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A member registered Nov 30, 2018 · View creator page →

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Cute little platformer with a cute little penguin.

I especially liked the lighthouse animation, when it gets "filled" with the collected electricity.

Thank you for your entry.

Took some time to get used to it due to its overwhelming speed, but becomes quite enjoyable.

Its a little hard on the eyes with all that orange, but the overall style is nice. 

Thank you for your entry.

This was more fun than expected. The level with only ten seconds given was absolutely brutal. Stupid penguin, keep getting stuck right next to the door :(

Really fun entry, I liked the gameplay, graphics, and music. Thank you!

Super polished game! The artstyle and music fit together perfectly. 

Only nitpick I have is the screen shake - it's way to intense...

Nice entry, and RIP half cookie :(

Gives me Wario Ware kind of vibes - fast and easy to get into. I'm really digging that art style.

Thank you for your entry!

The story element was really nice. Felt like the old Metal Gear series somehow... but somewhat cuter with the squirrel and guinea pig.

I don't know how, but I managed to defuse every bomb. I liked the idea with the guard, adding an additional timer to the game. 

Very cute entry. Thank you!

Frog = love.

It is really rough around all edges. But I liked the idea of the tongue mechanic. The art is amazing.

Thank you for your entry!

The VFX were astonishing, the music fits the atmosphere. 

I agree with the others, that the level design is really challenging to follow - it gives the game a more "maze"-like element. Following the floor markings did the trick, but some type of minimap or indicator would have been nice.

I don't really get the "drift" from the title, but I liked the overall concept.

Thank you for your entry!

Fast, arcady feeling - I love it!

Loved the presentation for this one, it has a lot of charm. The gameplay itself is nice and simple. I especially liked the way the cables were shot from the player.

Very good entry, thank you all!

This was an absolute blast to play!

The knobs on the start screen were already fun to play with. The main game itself was also nice. It feels snappy and addicting. There is a lot of variety for a Game Jam entry. It even had some bosses. 

Soundeffects, Music, Art, everything turned out really good. The effect with the music rewind, every time you collect a battery is a nice detail.

Overall, super solid entry. Thank you!

The UI looks really polished. The overall gameplay is really easy to get into. Finding a good strategy to get lots of stars can take some time.

2 Cookies? One for each unit that can be placed? Must be a coincidence :)

Thank you for your entry.

Very cute entry. The expressiveness of the robot is off the charts. 

I like the idea that the player takes damage over time, but the enemies don't really do anything. They stop right next to the player. 

Thank you for your entry.

The overall presentation was really nice. It felt full of life.

The gameplay is easy to pick up, and allows for experimentation. 

The only thing I don't like is, that there is only one level :(

Thank you for your entry!

Putting a whole story in front of a puzzle game is a nice move!

As the others already mentioned, it was hard to understand, what space a neuron is taking in the grid, but I eventually made it through the game - an indicator of some sort would really add up to the experience.

I love the soundtrack, very cute and chill.

Thank you for this entry!

I like platformers and I like grappling hooks, so this was a really nice entry.

One thing I really liked was the emphasis on the camera movement on certain actions. It has this dynamic, "not-stiff" feeling to it.
Going for 3D always seems risky to me, but that stage transition was absolutely worth it.

Nitpicky stuff: the player movement is a little floaty, so some jumps were really tight. Also, the mouse was not "captured" by the game, so I sometimes hit the RMB on my desktop which caused some failures... (played it on Linux, if that matters).

Really nice entry. Thank you!

Thank you for playing!

In Level 2 and onward, you always need to select a Charger (the yellow things in the bottom) for the run button to be enabled, even if you could potentially reach the bulb already.

Yes, the battery level "registers" on a click, i.e. if you move the mouse slightly, the number on the UI element is different than the actual amount of steps / time.

Sorry for the inconveniences!