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This is definitely Malifaux inspired as it has no dice (which I love), but the army creation system is a great breath of fresh air (at least for me) as it adds /yourdudes/ element to the fantastic system and I think the victory condition is great as well - especially with 2 scenarios, games actually went quick and simple. Bravo!

A few questions:
- I see that at the end of each turn, drawing 5 cards is mandatory, so people can have more than 7 cards in their hands? Is it intentional, hence people are not incentivized to assign less cards so they can keep their decks longer?
- I'm a bit confused on the Shambling Advance of the Harvest scenario: if they move as if they're assigned a King (which is valued 13, IIRC), why do they only move 8 inches? Or is it simply for priority purposes?


hey there! Yes it’s hard to avoid Malifaux comparisons with a deck of cards. Not at all a bad thing :)

Glad you thought things went well! We aimed for speed. 

The drawing cards IS mandatory. Wish we had more space! It’s to make sure you’re assigning cards if at all possible, keep players from just using one model, and provide plentiful cards for abilities. 

They only move 8 because we felt that 13 was too far! Subjective though. 


13 IS too far, lol.