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A member registered Apr 14, 2016 · View creator page →

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this was so peaceful to play!!! the music and the pace of the gameplay where you have to be careful and spend a lot of time holding onto the cliff and waiting made this super relaxing to play!!! the controls were super intuitive and i really loved the art direction. super fun!

i really liked this! it was cute and definitely felt like a dream. it didn't really feel like my controls had anything to do with whether i was approaching the dog-- i guess you are just trying to point in the direction of the wind ??? the story was super touching and weird. nice job!!!!

super cute and fun! the physics and camera are a bit frustrating to play with but i really love the 3d models and especially the lil knight

Wow this was really hard to play! My mind was struggling to wrap around all 3 floaters. I love the visuals and the mechanics were cool.

I don't know what I just played but it made me laugh and I had fun hahahahaha. Thanks for making this

yeah the tutorial is pretty essential!! thanks for playing !!!

thanks so much for playing!!!

Very cool, changing wind direction was awesome and it made it super fun to navigate. Nicely done!

This looks soooo cool! I love the vibe and the bright colors. All the animation for the balloons inflating and popping is super satisfying!!! The gameplay reminded me of elementary school when they had us playing typing games to learn the keyboard layout, which was fun and nostalgic.

The buttons being A S D Z X C V made me feel like I should use only one hand, maybe if there were some other buttons on the other side of the keyboard it would be more challenging. It got pretty repetitive to hit 100 points too with 2 presses per pop. I also felt like it was missing a big angry animation for when you hit the wrong button but maybe that's my typing game brain just expecting some negative feedback lol. Overall nice job!!!

Hey! I tried to play this but I think the embed sizing is a bit off-- a lot of the game looks cut off whenever I play in browser. Let me know if you fix it and I'll come back and play it!

Thanks so much for playing!! We definitely spent a bit of time getting our bearings in phaser 😅 

Thanks so much for the thoughtful comment!! Yeah the update added a lot of that explanation, it definitely wasn't clear the first time around. 

OMG then do not play Amnesia. I love scary stuff and jump-scares dont bother me much and even I was like, come ON man...  I jumped in my seat so hard that I scared my buddy sitting next to me a few times haha 

Thanks for the rec I will check out Fear and Hunger! I haven't actually played a lot of RPGMaker games, this has been my first experience with the tool. Definitely your game left a lot of room for my imagination to scare me-- the enemy sprites were super effective and creepy especially the wonky guards. It's enhanced I think from the dissonance of using cute chibi RPGMaker sprites!! 

This was so fun to play! It reminded me a lot of classic JRPGs. At one point I even had to grind to level up to beat enemies, so I think it's well-balanced.

I really loved the maps, they were so well done and beautiful and atmospheric. Whenever there was a chest I could see in some other part of the area it enticed me to go get it, and pushed me to keep exploring everywhere. The small quests in the town before you leave were also super fun.

The story was also great, I loved the ending. The characters were so good and at time the dialogue made me laugh out loud. Well done overall!!!!

I loved playing this! The setting is original and the narrow hallways make for a really creepy experience, especially when trying to avoid the enemies. I loved the creepy sprites for the enemies-- it was a super cool way to make the best of the built-in assets.

I'm a big fan of the type of game where you can't actually battle enemies and you have to be strategic about navigating the world. The darkness hurting your sanity mechanic reminded me a lot of Amnesia, a game I love! Amnesia also doesn't have battles. It's a cool idea to bring that idea into an RPG.

The progression of gaining new party members as you navigate the prison is super great. I also love that it affects your mental health. Overall a really fun play. I got maybe 3 or 4 endings-- I let Xander out at the start and I think that cut me off from a few of them. The entire story felt really satisfying even with how short it was, the amount of info you can glean from documents around the prison is just right and leaves enough room for imagination. 

The original music in this was really great and creepy!!!

This is super cool! I really, really enjoyed the twist and getting one ending made me really want to replay to see if I could get a different ending. (I got very very bad ending!!) There was good foreshadowing for the twist, too-- the first time I felt like something was wrong was whenever I stepped in the sludge and sunk in, and then I was really hooked to keep playing. The enemy designs were super super cool and I loved especially the last boss of the dungeon. I really loved getting to play as the hero of light and feeling super overpowered, then getting to the ... enemies near the dungeon entrance (trying not to spoil it)... and getting beaten so easily. 

I think that some of the game is lacking contrast and some things are hard to see, and the camera swinging around during battles was pretty tough on the eyes. I did however love all the animations in the game (the dog getting hurt and his eyes going wide was so awesome and made me really feel the hits!!) and the characters are pretty classic. I love that there's a dog!

I didn't get any use out of the upgrade mechanic as once I went into the dungeon I never left until the end. Maybe the scaling could be a bit more difficult so that you feel like you have to go upgrade your weapon?

10/10 would play again. always wanted to play a game where i could make a game where i could play a game where i could make a game where i could play a game where i could make a game where i c

i really struggled to play this, was a bit laggy which made it hard to build under the time crunch!! though it did stress me out which was the point lol. otherwise really really cool idea, with a bit more time this could be really fun :-)

i love the idea of the cat hunting the bird to feed the human! that's probably what cats feel like they have to do in real life lol. cute lil game! controls could've been more intuitive i think, the speech bubble was kinda confusing ... 

looks really nice! cool idea! not that fun lol, but i can see this as being a good base mechanic for something really nice.

love the visuals!!

so fun, i liked it! would love to see a more complex version :-)

i hate mental math so this wasn't fun LOL but i like the idea and it looked really cute. i like the feeling of the mouse control being taken away from you when the numbers are being input, feels disorienting in a cool way. I really like the screen shake for button presses :-) 

Super cool! Really tough when you get in the later levels. The clicking is a lot-- maybe it would work better with some other control to tab between plants? Looks so so good also!

OMG this is so tough lol. hard to rewire my brain but a really fun experiment!! and really cute, love the color scheme

soooo cool! i had a hard time figuring out the mechanics but once i did it felt really satisfying. i kind of took a chaotic approach to the levels and threw the ball as wildly as possible and usually ended up completing it after quite a few failed attempts lol. maybe there should be a death counter :-)

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