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A member registered Sep 26, 2018 · View creator page →

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RIP Chests, even when they spawn they just go down off the screen into non-existence.

They don't. That's why the term or genre "roguelite" exists - for games that clearly have roguelike features, but don't follow the roguelike constraints to the letter.

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Neato! Always considered doing this in Twine 2 before, and as you show here it definitely works..! My only suggestion is to add some basic stats to track e.g. how many spills the player cleaned, what children they've found/helped, how much Energy they used (and how much they have left at the end), and maybe a few achievements for e.g. when Kenneth and Orville are reunited. Just so that each run can easily be shared with others.

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[Discord] invite expired. A writer needs new invite link. ;)

Depends on the specifics, but (in general) I'd be willing to write, world-build, etc.

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Raises metaphorical hand. I think I'd count as your other. ;)

In general, I am available both on weekdays and weekends (typically online for at the very minimum 2 hours, at varying times). I ultimately am available for a large amount of time (varies). I also have a Discord account. I hope that this may lead to working with you, and good luck!

Can you further define this? Would i.e. a IF "game" where you the player (as you said in your rules) make a impossible decision between 3 things that each seem to be the worst count as a "emotional journey?"