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A member registered Nov 22, 2016 · View creator page →

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Oh yes I think there's gonna be a lot of ube items hahaha!

Thank you Cris, appreciate you a lot! <3 

Okay here we go, fully uploaded to itch now! I'll keep it updated whenever I add new icons :D

Hey thanks so much for your support! I haven't gotten around to finishing the wheel yet unfortunately, but I was planning to release them as a free pack on itch when they're done. Your comment has given me a great idea to release what I have right now as an early download though, so please hold! I get those uploaded today and then update them as I go along :D

Does it work in the downloaded version without changing anything? You might have missed copying something over.

Does the player own the Fishing Rod item?

You can change the graphics for your actors in Common Event 118: Player Animations. :D

Does it work in the vanilla version of the file before you start copying the events over? Sounds like you might have missed something. Even if the tools icon doesn't appear, you should still be able to use the system. Make sure you copied over all the details in the Events & Movement Core plugin parameters.

Hey there! That's possible but you'll need to change your event with the activation key so that it can work out the proximity of the event and player. You can do that by using variables to track the X and Y positions of both events, then make another variable that works out the difference between them. Make some conditional branches that only activate the QTB if the proximity variable falls within a certain threshold.

This one is completely free for commercial use! The part of the terms you copypasted is only for the RMMV RTP Replacement pack.

That's a weird one, I'm not sure what's causing that. Does it happen if you start a new game to access that map?

Yep absolutely! You'll need to make a new common event which is always checking whether the player is pressing whatever your "confirm" button is. If the player is pressing confirm, make four different conditional branches to see if the player is facing up, down, left or right. 

Then you'll need to make two variables that check the player's X and Y coordinates. In the conditional branch for if the player is facing up, subtract -1 from the Y variable. For down, +1 to Y. For left, -1 to X. For right, -1 to Y.

Now make another variable that checks the region of those coordinates. If the variable matches the same number as the water region, increase the Current Thirst variable.

I hope that made sense, haha! Let me know if it's confusing like this and I'll try and screenshot some events

Hi! Yes, modification is allowed. :D 

Hey there! You'd have to make a Switch that turns on after you speak to a character, or give them a gift. So say you spoke to Priscilla, turn on the "Priscilla Spoken To" switch. Make it so if the switch is on, the player won't receive any more affection for speaking to them again for that day. Then when the day moves over to the next, turn that switch off.

I'm going to look into updating all the base projects shortly with the updated versions of the VS plugins. :>

For commercial use, you can use the tiles completely free. 

The Iconset has its own separate terms which you can find on this page

If you want to use the characters Reid, Priscilla, Gale and Michelle in a commercial project, you'll have to abide my RPG Maker MZ's license since they own those characters.

There's also a downloadable version here of all the commercially free assets in this pack.

Unfortunately this template relies on some of the VisuStella plugins which are only available for MZ, sorry.

You can change the text alignment in the Plugin Command before each of the Show Choices in the calendar events. You could also technically make a Picture to go underneath the whole thing so it looks exactly how you'd want it to.

Weird that it pops up there, but it might be related to another plugin that opens the devtools. Does it say anything in the console tab when it opens?

Do you have a screenshot of the pop-up it's showing you please?

I just made all of the characters 100% gayer, thanks for your feedback. My lesbian wife and I appreciate your comments. Now excuse me I have more gay video games to make. <3 

Are you importing this into an existing project? Make sure you're not already using variables that need to be reserved for the farming system, and make sure you're setting the region for farm tiles to 97.

You can change the appearance of the UI by adjusting Common Event 117: Tools UI. You can hide it by using erase picture after waiting a period of for the tool buttons to stop being pressed, or something similar for how you want it to appear.

I'm not at my computer right now but you should be able to find a list on the RPG Maker Web forums for script calls for button inputs, or there are plugins that let you use the full keyboard I believe.

Yes, free for commercial use! <3

It's the <Self> Growth variables you'll need to change on each page. Each page is an update to the growth stage graphic, so with the example screenshot you posted, it'll get to that growth cycle within two days of watering. You'll need to change that for each of the pages of the event to reflect how you want the growth stages to progress.

Yep, they're engine-free for anything! There's a full EULA here.

If you turn the TIME IS FLOWING switch on and then back off again, it'll show the HUD until the pictures are erased. You could also put the HUD events into a separate common event so that they're displayed independently. :D 

Hi there, which special offer are you referring to? There's a wave bundle which might be what itch is displaying, which allows you to purchase all of the templates together.

Ah! These tiles are all free for commercial use, so you won't need to buy a license for them. :D 

Hi! You'll need a plugin that allows you to make your own custom menu options, and then have it call the same events that are used when the player approaches the calendar. :D 

You can read the full terms here.

Hey there! You can make a new conditional branch that checks if the player is pressing another button that will change the tool index in the opposite direction, so that the selected tool goes back. :D 

This pack doesn't require a purchase, it's free to use for commercial projects. :D 

I can't tell if it's because the screenshot is cut off, but it definitely looks like your folder is missing 30 or so of the card graphics. You should have all of these: 

If it works fine for you in the vanilla project before copying over, have the pictures definitely been copied over to the correct folder? And are you using any plugins that might be conflicting with the way pictures work?

Thank you! <3 I'm working on a huge overhaul of everything right now, but the next big release will include a downloadable version. :D 

Thanks Cris, you too! <3 

Hey thank you for asking about that! I don't use AI at any point in making any of my assets, they're all drawn by me from start to finish from scratch. :D 

I haven't tested it with the ARPG plugin set personally but I imagine it's probably clashing with the VisuStella plugins used in this template, unfortunately.

Hey, yeah that's totally possible! There are quite a few different ways you could go about it like setting the player's Map ID to a variable and changing which fish they catch based on the map, or you could even use different region numbers for different types of fish. :D 

The terms further down are only specific to the "RPG MakerMV/MZ RTP Replacement" pack. 

Everything in the "Complete Free Collection" here is all good for use in both non-commercial AND commercial games without purchasing any licenses. You're also free to edit them! :D