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Oğuz Can Soyselçuk

A member registered Aug 21, 2022 · View creator page →

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Interesting navigational mechanics but it was a bit repetitive. I still liked it. Congratulations!

Thank you! But I’m sad you gave up when you fell of the train. I’ve already added a restart button to the menu, I’ll upload v1.1 when the voting ends. It’s built and ready. The dwarf was the companion :D “And my Axe!” is, as written on the wildcard, a Gimli reference from Lord of the Rings, I’m sure.

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Very polished and fun autobattler! I love it!

Edit: I used nothing but arrow cars to beat the game :D I spammed them until my train had more than a dozen cars!

This… game, this submission entry. I don’t know where to begin. It was love at first sight, extreme hate at first and second try, back to love after third try.

I love that Menu/Thumbnail art, that’s what drawn me to this submission before any other. Great visuals! But that’s what everybody talks about, what about the game design and gameplay?

Right off the bat, the monologue intro is too fast. I couldn’t read it wholly and gave up half way through. Which was such a shame because the intro monologue is wonderful.

But because I couldn’t read it whole, I had no idea that picking things up slowed the train even further. And that’s like the thing you have to avoid, train stopping. Because if it stops, it goes poof. And. So. Does. She.. Lil’… Miss.. Violet… De… Mercury…

It’s funny because in my submission you interact with objects to eat them. So I approached interactive objects in this game with the same fervor and ate them all. The result is [REDACTED]. By redacted I mean train went poof and lil miss violet de mercury disappeared along with it.

I was about to drop a very negative review when I decided to give it a one more go, because the review was so negative I just had to make sure I wasn’t wrong. And I did give it a third spin, and I’m glad I was wrong!

My original comment I almost posted after my second try:

Great visuals! Unique story, it seems awesome. Except for one big problem, the stated conclusion in the premise. Which is the first paragraph under the game. Not only does it mean that there's nothing to do in the "game", but however unpopular this opinion may be, it also means that it's not a game!?

Is there any other outcome in this game other than train disappearing? I tried to go as fast as possible without even pausing or turning back, yet i still didn't see any other outcome. Things have happened exactly as written.

I just wasn't very invested in the violet girl because the monologue at the beginning was too fast; I couldn't read it whole and gave up half way.

This might be an unpopular opinion but I hated it. Largely because there was nothing to do against the stated conclusion of the premise. And I wanted to love this game, it was actually the first game I tested. I hated the very long loading times between levels too.

Very casual and some well designed levels! Every level there are new content and more challenges. Very impressive!

Thank you for the honest feedback! I’ve already fixed the game over screen lock issue and many others. Waiting for the voting period to end so I can upload the new version.

We didn’t optimize graphics at all, I’m sorry to hear it ran poorly on your machine.

There is no fps cap other than vsync, if you have a very high refresh rate monitor(I completely forgot those are a thing, sorry, I usually run mine at a lower refresh rate than what it’s rated for) you can try lowering the refresh rate through your Operating System; or alternatively you can use your GPUSoftware/RivaTunerStatisticsServer to apply a frame cap.

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Great effort! Controls, music, audio, graphics was decent.

The lever at the end didn’t do anything. Which was a bit of a let down :)

We should have just teamed up together! Seeing FPS wise our games are very similar. Except in your game enemies actually know how to operate revolvers! And in our game interactive things work :) It’s funny to see what each of us compromised to make the submission in the allowed time.

I loved the horse riding bandits, I was planning to add something similar to my game but never got around to it.

Whiskey in place of med kit’s was a nice touch, probably dulls the pain of bullet holes a bit. Or at the very least, has a placebo effect :D

Thank you!

Internally already fixed most of the bugs, just waiting for the voting period to end to upload v1.1 :)

I’m glad to hear despite all the bugs and issues you were able to reach the ending!

Pretty unique take on the theme and it blew my expectations. It was a bit difficult, best I could manage was 4000 points. But I’m sure with enough investment I can do better!

This was a short but pretty solid game. The art style is fun, it could be great with actual character animations.

I’m glad it made you laugh :) pracedru worked very hard on the sounds, so it makes me happy to hear it.

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Thank you! It makes me happy to know the impression of the game is exactly how we wanted to design it. Looks like we succeeded :)

-There was so much more planned with the interaction system, sadly we ran out of time and had to abandon quite a bit of story and level design.

-Yet another casualty of our over-ambitious plans, mostly my plans, but yes.

-This could be a bug. I’m pretty sure it’s not a feature, at least :D Moving forward, I shall investigate and try to fix

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Thank you! I love how game jams sort of unleash a slightly different a game designer in a person than normally that person is.

Oof, yeah. There was some game design issues made worse by lack of time and over-ambitiousness of the project. But internally, already improving. we’ll upload a patch once the voting period ends.

I’m glad you like the sound design, pracedru takes all the credit for that. I’m sure he’ll be beside himself with joy when he reads your comment. As for me, I’m already happy that you think the game is strange and surreal! Thank you!

There was one thing me and pracedru was in agreement before we started working on this. And that was, “Don’t try to make a serious game, that takes some serious work, work we cannot afford on this game jam.” And the result is door splatter and many other quirky weird stuff happening in the game. So, door collider splatter is a feature, not a bug :D

Thank you!

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Thank you for the valuable feedback! Half way through the development, we gave up, cancelled and removed a lot more surreal ideas/mechanics because the game was too ambitious; so I’m glad the surreal vibes are still coming through!

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Thank you! I’m happy you managed to finish the game! Just knowing at least one person reached the ending gives me a lot of courage moving forward :)

Your response honestly makes me want to play/try it more.

Perhaps you can add some audio after the voting period ends.

It was my pleasure!

Pretty solid puzzle game! The Drag&Drop action was a bit finicky, other than that it was pretty fun! Getting more and more difficult :)

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The game looks great and very original, decent audio/music. Game play didn’t feel great though, I think the controls could be improved a lot.

I did not feel there was a strategy I could employ during fights to win, opponents just kept spamming hits. Very hard to get close without being hit, there’s no staggering when receiving a hit either. Can’t stun the opponent or do anything. Pretty much lost interest there.

Oh my god the music is amazing, the music and the audio have made this game. It was quite fun.

But I got stuck on a level where I had to go back on a platform to kill a slug. I didn’t do that, proceeded forward and the star at the end was transparent. I couldn’t finish the level. But I couldn’t go back to kill the slug because I couldn’t jump high enough.

I had the same issue, wasn’t able to play. Refraining from voting until you upload a patch :)

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I walked and walked, and couldn’t find the frog. Everywhere looked the same.

Black objects with white outlines had a very high contrast, moving tires with white outlines made my eyes water.

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I may be remembering picking up axe twice wrong, sorry.

Your game felt grand at first. Until the gameplay began, not a huge fan.

The dialogues are pretty though.

I wish there was fuel and derelict train cars floating in real life. This is a very fun game.

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Not intuitive.

Take the axe, go back, “hey I found an axe” dialog kicks in, level restarts, take the axe again, now you can chop trees.

Not very intuitive.

Interesting choice of art style. But the game is quite fun and original. Well done.

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The game loads and works now, sort of. The performance isn’t great. (on web)

I think the lock pick mechanic deserves praise.

I don’t like clowns and I had a scare playing this.

At some point there was a clown stuck on a door I was supposed to go through, and I couldn’t go through.

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Apologies. Critical game breaking bug patch were being uploaded, that is why you momentarily missed the builds.

Same thing with our submission, waiting on a reply.

Interesting game. Controls were challenging, combined with the difficulty, it makes for a frustrating experience. I’m sorry to say, I’m not the greatest fan.

Same for me :/

It’s a shame there’s no Audio, otherwise feels great.

This was pretty fun! Well done.

This needs some work.

Thank you, let me know your thoughts afterwards.

Nice puzzle, there’s lack of feedback though.

What would be the value of a comment on a game jam without criticism? :)

Thank you for the comment, sorry about giving wrong directions in the beginning. I will update this with clearer instructions after the voting ends.