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Count Krampus

A member registered Oct 27, 2019 · View creator page →

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Might have to put this on my X-mas wishlist, but one way or another, I'm getting it! 

Oops, for this one, CloudNovel.


This game blows Pavlov out of the water for me. Mainly because of how you handle the guns. Easy ability to reload and change guns in-play is tops blooby. Clearly we could use more maps and whatnot, but the intuitiveness of the controls alone makes me not wanna play any other VR FPS. Very very impressive.

So I completed the tax interview and I have connected my Stripe account. But it's saying I need to connect a payout destination to receive payment. Is Stripe not a payout destination? 

What do you mean by ask directly? Because I emailed them directly. I made this post because I hadn't got a response.

Is there another reliable way to contact other than email? I have questions in regards to withdrawing my existing balance, which seems like a fairly high priority, for me at least, and I haven't heard anything back from them in nearly a week.

Hmmm. Sounds pretty interesting. I'll check it out and see if it's a good fit. Thanks Bro! 

Okay, sweet! 

I got in! Contacted an admin. Probably should've done that first, but I panicked. Ha! What exactly is Discord though? I got invited to a room/server thing on DeviantArt and I'm still not quite sure what the hell is going on.

Will do!

So umm ... trying to register for Lemma Soft Forums and seems I need a password from an existing user just to sign up. Pretty weird. Would any of you guys happen to know it? 

My pleasure. Just purchased. I'll eventually do a review.

lol. Wow this awesome. Definitely coming back for it.

I'm more of a writer than programmer, but I totally feel you. VN's are virtually unknown and may even be a bit ahead of their time. I had initially targeted Steam, but after the response I've gotten (or lack thereof), I guess I sort of chickened out. I'm eventually gonna get it on there, hopefully Google Play too, once I iron out the kinks in the Android version. Thanks for chiming in though. Greatly appreciated! 

Makes a lot of sense and definitely helps. I haven't heard of a few of these sources, so I'll be sure to check them out. Thanks! 

Thanks dude! 

The Rave

Now that looks awesome! 

The Rave

Sounds interesting. I'm gonna check it out! 

That makes sense. Thanks for chiming in! 

I'm curious to know if any visual novel publishers and creators can share some experiences with marketing. I thought the testing process was a b-word. Actually spreading the word and getting people to care is the real challenge. So what has worked for you? 

Nearly six years ago to the day, I published a short story called The Rave: Lucky Number 13. I personally wasn't a fan, but I did love the concept. So much that when I discovered visual novels, I thought it would be the perfect little tale to weave into some visual storytelling.

The Rave is a quasi-slasher set against the vibrant and dark backdrop of Detroit's underground party scene.  This story-driven game is light on reader interaction, but there are choices that impact our individual characters in a significant way, and thus warrant spinning back around to see what could be.

lol. Wow, this looks very cool. Congrats on the release!

Congrats on the release!