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A member registered May 12, 2021 · View creator page →

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13 IS too far, lol.

Cool! Looking forward to the grid based update as well :)

I appreciate the solo rules included! One thing I'd like to confirm is that Scores can only be gained from attacking other players/POPO?

I love this, it gives a vibe similar to City of Heroes/Villains, due to the customized nature. As others already mentioned as well, I think Warcry dice mechanics are great, and how you implement it here is stellar. Would love to see if you'll add more thematic narration and tweaks in the future :)

I'm a bit confused on how the attack works though, I assume we roll Subtlety for shooting and Power for melee? And for shooting, the wounds given are determined by Power, does it mean for S 1+ the damage would be 6+?

This is definitely Malifaux inspired as it has no dice (which I love), but the army creation system is a great breath of fresh air (at least for me) as it adds /yourdudes/ element to the fantastic system and I think the victory condition is great as well - especially with 2 scenarios, games actually went quick and simple. Bravo!

A few questions:
- I see that at the end of each turn, drawing 5 cards is mandatory, so people can have more than 7 cards in their hands? Is it intentional, hence people are not incentivized to assign less cards so they can keep their decks longer?
- I'm a bit confused on the Shambling Advance of the Harvest scenario: if they move as if they're assigned a King (which is valued 13, IIRC), why do they only move 8 inches? Or is it simply for priority purposes?

Yeah, I'll admit I'm between making it more on the easy side or the hard side, and due to me currently liking Kingdom Death, I opted for a harder experience.

Great insight on the climbing terrain part, I honestly didn't think about it haha. For now, maybe I'll add how the terrains and playing field should not be multi leveled, but it might be an interesting variant to consider. Thanks!

And good catch on the winning condition as well, for that one I'll just admit that I could've done better haha.

Thank you for your input! I'm thinking of refining this further after the jam, and one of my concerns is definitely  if the game would be too difficult, so this further confirms that belief for the next adjustments.

Thanks :)

Hi there! The dual purpose design here is the exert mechanics: it can make the game go faster, sending in more enemies so the boss will show up sooner, but will eat up unit turns which can make the swarms of enemies unmanageable. Also, it's always a matter of using them to make your shots hit more reliably, or relying fully on basic rolls to keep the number of enemies somewhat manageable - that is, if it actually hits at all before they swarm you yet again.