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A member registered Dec 28, 2021 · View creator page →

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It's not that necessary, the game is so cheap.

This needs a Steam release at this point.

I will patch the game and smooth out the gameplay from all the feedback that I got when the voting ends.

I will make is so the time is slowed down so with that it can make sense the bullet is slower.

This is the most interesting twist on an existing idea I've seen so far in this jam.


This is perfect!

Main menu theme is a royalty free music, the other two (in gameplay and at the end) are made specifically for the game.

Nice tune.

Alright, the game looks nice with all the Post Processing, everything seems to be the same resolution - well done.

You should have made so when you take damage that the dragon flashes red or white so I know I've been damage, I got confused at the start why I was dying then I noticed my hearts are disappearing after touching the flames - damage should be better communicated.

Gameplay is engaging for a few minutes, enough for a game jam - you should always give everything the game has to offer to the player in first couple of minutes since people won't linger for too long in a game jam game.

Firstly fun main menu, props to you.

I love the enemy design it has personality to it.

You can combine enemies for more powerful attack and it seems logical to an average player, nice design there.

You have two points for the theme, you chose enemies and you're a tee trying not to get brewed instead fighting back.

Good game.

I like the idea and the design.

But it feels clunky to control, maybe you should have but slow motion on a separate button instead - 'Space' for an example.

It's fun once you get the grip of the controls, but you should make the gun easier to control and put the difficulty in level design.

Respects to you for making the music and the art.

Please, pack the game in a folder first then pack it in a .rar or .zip.

Everything seems smooth and enjoyable, a lot of game jam games feel like a chore to play but there are some that doesn't like this one. You definitely deserve high rating.

Your's game is the only one I've seen with this idea, well done.

I guess only complaint I have is that it's too easy, but better too easy than too hard in a game jam. You should try to balance the difficulty, if it's not working just make it a bit easier than intended.

The gameplay is enjoyable once you learn the ropes.

2D background with 3D characters work's well here.

Jump should be on 'W', if up is not for looking up with the character - it should by jump. So many people place jumping on 'Space' in 2D games when it should be on up, up is jump. At least add it to 'W' as well as 'Space' since you don't have time to implement keybinding (this is a game jam).

Would have been better if there was some music and better sound effects, these current ones sound glitchy.

(1 edit)

I will change the backgroumd for a blurred smooth background when the bullet is moving, I am aware of the problem.

I got score of 51000, it feels good to parry - you nailed it.

Well combined 2D pixel art with 3D background. Voice acting is good and it serves the gameplay (that you can hear what's the next attack). Instead of avoiding boxer's attacks (that would be generic) you made it so that you make sure he lands them and adding some juice with that parrying mechanic.

Very creative.

Thanks for the feedback.

(1 edit)

I've finished the whole thing, nice music btw (it has a vibe to it), there are multiple ways to finish a level (intentional or not) that makes the level design really good. If polished this can make a fully fledged game, there are some thing to clean up first though: camera is too slow - make is so when I hold shift for an example that the camera goes faster, don't delete all my placed objects when I fail, and lastly proper art for menus and the game itself - consider make everything the same resolution (place everything on a single canvas and make it's size compared to the player sprite) 16x16 or 32x32 resolution should do nicely (you can watch some videos from "Pixel Overload" on Youtube he makes pixel art related videos). 

P.S. If you're reloading a scene when you fail - save objects positions then place them again. They are a couples of ways you can do this - I recommend you to use static list that saves which object is placed where (like a struct with name of the object or object itself and Vector2 for position) so you go trough the list and add objects to the map while taking away the currency for placing them.

I am not trying to be humble, this is really what I think about my background. I compare it to my other art and I don't like.

But thanks for your opinion.

Except the background, I can't agree that's very good looking, I've drawn that in under 10 minutes.

I'm not very satisfied with how it turned out, probably just not used to 48 hours constraint and I wasn't able to work on the game for full 48 hours (not near as that).

I cut a lot of content even from core gameplay, It's a painful decision to make but I would not have finished the game otherwise.

After all this I'm glad some people like the game.

It does have Obra dinn vibes with the puzzles. You have very little time to read the pages (why is it like that?).

Takes some time to figure things out, it should be better explained (at least on the page).

I like how you can push words a little with other words, neat detail.

(2 edits)

Super Hot but you control bullets instead of "Time moves when you move".

Gameplay would be repetitive if there were more levels that aren't drastically different, keep that in mind.

Besides that this just needs more menu polish and that the player has an arm not just a floating gun.

We had the same idea, just mine is 2D yours is 3D.

Very polished, very nice.

Only problem I have with the game that menu buttons don't disappear in the background after you press options.

I thought it was confusing at first but then I read how to play on the game's page and it was quite fun actually. Got the score of 680.

Happened to all of us, no worries.

I did subscribe to his youtube, will be sure to check out his game.

I later realised that's it's also similar to an android game called REDDEN.

Main menu music is a royalty free music made by Ross Bugden, check him out:

I'm glad you liked it.

Most of the development time went to the reloading animation :)

He is really talented, that's some juicy animations.

I did plan to add more levels then I remember that I also need to make level selector so I cut that out.

Very well done for your first game.

Controls are a bit weird, you have to use your mouse to cast spells but everything else is on keyboard so you have to switch between the two. Either make everything on keyboard or on mouse, you can also avoid using buttons on right side of the keyboard so the player can use left hand for keyboard inputs and right for the mouse.

That's everything I wanted to point out, good luck in the Jam.

Nice thing that when you fail it doesn't restart it just goes to next way, good game design, you don't want players to leave early during game jam.

Gives me a bit of Left 4 Dead vibes with the music.

Also first time I see reduced cost as an upgrade in game.

The bullet is too fast so you mast remember the layout of obstacles - that's why it isn't randomly generated.

Most of the development time went into that sniper rifle :)

Love the main menu art.

Ok so nice idea for the Estus Flask and that the hero is coming back stronger each time.

Gameplay feels clunky without the ability to lock on. You should have made that when you damage the hero if your damage is more than their current health - deal the amount of damage equal to their current health, same thing for the hero dealing damage to the player.

Good out of the box thinking, this is something I've been looking for.

There is a slight twitch on the ball when gravity is change but that's my only complaint.

Gameplay is fluid and feels great. Animations are the best I've seen in this jam. How did you make them?

I like that you can put the notes back.

The diffuculty is well balance, love the music and that levels aren't static but feel lively with walls being animated.

It's not really connected with the theme but it's still an interesting idea.

Really enjoyed my time with this game.

You should have left text on doors which level they even after they're unlocked so the player doesn't get confused where they've already been.

This is amazing, it's choose your own't difficulty and you have to live with the consequences. This is the best souls like game out there. 11/10.