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A member registered May 19, 2018 · View creator page →

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Tommy, thank you so much for playing and leaving a comment for us! The team will definitely be taking that into consideration! 

Greetings gamers!

Willy the servant- no, janitor- apprentice? Has accidentally turned his magical master into a squirming slimy annelid! Solve magical puzzles and collect arcane ingredients to fix your mistakes and set things right! It's time to earn some RESPECT!

Explore an adorable occult environment and talk to magical mutants, discover artful secrets and beat your best time. Guide Willy through the labyrinth of CASTER DISASTER!

This game was so fun to work on, I'm so glad it is finally seeing the light of day. Good job to everybody on the team! It was amazing seeing all of your hard work shine through!

Totally kicked this games butt

I thought this was a pretty cool game! Very difficult lol but fun nonetheless!

I had a lot of fun playing this! I had a lot of difficulty my first run but I could for sure see myself getting pretty good pretty quickly! 10/10

My working theory is that this game takes place on an Earth where the Earths rotation has stopped, making it so one side of Earth is really hot and one side is really cold. This house is situated directly in-between both sides making it the perfect party. Hence why there are infinite party-goers who are blue (from being too cold on their side) and pink (who are sunburnt from their side)

This was so amazing! I wasn't able to beat it but I'm definitely going to go back and try it again!

This was a lot of fun to play! I did a let's play for it!

(1 edit)

Oh my god this is the cutest game ever!

We've Been Trying To Reach You About Your Car's Extended Warranty

Actually, we'd be more interested in reaching you about an unpaid gameplay programmer position on Project Date 8

Project Date 8 is an adventure dating game, where you have the chance to speed date your way into the hearts of 8 wild characters looking for love. Only catch is, you only have 1 hour to do it. 

The game features multiple endings, branching dialogs, quests, minigames, and more. 

We have just entered Alpha and we're looking for new members to join our team. Specifically this post is to find somebody for our programming team which currently consists of two programmers. You need to be proficient in Unity and C# programming and should have a portfolio to share what you can do.

If you're interested please reach out here!

Hello Irenildo! I am reaching out to you on discord :) Curtonius#630

Hey! Going to send you a friend request on discord (Curtonius#6304). The project is a dating sim! Can check it out here: If you're interested let me know!

This game was so much fun to play! I had a good time and made a video for my channel! Very cute! 10/10!

Awesome submission! 10/10 for sure!

Hello! Took a look at some of the projects you've been involved in and they're pretty neat. I did notice they were all 2D projects, do you have much experience with 3D?


I am currently the lead programmer for Project Date 8, an adventure dating where you have 1 hour to speed date your way into the hearts of our 8 wild characters. The game features numerous puzzles, branching dialog, minigames and bad jokes. This project is on a volunteer basis and all involved are working in their free time to produce this freeware title over the next several months.

I'm the lead programmer for Project Date 8 and we are looking to expand our team and onboard a new programmer.

 If this sounds interesting to you, leave a comment with a link to a GitHub repo or your Website (So we can see what you have done previously) and reach out on Discord (Curtonius#6304)! If you would like to know more about Project Date 8 you can check out our various DevLogs on our YT channel:

A little difficult to memorize the commands, but interesting concept for sure!

Cool game! I think the time to select is a little short, especially since some of the character traits are a little hard to differentiate. But overall fun!

I've been playing these games all day and frankly this one is one of the best, very incredible! Good work!

Truly clever concept! Great job!

Very interesting! I was confused getting teleported back but very good narrative!

This was a really cool game! Good job! I just wish that maybe the crates or rocks had a +Time bonus in them sometimes! But really cool game!

Super awesome initial animation! Great job! Had some trouble with visual feedback on attacking enemies as well as seeing the special ability. But overall it was fun to play!

I think it's a great idea and I love the concept! I just wish it was more consistent with what things you could shoot at to cause them to bug out. Very good visuals!

Wow! This is really good! The sound design and artwork are superb! My only gripe is the combat, which felt like we couldn't hit the enemies without also taking damage. Also some notice about where the lava is would be nice to to prevent us from just falling straight into it! But really amazing game!

Very good for your first game jam! I love the art direction; however, the vibrant red is hard on my eyes. I noticed that I could only select one button on each "bug" meaning there is only one right answer. But it was a neat a fun concept! Would love to see further development!

I thought the game was really cool in concept but after I made it to the 2nd platform the multiply mechanic just sort of stopped and I wasn't sure how to progress.  I thought the game was really cool though!

Great job! I thought it was very cute and fun to play! My only gripe was that it was hard to see if my mouse was completely over the pet or not to move it. But I thought it was very cool and the art style was amazing! 

I love the design of it but I ended up getting suck at the section right after Bug 9. Also remembering which bug was which was a tad difficult. GG though!

A job well done in my opinion!

Thank you very much! I appreciate it!

Glad you liked it! If you have any feedback I'd love to hear it! I plan on doing this again after the next 5 episodes


I'm working with a small team of developers to make a silly/fun speed dating simulator. We estimate the project to be finished in maybe 6 months but it will likely be extended if we cannot get an artist on the team. We have a composer, writers, and programmers. Just need a 3D artist (Hardsurface and Character). This is a free project so we can't do payment. We are mainly focusing on updating portfolios.

If you are interested please let me know!

Sent request!


My name is Curtis and I am a master at gameplay programming, shader programming, level design, and project management using the Unity game engine.

I am looking for a fun project with set deadlines.

I would prefer getting paid to work on the project but I will settle for getting paid if the project makes any money.

You can check out some of my work here: