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A member registered Dec 08, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing the game. Actually, you can rotate objects by pressing "R" key. :)

Nice kebab! I like the game idea though there are so many elements to understand at first but later it goes on. Great little artstyle. Lastly I liiikeee TARKAANN! :D. Nice work and Good Luck!

The game's concept, graphics, music, and artwork are all really beautiful and successful. Well done and good luck!

I like the game and the concept, it looks pretty unique. Nice and minimalistic artstyle, I like the sounds, it matches to the idea. I like the gameplay as well it is pretty challenging and fun. Overall Nice work and Good Luck!

The game's graphics and the feeling it gives are really great. Well done, congratulations, and good luck

Nice art style and sfx, addictive game. Keep it up :)

Very cool artstyle, the music fits the the idea. Overall the game is great. Nice work and Good Luck!

Nice game :)

Good game, well done, and best of luck!

Cool art style and animations. It would be better if there is bgm music.

Liked the game :)

The Mario concept is very nice. Well done and good luck!

I really liked the game concept. It's very fun and enjoyable. Congratulations and best of luck in the competition

I really liked the movement mechanics and ragdoll. Fun game :)

The game idea is cool, nice map to begin with (it's big). Artstyle fits to the concept perfectly in my opinion. I would like to see the game developed in the future. Nice work and Good Luck!

An entertaining and cool game.

I loved the concept, and the game is fun. Congratulations and good luck!

I was a little confused at first what to do but later the storm popped and everything went clear :D. Nice concept the artstyle is cute, sound fits to the game. Overall Nice work and Good Luck!

It's a cool game, and the Dragon Ball theme adds a special touch. Congratulations and good luck!

Nice concept it has potential. Also, in second or third level something like this happened :)

The game looks great and successful. Congratulations and good luck!

The game feels like a mix of Minecraft and Mario—it's fantastic and very successful. Congratulations and good luck!

Nice game. Building, inventory, three types of tools that much mechanics is impressive for one week. Well done :)

The escape-themed game turned out great. Well done and good luck!

Like the idea, it's challenging to me and it's fun. Cool little artstyle and animations. Overall Nice Work! Good Luck!

Cool runner game. It is laggy for me (web build). Keep it up :)

An entertaining game!

Nice game, good job!

Great entry, the only thing for me was to understand the game mechanics when you're catching fish at first but later I immedieately got the idea :D. Art style and the mechanics are there, sound matches with the game. Overall Nice work and Good luck!

Cute and an attractive artstyle, nice gameplay and the sounds fit into the game. Nice work, Good Luck!

First of all 3D Models and the lightning attracts your attention immedieately. I like the animations and gameplay. Overall nice work. Good Luck!

Nice game. You can make text box buttons bigger. Cool art style.

A different perspective on a turn-based game was quite interesting and fun. Also, the art style is great.

One of the minimalistic but the greatest art styles I've seen, the mechanics are a little bit confusing at first but later in the game you get the idea pretty fast. Levels are well designed and the music is there to keep you entertained. Nice work and Good Luck!

Art style and upgrade system is good. It's a bit hard but it is still fun to play.

Great art style, instructions are clear, gameplay is fun. Nice game :)

The game looks really polished and the gameplay is very understandable, it would probably be a full release if you add more gameplay time and a little bit of features. Nice work and Good Luck!

One of the best gamejam games I've ever played, it hooked me in immediately, I was about 10 mins to get the whole achievements right :D. It would be cool to see another levels and play them. No words to say, Nice work and Good Luck!

Art style and initial cutscene is cute. Sometimes it doesn't jump idk why. The game has potential :)