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A member registered Jul 17, 2020 · View creator page →

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I am going to modify one of the early levels (before you get the weapons) to require the player to use the rope, so it is more clear. The ideal is you have a choice on the route you take depending on what weapon you have. Also, I have ideals on levels that require different weapons at different times during the level.

My thought process is like this:

  1. No weapon has a small dash, and climbing abilities.
  2. The bow can kill monsters, and you can use the arrow as a platform. (if your quick you can ride the arrow, or use multiple which I have yet to plan a puzzle around).
  3. The sword can destroys objects blocking you way as well as kill monsters.
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If you don't have a weapon, you can jump on the little rope that is animated on the edge to climb up to the door. Thank you for playing! I am glad you enjoyed it.

This thing:

Thank you!

That's really easy to do, and I think it is a great ideal. Less useless inputs are a good thing.

Amazing Music!

I have been working on a small project off and on as time allows, today I was able to publish my very first playable version of the first part of the game. It uses your music.  Still a lot to do, but wanted to post it in here:

Also, added you to the credits section please let me know if you require adjustments. ( I will be adding credits in game as well at some point, but for now they are just on the itch page.)

A few months ago, I posted a video of my work in progress. I have been working on it off and on as time allows, today I was able to publish my very first playable version of the first part of the game. Still a lot to do, but wanted to post it in here:

Also, added you to the credits section please let me know if you require adjustments.

Here is you an update: 

I will do my best, have already added a bunch to it.

Here is where I am at with this so far. Great work on this. I hope you continue work on it.

I have been using your assets for awhile now. I have never made anything commercial. Just stuff for fun. Here is my little take on it:

(Please note
The dirt and stone are basically just retextures, I made the SFX in BFXR, and the music in One Bit Dragon.

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I actually don't remember, lol. It's been so long since I worked on this one.

Edit: I played through it and killed myself several times. I didn't hear anything I considered unintentional, so I guess that is a yes.

Thank you, I am currently working on art and ideals to expand the game further as time allows. I am most like gonna add a running system that allows for a sliding stop, but remove the slide from regular movement.

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Little confusing at first, but once I understood how it works I liked it. I would work on the walls of text. I mean they convey the controls and other options, but take away from the charm of the game in my opinion. Great game over all!

Very good game, I like the story, I loved the puzzles, the way you help player learn mechanics is textbook. Great job!

I love the pixel art, I liked the dragon? I think it was a dragon.

Thank you!

Thank you for playing. I will try to play your game tomorrow, because I am going to bed.  I tried to fix the screen tearing (I cannot figure it out to save my life.), but could not figure it out. I wanted the surface to slippery to try to simulate the player's running speed. You should have seen it before I reduced it.

I did want the game to be slightly frustrating, so no worries there.

I like the look, feel, sound, and vibe to the game. I especially loved the way you had different difficulty options. The logo, while simple, looks great. I think you could make something out of it, if you chose to.

A few things I noticed:

  • The game crashed twice on me before I could load it. After that it ran fine even after closing it, could be something on my PC, but I felt like I should note it. 
  • Using the mouse to pan was expected, I would like to see it  with the keyboard as well.
  • I have problems with the movement. I kept getting stuck, and had a hard time judging if I could  click to move to certain locations. I am not sure if it is the fog of war, pathfinding, or the not being in the correct phase. 
  • Speaking of phases, a better explanation of the phases would be useful. For example, what is plan phase? Why does some of them move faster than others? Is it for the player, the enemies, and/or both.

Overall, I enjoyed the game, and it has some very strong points.

Thank you for playing! I am glad you appreciate the art, why I always think is my worst ability.  The particles are a mix of hand drawn, and CPUParticle nodes.

I agree with a lot of what I read from you, and you have made some observations I have noticed myself, and have planned to adjust in the future. I like to know what I did wrong, it helps me brainstorm improvements. Constructive criticism, is extremely helpful and welcome to me. I use it to determine my shortcomings in scripting in Godot, and game design. It also helps me gauge how far I have come, and how far I still need to go. I consider it vital to progress. Again, thank you it is helpful to me. 

I think the spikes was a bad call, or could have been bigger. You are correct, the hitbox could be smaller. I had  meant to do this, but it skipped my mind.  I think if I adjust it, I will also make the sprites larger.

I picked the primary commands, based loosely off of the home row keys when typing. I had hoped to add a key bind mapping system (If you look in the options menu you will see the start of that), but remaining time did not allow for that.  That is why you have multiple keys that do the same thing.  I would like to note it has controller support as well.

I wanted you to think of the health as your lives. Once, you run out of health, you become the Devil and restart the game. In the future, I would like to use this system to implement a upgrade/skill purchase system (think rogue legacy, but much smaller).

Hopefully, I explained my reasoning behind some of the choices.  I have plans to make the game a little larger and better. I programed it in such a way to reduce that load because of that. If it ends up in a state to where I am happy with it, I will update what I have done.

Again, thank you for playing I find your insight making me not only question some of my decisions, but is helping me come up with ways to avoid similar pitfalls. For example, I will most likely come up with a easier to do key bind system, with remappable keys that I can program fairly quickly in game jams. 

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Thank you, Colorblind mode was really easy to do and only took me a little while with online resources. I wish I had time to do button mapping, but that is difficult for me to do although there is about a half finished system that has it. I opted for multiple ways to control the character.  Sound is controlled by an autoload variable. The music is a autoload scene.

Fun fact did you know the music is random too? There is about 8 tracks to listen to. I thought about random enemy placement, or a few preset groups that appear and disappear, but I figured that may be a little over kill for this scope.

Win or loose in any category or overall, wasn't my reason to join the jam. Obviously, if I won any part it would be great, but I just wanted to refresh my knowledge in the 2D side of Godot. I am working on learning blender mostly, so I can semi-quickly model objects to start getting more serious in Godot 3D.

Again, thank you very much for playing.

Here is mine, if you want to look at it.

I could see myself wasting time with yours as a mobile game with a touch interface. Good job on it. I really liked the art, simple but effective. Main character was well designed to me.

Very original game, I like the controls. I do wish I could easily tell if a monster required one or two hits. Great job!

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I go boom. Very simple game. Honestly, this type of game is not my cup of tea, but I can see the appeal in the game that others may have. The first playthrough I was confused when I blew up, lol. I think you did an awesome job, and if you plan to continue working on it I can see some great potential. Very good job!

I liked this game, I found it very relaxing. Dig collect, return, and avoid the snakes. Simple, but effective great job.

Thank you, I went a little out of the box with this project in some aspects. I've been learning Blender the last few months, and wanted to build a 2D game to keep from forgetting what I have learned.  I seen the wild jam, and decided a game jam was a good choice. I wanted to make something simple, mess around with some randomness and work with a few different mechanics. 

 I will check your game out when I get some time. Thank you again. 

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Thank you very much, I check your game out when I get a good chance. Thanks again. I can thank the art assets working well, due to a pallet I have used for awhile now.

Rated, very good game. I like it better than mine! I beat it, nothing too bad stood out. Only thing that I seen was that the yellow platforms (The Bouncers) seem to have a slightly large hit box. Very minimal observation there, it just caused me to not gauge a jump or two properly. Don't want to give away the ending, but I tried to reach the red triangle, and failed.. I figured it would kill me anyway so I completed the level.

Thank You, if I decided to do any more with this one, I may transition to Raycasts to make him less stubborn. 

Used a few of these assets for a Game Jam I am in. aesthetically fit my retro feeling game greatly in my opinion. 

Link to Game:

Used your assets again for a Gamejam game, you make great music keep it up!

Game Link:

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Thank you these are easy enough to change. I will see what I can do when I get some time today.


I posted a new update, Player friction has been increased, the player still slides, just not as bad. I do want some sliding to simulate the speed at which the player is running.

I also colored the traps to be more red, so they will be more visual to the player.

Thank you! The music is great.

Hello used your sound effects in

Hello, used your music in

Hello, used your font in:

Hello, used your assets to create:

Thank you, it didn't scale properly.

Thank you!

Yeah, I wanted to play with shaders a bit, and that's what I got.

Thank you for playing!