Hey! Thanks for playing. In the next update (after the jam), I’m thinking of possibly adding different difficulty levels.
And thanks for your comment btw, you made my day :)
It’s challenging but entertaining. The simple graphics work well, giving it a minimalist and polished look. The music fits perfectly and makes the experience more enjoyable. It gets pretty tough, I managed to defeat the second boss, but I didn’t get to see the third one since I lost before that. I spent about half an hour trying, haha. Good game!
It has a lot to polish, but the art is great, and I liked the ability to slow down time. There’s a small bug: when I lose and press start again, the game stays on black screen, and I have to reload the page to play again. Despite this, I found the game fun.
I’d appreciate it if you checked out my game :)
It’s a fun game but with clear issues, like how sometimes it’s impossible to dodge the enemy because the player is too slow, or that attack that occasionally covers the whole screen and seems impossible to avoid.
I really liked the simple art. Btw, my game has a boss with a very similar design, if you’d like, I’d appreciate it if you checked it out.
This was a surprise. I wasn’t expecting such a fun game. I made it to the end. It’s addictive and very well thought out in terms of boss design. I love the simple yet well-animated aesthetic. It’s a challenging game but well-balanced. I only have two minor complaints/suggestions:
I think it would make more sense if W brought you closer to the boss and S moved you away, since it feels like the player is facing the boss, and W is usually the button to move forward. I kept pressing the wrong keys throughout the game because it felt much more intuitive this way. Or you could add an option to invert the controls so that each player can adjust it to their liking.
Why "J" and "I"? Wouldn’t "J" and "K" make more sense? It’s much more comfortable and practically a standard. In my opinion, the perfect keys for this game would be arrow keys + Z and X, or WASD + J and K, and of course, the spacebar.
Anyway, this is one of the games I’ve enjoyed the most in this Jam. Great job!
Good game, very complete. I like the upgrade system with the roulette, although I’d prefer if it wasn’t mandatory to spin it every time—sometimes I just want to jump into the game, especially in a game where it’s so easy to die over and over again. It starts to feel tedious having to go through that process just to play again. I also don’t like having to start everything from scratch after dying; at least a few extra lives before that happens would be nice.
The use of the theme seemed very original to me, and the bosses are interesting. One detail is that whenever they fire multiple projectiles (especially the shiny ones), the game lags a bit, at least in the web version, which is the one I played.
Despite all this, I think it’s a solid entry for this Jam.
It’s a good idea, and the graphics, despite looking very amateur, work. I liked the bosses' behavior—each one has its own style and different phases, which I think is great. It’s also cool that you can upgrade abilities. However, there are certain aspects that hold it back:
The bullets are very slow. I understand that you can upgrade them and increase their speed, but I still think it wasn’t a good decision because it makes the game feel unpolished at the start.
The bullets don’t get destroyed when colliding with the boss, which takes away a lot of the satisfaction of landing a hit.
The bosses don’t appear in order. Sometimes you start fighting one, then die, and suddenly you’re fighting a different one. The player is learning the mechanics of the first boss, and suddenly has to fight a new one, which not only disrupts the player’s progression but also takes away the excitement of wanting to see what’s next. Basically, I can be losing and still experiencing the whole game without “earning” it.
A minor detail: It's odd that the aspect ratio is different when playing in windowed mode. I imagine this is an error due to the rush of the Jam.
Despite all this, I think it’s a good game considering every aspect was made by just one person. Well done!
I really like the overall aesthetic, although the giant "Try Again" button looks a bit ugly compared to the rest of the GUI (I guess due to the jam's time constraints). The music is quite good as well. Overall, I find it an original and entertaining game, though there are some details that hold it back:
I think the player should be a bit faster, and the reaction time after an input is too long. I understand that it tries to simulate more "realistic" movement, but I believe slightly faster reaction time would improve the gameplay feel. It can get frustrating since the boss is considerably faster than the player, and at times it feels like you don’t have enough time to react.
This point is less forgivable. The collision box of the boss or the player is clearly larger than the sprite. In this type of game, where collisions are so important (like any platformer or action game), the collision boxes for both the player and the enemies should be smaller than the sprite—this is a golden rule. Even if you make the collision box exactly the same size as the sprite, players will often feel like they’ve lost without even touching the enemy. It needs to be clearer when you’ve actually made contact, and that’s why it’s done this way.
Despite all this, I found it fun—I spent at least half an hour trying to beat it. I’m not entirely sure, but I think the boss takes damage from the asteroids, is that correct?
Things I liked:
I loved the chaotic and "nonsensical" art along with that glitched atmosphere. The music also fascinated me and fits very well with this aesthetic. The player animations are quite good, and I like that throwing knives gives you momentum.
Things I didn’t like:
As Dreamnoid already mentioned, losing momentum when jumping makes the controls feel a bit clunky.
Exploration feels unnecessary; you only need to follow the correct path to finish the game, without having to collect any artifacts or keys, which isn’t very Metroidvania-like. You can also practically finish the entire game without killing any enemies.
Another thing is that some abilities aren’t explained—or at least I couldn’t find the instructions—like dodging and throwing dynamite.
Even with these issues, you’ve earned a new fan. I love the aesthetic of this game and your other projects, and I look forward to seeing more of your work in the future.
It took me 3 hours and 17 minutes to finish it over a period of 2 days, although I was missing two talismans and one ability. I loved everything, from the art to the way the story was told. The GUI is a 10/10. I loved that the map had a simplified version and a more detailed one, and being able to place markers is super useful, especially with a map as large as this game’s.
I must admit that the music can be a little monotonous even though it changes a little depending on the area, but it's okay, it doesn't get tiring or anything.
I finished it because it genuinely hooked me. I have nothing bad to say about this game except for a few bugs:
I got stuck in this area using the "Mist Dash":
Also when entering this area from the right:
And as a final detail it seems that there is a bug with the talismans since I suddenly stopped being able to unequip the ones I already had equipped and therefore I could not use the last talismans I got.
Anyway, I think this is one of the best contenders of this Jam, a great game and well polished in all aspects.
A great job that is to be admired.
I loved the gameboy color aesthetic and the music was great. Despite the issues already mentioned below, it’s been an enjoyable experience. Unfortunately, I couldn’t continue due to a bug when transitioning between rooms. If you switch items mid-transition in rooms where rocks block the path, you can get stuck. I attach a video to show it:
Despite that, I’ve loved the overall atmosphere of the game. The characters have their charm, and I also love that you can examine all the monuments and crypts. I’ll try to finish it again soon. Great work!
I like the aesthetic, and I’m a fan of games with very low resolutions. My own game has a pretty small screen, but I feel like you might have gone a bit too far here. It gets a bit tiring to play the game without zooming in. A minimap would be very helpful since it’s easy to get lost, especially with so many paths. Still, I had a good time playing it. Unfortunately, I was only able to find the rocket arm; after that, I honestly got pretty lost.
The platforming feels rough, especially the wall jump, as MicketyMike already mentioned. Also, you can go through ceilings and floors with the spider, and completely break the game. I tried it for a while, but I couldn't get very far to be honest. Still, I understand that all of this will be polished over time. Even so, I have enjoyed it :)
P.S. Thanks for making me download Roblox, I've discovered a whole new world :D
This game would be very good if it weren't for the problems that have already been mentioned. The music that ends, the very slow return when you fail (I almost didn't finish it because of this). If it weren't for the fact that the character's steps are🔥🔥🔥 and that I put on Stevie Wonder, maybe I would have never finished it.
Still I had lot of fun :D
I like the fluidity of the movement, but the game has many issues:
There's a part where you fall infinitely, the camera is too close, the game doesn't restart after you die, and you have to close and reopen it every time you die. Among other problems such as the pumpkin throwing mechanic that works a little bugged. Plus, I don't understand where the theme is implemented.
A tutorial would be nice too, even if it's on the website.
In general you have a lot to fix, but the game also has some charisma and potential.
I liked the idea and the animations are pretty good. I love the overall aesthetics. As others have already mentioned, the only thing I would complain about is the lack of levels that fully explore all the mechanics, but it's understandable due to the jam's time constraints. I hope to see more of this game soon. Well done!
The old-school aesthetic is always great, especially that ultra-minimalist Game Boy style. I find it quite charming. I liked having to pick up the harpoon every time you throw it, although it can be a bit tedious; I see you say it may not work this way in the final version, although I find it a very original mechanic. Maybe you could leave it as it is and add another upgrade like a gun that shoots bullets that you don't have to pick up but don't kill in one hit like the harpoon. Just an idea.
I think I've reached the end.
I would love to play a finished version of this game :)
The gameplay feels quite smooth and enjoyable. I like the feel when hitting enemies, and the platforming part is simple but well executed in my opinion. The ambient sound is very good, but I think it feels like something is missing. I like JDNation's suggestion of adding a Minecraft-style music along with the ambient sound. So it keeps that relaxing and pleasant feel.
I think there was a lack of a situation where the powers are really exploited, but I see that you will continue with the project, so you still have a lot to add.
I've had a good time, good entry.
I think there are some obvious points to highlight; the visual and sound aspects are great, although perhaps the boss music is a bit loud compared to the rest. The gameplay is excellent; I enjoyed the feel of the combat and the movements in general. But something I would like to highlight is the level design, which I think is excellent. At no point did I feel lost, but I also didn't feel like the game was holding my hand; it definitely has that Metroidvania element that invites you to explore and constantly change routes until you find the necessary upgrade, and I thought you executed this part greatly.
My only problem is the menu when dying. Several times I was about to close the game because the menu responds immediately. And while fighting the boss, it finally happened :(
I was playing so frantically that I didn't realize while I was pressing buttons like crazy and closed the game when I died. I can simply suggest leaving the Resume and Back to Menu buttons. Or maybe have a saving system, haha.
Anyway, I've almost rated this game perfect; I think I'll try it again soon.
I've spent about two hours on it, and I've had a great time. I love the music and all the sound aspects. Also, the old-school aesthetic reminds me of some PC games I used to play in the early 2000s.
As others have commented, the game feels somewhat labyrinthine, especially because many paths (maybe too many) are blocked until you find the necessary upgrade to pass through. Perhaps the issue is that the rooms could have more distinctive features, like different enemies or different types of blocks. Maybe making the aesthetic of the map change as you progress downwards, so everything can be more identifiable. It's appreciated that you can walk while looking at the map.
I like that it has a story and the part in the city, although I would like to be able to return from time to time; I don't know what upgrade is necessary to do this. So far, I've only obtained the dash and the double jump.
Anyway, it's a great entry, with some things to polish but quite fun.
It's been a great experience. I love the aesthetic combining 2D with 3D. The combat feels quite good; you have to get the hang of it, but once you understand it, it's quite fun and responsive. The same goes for the dash jump; at first, it's a bit difficult to get used to because you have to jump immediately after dashing, but it's quite fun once you master it. I stopped playing because of a bug when entering the first room of the hallway after the Boss (or first Boss, I'm not sure). I attach evidence.
I liked the gameplay so much that I tried it again but got the same error.
Another suggestion is to add the ability to run (I'm not sure if you've already done this since I didn't finish the game), and maybe more combos. Also, the scenery feels somewhat empty, but I assume that's because of the rush for the jam.
Anyway, great entry for this jam. I hope a final version of this game comes to fruition. Great job!
I greatly appreciate you playing my game and your detailed feedback. It's been awesome to watch your playthrough (I must have watched it at least 4 times xd). It's been quite useful for me to see how you tried to solve the problems and how you decide to explore the map.
I have to polish certain aspects of the enemies, especially the stalkers; maybe just one or two hits to eliminate them would be fine.
About the bubble: in the early stages of development of this game, the dash speed didn't increase with energy, so it was impossible to reach certain places without the bubble. Although at the moment the big advantage is that you don't take damage while using it, sure it breaks when hit, but you can always spawn it immediately over and over again. I really believe you can be almost immortal using it this way. The same goes if you alternate between attacking and using the dash, the window in which you are vulnerable can be almost non-existent. In the next update, the bubble will protect you from spikes and fire as well (thanks to your gameplay, I realized the importance of this).
Also, I understood that I need to make clearer what happens in the interface and how energy works. Since you're not the only one who has mentioned how confusing this is.
About the doors, I'm not sure what to say; the only two places that require you to open more than one door before allowing you to progress or get an essential item are two very important areas in the game, like the final zones, and it's a bit the idea that it feels like a high-security place since it's a prison. But I think I can understand the frustration, since sometimes you have to go back from very far; for that, you can press "T" to teleport to the last save point, although I think you lose 3 or 4 energy, but you can do it even if you don't have any. Another tip is to press "R"; this will restart the room you're in and therefore also the items, but you'll lose 3 energy, you can use it when you need a few hearts, for example.
Again, I infinitely thank you for your feedback and your videos; you've helped me a lot. :)
Nothing more to add that hasn't been said already. I loved the experience. The 46 minutes it took me to finish it flew by. The combat is very fun and the movement in general, although it's true it can be a bit confusing with so many buttons. I hope to see more updates to this game, more types of enemies and bosses. I imagine this is not the end. Well done! :)
It's been quite fun. I wanted to play this game since MVM 22 but didn't have the time. Nothing bad to say at the moment, the game is quite charming and feels very well polished, also very cute. As mentioned below; I'd like the cooldown to be shorter for more agility, although it's not bothersome.
I played for a good while until I ran into a bug when falling on a spike. Something to do with obj_transition.first.
Other than that, just wanted to say I loved it. Well done!
Hey! Thank you so much for playing my game and for your feedback. I've been thinking about working a bit more on the stalkers to make them more balanced. By the way, you can attack with "J," I'm not sure if you noticed because many people on the MVM didn't realize it since the tutorial is currently only on the website.
I've been playing your game, it's quite entertaining and even a bit intriguing :o. I'll leave my review as soon as I finish it, at least I'll try :D
Thanks again!