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Daddy Hyperion

A member registered Feb 03, 2016

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Afraid not, but I can give you some personal pointers (I'm the guy who wrote the official walkthrough for the game).

For the Adventurer, I usually go for an axe build or a dagger build. If you go for an axe, I recommend the Villain Axe you can buy in Piratetown, because it attacks twice. Double-attack is the most useful trait a weapon can have in the game, cuz it also doubles the amount of TP you can get per round. Yes, axes deal inconsistent damage, but I still prefer them over swords, cuz their weapon skills are more useful. Put all your skill points into ATK, and use equipment like Wulfrick's Spiked Collar and Saphura's Submersion (from Saphura's chests), to boost your ATK even more. Daggers are more useful for bosses, so if you pick one, I'd recommend Lazora (from Duiro's chests), cuz it gives you +20% Speed. Daggers have lower base damage than the other weapon types, and they rely on your Speed stat to deal damage with their skills, so put all your stat points into Speed, and get two Bottles of Lube from the hyena dude on Pine Island, for 20% more Speed, and more equipment like Shaun's armor from the Pirate Hideout. Since dagger skills ignore the enemy's DEF, they are great for bosses, but a pain for farming because of the low base damage.

Lace is your most powerful character, and also the most versatile. Personally, I always go for a fire build with him, because of the extra damage. Plus, the Scroll/Rune of Healing Wind from the Gloomy Forest evens out the lack of defense from most of your characters, if you go all in for power. So, put all his skill points into MTK, craft the Flaming Scepter of Rubyro at Anubu's station, and buy the Mage outfit in Piratetown. You can also use the Beautiful/Elegant Kimono from Silky's house instead, to reduce spell costs. And of course, get the Inferno Ring, unless you got enough cash to blow on a spell book.

Wulfrick's Draining Claw skill used to be absolutely OP, but Spedu nerfed him. Since he has so much armor that boosts his max. HP and DEF/M.DEF, most people tried to make him tanky, but that came at the cost of him dealing damage. Luckily, he finally got some support to balance that out! The Bulbark you can get from the first Water Dungeon's boss's chest is absolutely OP, and encourages you to spread your skill points across DEF and M.DEF, and use armor like the Bounty Hunter's set you can buy in Piratetown, and the Steel armor pieces you can craft in Shiptown at Horgath's station. That way, Wulfrick's base damage gets absolutely insane, and most enemies will fail to deal even 1 damage point to him. The only downside of that used to be that his Draining Claw skill becomes useless, since its damage is based on your ATK stat. But now, thanks to Wulfrick's new toy in the Deep Mine, he has a new skill that deals damage based on his max. HP stat!

Fucko is a little wonky. The safest bet would be to go all ATK with him, just like with the Adventurer for an axe or sword build, and give him equipment that boosts ATK even further, especially the Captain's set you can buy from the Quest Guild merchants. and Ruby Rings you can craft in Shiptown. Also, give him the Stinker you can get from Nick's home, since it has double-attack. A more rogue strategy would be to go completely for SEXY, aka get him the "No Shirt/Gloves/Pants/Shoes"-set from the third Water Dungeon floor, and the Pin of Acceptance you get for completing the pink dragon's questline, and Richtor's Vibrating Toy and the Designer Sunglasses from his hotel. The Heartache is a pistol that can randomly drop from the first Water Dungeon boss's chest, and it adds your SEXY stat to your critical hits. Fucko's skill Fan The Hammer attacks an enemy five times with the chance for crits for each shot. So, that build can deal insane damage if you get lucky, and multiple shots using that skill crit.

I hope I could give you some neat ideas for fun builds. Generally, builds that are offensive are the best options in the game.

The model thing should be fixed next update. However, I don't know what might've caused the dragon thing, if it really didn't appear anywhere in your inventory afterwards. The only explaination I can think of is if you used a very old save file from before 0.57, when the finalized quest was implemented

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Did you talk to the dragon afterwards upstairs? Also, what version are you playing, and what were you doing when this happened? Did you already fight Richtor?

That part of the game isn't done yet

I assume you're referring to Rubyro and Saphura? Each time you reach their throne rooms, you get some new pieces of their individual armor sets from their chests. Once you have collected the entire set of one of them, you get their scene. In other words, you need to finish each dungeon three times.

The spaghetti are here 

Fire Dungeon, second floor, just before the boss room after you defeat the guardian, head to the right downstairs and follow the path til you reach a cell with a hole in it, and head in there.

You need to copy the entire folder, not just one file. The config and global file are also nessecary.

You need to update your game to version 0.20. Just re-download the game, but make sure to make a copy of your save folder, so you won't lose your save files.

Which village was that?

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The gold badge unlocks the 3-star quests and additional items for purchase at the guild shopkeepers. The quest home feature is still WIP. The platinum badge is only available to have the item in the game already, purchasing it doesn't do anything.

Sounds like you hit CTRL. That button hides your text box, but not your choice box, while also disabling said choice box. Simply press CTRL again if that happens.

How do you get the alternate ending?

You can use JoiPlay to play on Android.
Just make sure you download the latest version of JoiPlay, because older versions might not be compatible with yoru device.

You need to update the game to 0.20. If you aren't using the itch launcher, re-download the game, then you can buy the badge from Buba. Remember to copy your save files before you update though, so you don't lose them.

You need the silver badge in order to unlock the two star quests, and the gold one for the three stars. You can't buy the badges in 0.19 though, but you're in luck, 0.20 should drop in a couple hours.

In the top right corner of the first floor of the lighthouse

You can switch to fullscreen mode by pressing F4

Grope his junk, then tell him you wanna join the pirates. You can check the walkthrough for more questions

You might wanna join Spedumon's Discord server. there's a channel for items in the game and balancing. There's also other folks that know more about RPGMaker than I do. Maybe somebody knows of a plugin that does what you're looking for.

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Here's an example for what I mean. In this build, Wulfrick's base attack deals almost 160 HP damage to the foreman in the mine, tripling that with Draining Claw would be absolutely insane, and Spedumon was already unsure whether or not the Bulbark is too powerful. Especially given that in this defensive build, Wulfrick's HP is already over 600, and even more, 80-90% of all attacks in the game, including from bosses, don't even deal 1 HP damage to him anymore. And that equipment isn't even that hard to get, the Bounty Hunter set can be purchased in Piratetown, and the Steel armor can be crafted at the armor smith in Shiptown.

Draining Claws damage is based on your ATK stat, yes. I'm not sure if it's even technically possible to change the base stat for a skill based on what weapon you have equipped in RPGMaker, but since Bulbark has way higher damage potential given that it uses two stats for damage calculation AND that Wulfrick has so much more equipment that boosts his DEF, giving him an even more powerful skill to pair with that might be broken. Draining Claws already got nerfed a couple years ago, because it was too OP on its own.

0.72 is the most recent version, if you're a Wulfrick-tier supporter

From the looks of it, this can't be 0.72. Buba, the quest bunny NPC, only sells Empty Bottles as placeholder in public build 0.19, because the rest of the build is blocked off til 0.20. Also, in the screenshot you posted, there's the green dinosaur NPC between Buba's and Lior's booth that Spedumon specifically added to the public build to explain the differences between the upcomming public builds, while in the Patreon version that NPC doesn't exist. Also, you seem to have loaded the prepackaged save file that came with the version you downloaded instead. I make those save files for each update so people don't have to start from scratch again in case their old save files won't work anymore (which used to happen a lot in the past, because RPGMaker can mess things up like that inbetween updates). So TL;DR, it looks like you downloaded the wrong version. Check Spedu's pinned post on Patreon for the latest update. If your save files won't work with the newer update, then I'm afraid you either have to start a new game, or use one of the prepackaged save files.

If you're playing the public build, you'll have to wait til next update (0.20) til you can buy the silver badge from Buba. The green dinosaur NPC next to him tells you about the upcoming updates in greater detail.

Starting the upcoming Patreon update, the bugged spots will be locked.

That's just me being silly. Just like when Wulfick is 'angy' instead of 'angry' in the fire dungeon.

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It took me a while to replicate the bug on PC, as it only seems to occur when you hold down the 'up' or 'down' key, and then press the arrow key pointing towards the rock. I guess with JoiPlay controls this can happen a lot easier, but I'm letting Spedumon know about this.

The silver badge becomes available next update in january. Talk to the green dinosaur NPC next to Buba for details

You can use JoiPlay, to play on Android

So you're unable to leave through the exit right here, is what you're saying?

No, I mean where exactly in the game are you stuck? In what area? Like, you were talking about a "starting area", which would be Safen, but you also mentioned not being able to enter Shiptown, even though there's yet another town between Safen and Shiptown, so I'm confused as to where in the game you're stuck. If you are right in front of Shiptown, you need to recruit Wulfrick in order to progress. Maybe checking the walkthrough can help you out?

What do you mean by "starting area"? Where exactly are you stuck?

Not in the game yet

The green dinosaur NPC in the quest guild tells you that the silver badge becomes available in 0.20. If you're using an older save file from a previous version on this update, there's not much that can be done about the rewatch scene, I'm afraid.

There you go

If you're playing the public build, you can't buy the silver badge yet. You gotta wait til the next update, which comes out in january. The green dinosaur NPC in the Quest Guild tells you about that.

You buy an Empty Bottle from a shopkeeper (Bobita in Safen or Bob in Shiptown), and use it on a puddle of cum left behind after a sex event.

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Okay, I think I know what's wrong. You need to talk to Gruffe in the Quest Guild before you get the Quest Guild Recommendation from Vulfox, because afterwards, Gruffe will have new dialogue, and that apparently will no longer count towards unlocking the "Product Testing" scene. I'll talk to Spedu about this. UPDATE, it works now, I just tested it.

The public and the Patreon builds got their own numberings, hence why they seem to be so far apart. The Patreon build gets a new version each month, that's why the number is so high, but it's only a comparitively small update each time. Once a year, Spedumon takes the most recent Patreon build (in this case I think was 0.70), and splits it into three parts, which then become the public builds for this period. In other words, 0.19, 0.20 and 0.21 are the same Patreon update from one particular month, but certain things are blocked off in 0.19 and 0.20, so each new public update from that period reveals a bit more content from Patreon build 0.70 aka public build 0.21. If you wanna know how much further the Patreon release is in comparison, you can check the walkthrough, it always shows what's in the latest Patreon version. If you don't mind to get spoiled, that is.
TL;DR, no, public build 0.19 is not 50 builds behind the Patreon version.