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A member registered Feb 12, 2017 · View creator page →

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This game was made over 50 days ago? 

Rule 3: Game must be made in jam time.

Rule 3: Game must be made in jam time.

Your game was made in 2021?

I agree with LadDS give us a topic once it starts!

Of course! I rate every game that leaves a comment!

I used Gdevelop. It's pretty limited as an engine and I don't think you can add multiple colliders. I also don't think that would work because when the direction of gravity changes a different side would be in contact with the platforms. I tried increasing linear dampening but it affected jumping. I also tried to change the speed when in collision with a platform but it bugged out. I'll keep working on it after the jam and see if I can find a solution. Thanks for the advice!

You could always use sfxr for sound effects (I sure did). Your game was honestly great. Keep up the great work!

If you do that then the palyer would never slow down and all platforms would be very slippery!

The dangerous tiles are red 🤣

Fun to play :)

Cool idea and you actually made it challenging to lose a race!

I've never thought of using the mouse as directional controls!

Great game!

Done! Your game was amazing!

I tried to fix the vertical speed but I have no idea how to do that in the Gdevelop  Physics Engine without also affecting the "walking" speed. I could in theory add 4 extra points to the object for 4 independent ground checks based on the orientation of the gravity and add a second set of controls for the object in the air. I'm not sure that the physics engine would handle that well and it might cause more bugs than it would add features. I was also limited by an extra day as I was busy the last full day and a half of the jam.  I might keep playing with this idea as a side project though. Thanks for playing the game. I appreciate the feedback!

Great game I played all the way through even tho it was a little ragey. XD

I thought about changing the sprite of the cube to have an arrow pointing towards the gravity source but it kind of ruined the aesthetic. Do you think there would be an easier solution? I racked my brain and the only other idea would be a UI element but my game was kind of lacking in the UI  department.

I saw bolt as an option a long time ago but this is the first time I've ever worked on a game outside of a class in high school. I completely forgot about it. thank you for bringing it to my attention. I will def be using unity in the next game jam! Hope to see you then!

It's all good I was just a bit confused I really do like it though! :)

It definitely needs some work on the movement such as the ability to press the opposite direction and run your head directly into... itself? but I like the idea and mechanics and even the music. the execution just needs some work. :)

flawless 9.9/10!

This game is awesome. the effects were a bit overbearing at first but it makes sense for the world to be so jarring if you're asleep and trying to wake up.  My only gripe would be the lack of character animations. but over all incredibly solid one of my favorites! 9.8/10

Everything looks and sounds amazing but the game is lacking depth. I'll chalk it up to time restraint. this game is awesome for the time limit and I'd love to see a more in-depth version in the future!

I love this!

This made me feel super nostalgic for games I used to play instead of paying attention in school. Also, Whyyyyyyy did I but the reset button? 😂😂😂

Yeah, I'm thinking of switching to unity. I figured Gdevelop would be easier as I am not very fast at non-visual scripting. Thank you for playing the game!

Could use some audio but its a nice game overall :)

It's a great idea and the mechanics are sound but the game lacks polish.  Also, the music was a bit loud.

This game is very addictive! I love it!

I love the art style! the controls are nice and solid and everything worked first try. :)

10/10. The only issue I had was when throwing water down below me it would sometimes be glitchy and throw me off. I wouldn't hold it against this game. I absolutely love it!

Definitely should have made a tutorial! I can't believe I forgot to do that!
Thanks for the feedback! 

The control scheme was hard to get used to I really wish "W" would work as jump seeing as a "A" and "D" work as left and right. the game was fun tho!

Awesome music!

It's a bit finicky at times and could use some audio.  The mechanics are pretty solid and I could see myself playing for hours if this was fleshed out as a mobile game! 😁

Thank you!😄

I thought some people might have trouble with level 4.  You didn't miss much. Level 5 is essentially credits.  I should have made a level selector. That's my bad. Thanks for playing the game. 😀😀😀

Thanks! 😁

I agree the music wasn't very good but this is my first time making game music and I didn't know what tools to use. if you have any recommendations I would appreciate it! I made the game as a standalone for windows but decided last second to release it as HTML5 in hindsight I probably should have removed the exit button before the export.🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️
I spent way too much time trying to fine-tune the jump sound. 🤣
I liked the feeling on level 4 of not resetting the velocity so I left it. so we'll call it a bug that is also a feature. 

Thanks for the feedback I really do appreciate it. I hope to see you in future jams!

I'm not much of an artist and I tried to make a different character but it was...  not great... so a cube it is. I will work on improving my art in the future. Thanks for playing!