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A member registered Dec 06, 2022 · View creator page →

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had the same experience on the GameDev Regensburg-Server! :D

(1 edit)

Don't know if this was already suggested, but how about a discordserver for next time?
I felt like there really lacked a space to further talk about the games (the comments really feel weird at a certain point) or just interact with each other and maybe search for teams/team-members in advance?

I had the feeling that the community here was very strong in the voting-process and I kept reading certain people/names in the comments with whom I would have loved to interact more. Would also be nice to stay in contact with new friends! :)

Thanks for the wonderful experience everybody! <3

Lieben Dank dir! <3 die Charaktere sind mir auch sehr ans Herz gewachsen übers Wochenende :3

Falls es dich tröstet, pineapple & pizza werden nach dem shaming des consultant nur stärker in ihrer Beziehung und überdauern alles! :D

Thanks! You are right that came up a little short :)

Thanks! There are 4 different ones: all staying together, all except milkshake & fries stay together, all except pasta & ketchup stay together, all break up except pineapple and pizza :D (since pineapple & pizza only grow stronger by the consultants pineapple - shaming they can't be broken up :)

Godot plushie best plushie :D <3

Thanks! <3

We too would have loved to make that work, but time was too short :D

Exactly! They started out as bad food puns, but turned out to be really nuanced pairs :)

Thanks! the hela gewürzketchup was a must! :D

So broken relationships with broken taste? I like the concept :D

I understand this so well! n_n 

at first i had planned that you could just break them up, but then i grew so fond of them that i found it harder and harder! :'D

Love the non-round wheels, they make every vehicle so wonky! :D

Perfect fitting music for a rampage! 🐈/10

The last few minutes were sadly just spent waiting for the timer to end since there were too many holes to go skating :/

But really enjoyed the game!

Maybe the full version will have an option to help their relationship 😆 thanks! the Godot plushie really needed to be in this game! <3

Really like the character design! But like xeetsh before me I had trouble to proceed with only one leg. How is that supposed to work? :D

really like the calming music and all the robot-related jokes! :)

The joke is that you can't separate Pineapple and Pizza, because the consultants hate for the couple will only make the relationship stronger :D

But thanks for pointing out the save-issue, we will fix it after the voting period is over! ^^

how about three more normal levels and then a fourth-wall-break? :D

the vibe was more like a horror game, but enjoyed it nevertheless! :)

I had this as well before switching to the fullscreen-mode. Maybe it has something to do with the embedding on 

fun idea, I really like how the houses collapse! :)

nice idea, but turns into bullet hell way to quick. Needs more placeable walls! :)

It look so cool, but I am sooo bad at this :(

Thank you! Our artist did a great job <3

Love the colors and style! We had some really similar ideas, great minds think alike ;D

Thank you! Liebe Grüße zurück <3

Really love this! On of my favorites from this jam! <3

really fun to play! great work! :)

Can't wait for part 2: Horse Inspector! :D

not quite clear where and with what you can interact, but I love the idea! :)

really nice story, I loved the transition to color! :O

really like the splashing-noise when running people over :D cute little game!

nice endless runner! (is there an ending?) maybe the bridge could have a little more variety (like stones or even trees on some stronger beams :)

Thank you! :)


Der Plüschi musste einfach rein <3

We would have loved to get more interaction into it with some minigames, but sadly there was just not enough time for it. Thanks for the comment! :)

Thanks for the comment and the kind words! <3