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A member registered May 27, 2024 · View creator page →

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enjoyed a lot, fun platforming, didn't like that you couldn't skip/speed up opening and the long "win" animation

I just toughed through it, I don't have much of a setup so it's expected, some old 1080ti?

progression worked pretty well, last level just took me longer lol

That's a great idea, having it be a grappling hook instead or a similar ui 😮

Fun puzzle game, last level had me stumped

My computer was struggling, very nice looking game though

Pawns aren't able to move forward two on their first move, castling? Rest of the movement seems good

Interesting, a bit repetitive though

Silly game with some fun lil challenges, enjoyed the disembodied text

way too easy for first while of playing? cute art and style

Amazing game, super satisfying to parkour and shoot everything, last three levels were perfect but I wish some of the earlier or even future levels were more like puzzle platforming. Like the blender level the quickest route is pretty boring. Really fun though :)

deathless 3:17 :) amazing game

Cool idea, fun bullet hell, dash felt odd though even without scaling

Great presentation and cool idea but when you go in the game the player is very slow which is just frustrating. It would make more sense for them to jump to each space like AI in the first half. Also didn't understand that second part was my attacks from first round so was much easier than the start.

cool concept, could've used more of a tutorial, controls felt restrictive and not for a clear reason? also ending is anticlimactic unless I'm missing something

Beautiful looking game, felt like I didn't understand why I died though

Seems to just be a platformer template? No scaling features but small/large areas?

Bugs and some graphical polish could be nice, also most puzzles had way too much movement, and with movement being slow it was a pain at times. Also the mouse control up and down to scale was odd, maybe keys instead?

(1 edit)

solid, problem with seeing fish's blue on blue waterfall while moving

repetitive over time and ending is very anticlimatic with a death just being forced

Quite the fun game, could use more polish, no intro for self scaling puzzles but great levels and I had a fun time :)

Pretty fun, cute assets nice concept, a little short but cool! smol cube

Very fun, cool idea, could use more platformer polish: coyote time, jump buffering felt very punishing. Also the physics in the last level were quite hard. Nice!

Very polished and cool idea, controls were odd, there was a weird rhythm of having to change to the mouse to aim rope shots. The AD spam was interesting but hard, would likely come with time. The main gripe I had was softlocks, it's would've been way better for the game flow to just kill the player rather than have them cycle the menus

Hard to understand, I couldn't tell why I would lose or win, and had trouble even placing down dragons

Nice dude, I've only made it twice myself 🙌

Yeah, if I were to continue I think a bigger screen, or predicted path arrows would help a lot

Lol that checks out, did not do enough bug testing 🔥