felt that a high level party that chooses to fly will have to deal with bees, if they teleport they show up in the courtyard as interlopers surrounded by enemies!

As for the story of the rivalry, that might be something we add... But we're glad you were invested in the story wanting more!

Thanks for the feedback!

We thought that the first choice the players make should have consequences for the adventure.

Earn the relic of the Queen Bee Mask for a start... 

Thanks for the feedback!

I thought of that, but I figured the jungle valley was a hex one could place in their campaign, with the temple being the most interesting thing one could find.

I've been tinkering with material that focuses on the Adirondack Mountains of upstate NY during the 1890s. Would that be feasible? Or should I focus on a more contemporary era that possibly draws from the history I have envisioned?

So many NPCs!

A simple yet elegant visual style, makes this easy to read and find all the important information.

A great addition to the Honeypunk genre!

Absolutely! HONEYPUNK!

Some solid stuff here, but the layout made it difficult to find important information. Layout choices like breaking up the text with colors, contrast, or borders might be helpful.

You give a lot for a GM to work with!

Easy to read, tables are interesting, and with the various procedurally generated rooms it even lends itself to replayability.


Some good humor and a wonderful light-hearted adventure!


Did we just invent a new genre?

We appreciate the feedback!

One of my prompts was: "a pyramid that makes enraging honey." So I started reading about honey, bees, and ancient Egypt. Then I found out about mad honey from the giant Himalayan bees... and here we are!


I saw Honey! as well and thought that ours could lead into theirs!

The maps are great and easy to read! Some interesting story beats.

Weird and interesting story that I found engaging.

Solid use of contrast for a simple yet effective layout.

Great job!

We hope you enjoy our module!

But that's not entirely true... if someone has eye-catching art in their submission it typically will get more views, looks more professional, is seen as "better" than something with amateur art or no art at all.

In terms of the judging criteria it has to do with usability. If the art adds to the adventure, can set a mood, help the GM and players visualize... then it helps.

And if the art is AI generated, some take issue with it, while others do not. The reality is that many people participating in a game jam may not have the time to comb through all of the fine print, so they may not even see if it is AI art or not.

Clear, concise layout and descriptions. 

The art is simple and yet adds much to the feel and vibe.

Great submission!

The "Genetic Fortitude" mechanic is pretty cool and intriguing, especially the player choice and the evolving die.

I always struggle with choosing to use AI art or not. I air on the side of "not" and try and use photos and images in the public domain but some of these submissions have some eye-catching art that uses AI.

Honestly, the hand drawn maps were excellent! Detailed and intricate.

I appreciate the feedback!

Admittedly I struggled with giving just enough for GMs to work with in describing the weather and its affect on game mechanics. Hopefully I hit a sweet spot.

One of the top submissions I have seen so far: the layout absolutely adds to Western vibes, interesting using Shadowdark in a Western genre, and this offers so much to a GM to use or draw from. Excellent job!

Interesting offer here... I'm not sure which covers or elements connect to the Weird Tales.

As a Solodark offer, it doesn't seem to offer much in terms of solo player discovery.

But there are some cool story ideas and NPCs here that I could mine for inspiration.

(1 edit)

Hand drawn maps look great! But with an 8-page limit, why not submit two modules?

I really appreciate the feedback!

To keep up the tension and to keep track of events and chronology, I really appreciate the chart on the last page. Very helpful for GMs. Perhaps offer that as a separate download as well to make it even easier for a GM to track and perhaps even space to write upon?

This offers GM's great flexibility at the table. Solid island for PCs to explore!

Giving little descriptions for the NPCs and what they might know, how they might act is a good touch. But I can't tell where they exactly fit in the adventure.

Format is excellent! Isometric map is great, and the room descriptions are top notch! Great job!

Thanks in advance for checking out our module!

A great looking adventure that even comes with warnings to not rush in and attack everything.

Solid one shot that definitely is inspired by Arthurian legend.

Solid all around classic dungeon.

Some great things here to pick and choose, but for a game that works with minimal rules like many OSR games it seems a bit overly complicated both visually and verbally.

An excellent start, but it's incomplete.