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A member registered Sep 10, 2015 · View creator page →

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I really liked this!!! It was so surprising. I was kind of just browsing and didn't intend to play all the way through, but next thing I know, I did haha. I got attached to the squid, too. Very unique, fun idea!

Thank you very much for your support, I do appreciate it! I apologize for the late response!

OKAY, I uploaded a working file! I also removed the Italics. As great as that idea was, there's a weird issue where not all links are affected by that CSS, and the discrepancy was bugging me. Until I learn how to fix that, I outright removed it.

(1 edit)

Thank you for the comment! I'll take a look myself. As a hint (assuming it's working) take a look around the living room. Make sure to click anything in italics.

Edit: Aw nuts. Looks like it isn't working. Which is odd, considering I managed to get through the whole thing in testing. Let me reupload!

Awesome! Thank you! :D

Generia community · Created a new topic Untimely Update
(1 edit)

All right so I had ZERO idea that so many people were playing Generia and possibly following it, so here's a little update on the project!

Livestreaming the game's creation process will return on May 22, 2017 at 5:30pm. It will continue "every day" with a few exceptions, usually on a thursday, and the limit of 7 days is now not a hard limit.

If you're wondering what happened, there was a family emergency that essentially sent me flying to another state to care for a family member that had had a stroke. Suffice to say, I literally dropped everything and basically only notified my youtube channel. Good stuff!

As a reminder to anyone looking through the posts, Generia is a project based on being a very generic video game. The current, playable build is playable in browsers on mobile but is not the latest nuild. I livestream every moment of this game's creations, apart from tiny tweaks I might do offscreen for fear of forgetting. You can find the livestreams here:

Thank you again for checking out Generia! Literally expected like 0 hits to this game versus the steady 9 it's been getting haha. <

Generia community · Created a new topic Day 04 - 04/28/2017

We had to skip yesterday (Thursday) on account of the fact that I give a cello lesson on Thursdays.

Today in the livestream, which was about 1 hour and 30 minutes long give or take, we created a dungeon for the player to get through! The latest version of Generia is up and running with rewards, treasure AND a boss monster that I haven't exactly tested yet, so I have no idea how it'll go! There's no new weapons just yet, but there will be in the future. I think I may tweak the items a little to give the player a larger advantage over monsters, as they're kind of too evenly matched at the moment.

If you find any bugs in the latest version of my 7-day game jam imposed on myself, let me know!

Generia community · Created a new topic Update - 04/26/2017

So today's livestream was about 2 hours and 11 minutes. We managed to crank out the entire first area of the game, plus the startup quest that will lead them to the town of Castleton! Off stream, I did add some shops and make sure the player wouldn't get stuck anywhere (hoepfully), but otherwise seems like everything's going smoothly.

I didn't end where I wanted to end for today- I wanted to try and wrap up Act I by the end of today, but it's looking like that'll have to happen tomorrow. Which may not happen actually because I remembered I have a cello lesson I have to give... That'll be interesting.

I plan to hopefully record myself going through the game and explaining everything we decided to do. We also, heat of the moment, named random characters in the village of Forrestia after people who were chatting in the stream! Now they shall be immortalized within Forrestia, the generic starter town in my generic JRPG!

Very fun day.

I realized it'd be a really cool idea to post the progress of Generia as I'm working on it, to kind of have something to look back on. It's not going to be an impressive game by any means, but it'll be completed and that's all that matters. The progress of Generia is livestreamed every single day I work on it at at 5:30pm PST. The end date of these streams for Generia is 05/01/2017, or if I can't stream on the weekend, 05/03/2017.

As a brief overview, even though the main page describes Generia pretty clearly, Generia is not meant to be groundbreaking. It is meant to be Generic and JRPG and fantasy and if you come into this expecting the latest and greatest in JRPG's and RPG's in general you are going to have a bad time. It will be short, it might not have a fully filled map, and it will be using the stockiest of stock images, but it will be finished. That's literally the goal of this lol.

Day 1 of the 7-Day Jam: 04/24/2017. First Livestream, went for about an hour. We worked solely on the System of the game, ironing out the points of each character within the game. No characters were created and all names given from the moment you open RPG Maker MV were kept, so we literally have Harold, Therese, Marsha, and Lucius. Lucius's nickname is LuLu. We kept the four classes, Hero, Warrior, Mage, and Priest, and we renamed some of the items to keep them more generic- potion, elixir, ether, etc. All work done was for the classes by ensuring that of the 8 stats available, each character has 2 Amazing Stats (++), 2 Good Stats (+), 2 Bad Stats (-), and 2 Terrible Stats (--). I'd jot down the entire method used to churn out the stats for each class, but of course my notes didn't save to my freaking One Drive.

Day 2 of the 7-Day Jam: 04/25/2017. Second Livestream, went for about 2 hours. Ironed out the rest of the system, including using the class system to figure out the stats for three monsters the player might come across. Added a few spells, and managed to create a "Flan" type of monsters, called a "Wet Slime", in which water magic does Zero damage to it and spark magic does 200% damage to it, and physical attacks are mostly useless.

The starting town, Forestia, was built, and the bare minimum characters were placed in the level. On the Overworld map, we blocked off the path south and also placed what will later be Castleton. I'm not joking, this is supposed to be generic. The art and placement of doors/characters took up the majority of the livestream.

I will be posting images, pictures, and even a playable test of the game each day from here on out, even if it's just a walk around version.

So after an insane amount of rewrites and alternate planning, I have a butt load of mechanics figured out and set up- including inventory- and everything works.

And hen it came time to make a story.

Boy howdy, harder than it sounded.

I'm so far pretty deep into the intro for one idea. It's got a feeling of Persona 4 and my favorite theme in the world: Robin Hood. Player has skills they level up through choosing the right option, and while the story is linear, choices help give flavor and skill bonuses to the player as they go. It gives an opportunity ro build relations with other haracters

There's a mystery to be solved of unfairness and crime breaking, but no one trusts our main character due to a shadowy past completely covered by gossip.

I'm pumped about everything but the art.

Can't draw >.>

I'll figure it out.

Awesome XDD i think i've got it so far, it's not like a complicated inventory. X

(1 edit)

Hey Guys! I wanted to get in on the Devlog fun, though my project is still in the game document stage. I have a lot of really cool ideas, mostly mechanics- I'm a mechanics kind of girl- and some story to go along with those mechanics. This first Devlog is going to go over my first mechanic, and the main function of my game- a traversible Map with rooms. This is not a rogue-like map, or mystery dungeon, it's definitely a more "hard coded" map with rooms that you plan out, but it does have the feel of a 3D world versus a 2D visual novel world.

I've yet to really find the perfect method to explain this technique, except that it uses one of my most favorite techniques- Bitwise Calculations. Explaining that is actually kind of difficult- believe me, I've been trying to make a "beginner" tutorial for it for ages, and it's been a challenge. I really want to create a tutorial video on it though.

My biggest mechanic issue now is getting TyranoScript and Javascrip to play nice. In PHPStorm, I was able to create a mockup of a 2D inventory space made up of "Dictionary Objects", but I can't seem to get the process working in TyranoBuilder just yet. I could be overcomplicating this, but as I mentioned in PHPStorm, it was incredibly simple. I realized belatedly as I was creating Object definitions for each item available in the game that I should create a sort of Parent object, since they all share similar defining traits- like Name and Quantitiy.

Basically, in plain old Javascript (not considering TyranoScript basically), this is my process for a basic inventory, in its earliest markup:

var AB = {
name: "AB",
quantity: 0
}; //this is an item called AB, with a name AB and an initial quantity of 0.

var inventory = [];

Now there's actually two ways to create items here, and while this one is my preferred method (despite being a little lengthy) you could also create items as the player comes across them, depending. This could get really messy though, so I'm just going to stick with the one right above.

for(var i = 0; i < inventory.length; i++) {
if(inventory[i].name == "AB") {
inventory[i].quantity += 1;

The above is important. Even though I KNOW which location in the inventory array is AB, I still need to run that for loop as a force of habit. Later, the player could have countless items, and I may not necessarily know which item is actually in their inventory and where it's located. This way, the for loop checks only for the item, and if it finds it, exits the for loop. Neat, smooth, and careful.

I figure I'd better turn the for loop into a scene of its own to work like a "function" in TyranoBuilder, so I can essentially call it whenever I want. This can be made easy, if I use a temporary variable to carry the name of the item the game is looking for when jumping to that "function".

The only problem is that this doesn't translate perfectly to TyranoBuilder- just trust me on that. It'll take some finesse, but I can figure it out. XD

I'm very excited for these mechanics. ;D

:D Thank you! I'm so glad they were helpful! It's great to see you stuck with it too! I wish you all the best!

Hey guys! I'm Monica Prunier, aka Darkovika. I participated in the 2015 TyranoBuilder game jam, which had been a month long, and although I didn't win I did get a lot of out of the experience.

This time around the topic is "Fresh Start", which actually hit really close to home for me for some reason. I knew what I wanted to make right off the bat.

I won't be posting my Devlog here, I may post it in the Steam forum or on the game page itself if I just outright make one. I may also do a series of youtube devlog videos, depending, and either upload them as I go or upload them one by one at the end, once the game is released.

My biggest concern is the time limit. 30 minutes seems so long, yet also seems so short- from experience, I know it's daunting in the beginning and then frustrating toward the end, as you think "THERE ISN'T ENOUGH TIME FOR MY GAME".

I'm a Programmer by trade, so my art isn't going to be the best on the block, but for my idea I think it'll be fine.

Good luck to everyone!

I want to see this turn into the best thing ever.

How familiar are you with Lovecraft and his works? It'd be great to see references to both stories and actual abominations.

Can I just say that that dragon is friggin gorgeous? Wishing I had them artistic skills. Programming is wonderful, but that second screenshot has me yearning for the creative side of game development.