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A member registered Oct 12, 2020 · View creator page →

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Interesting take on the theme and lovely art, nice entry!

Hello, please check ours out if you get the chance!

(1 edit)

Would love to watch you play our entry!

I’ll give yours a go when I get the chance!

Looking forward to playing yours!

Excellent puzzle design and a great overall implementation. Not a whole lot more to say, nice work!

Would love to get the chance to watch out game being played:

Will be sure to give yours a try, looks very interesting!

Ours is also game show themed! Looking forward to playing yours.

Looking forward to giving your game a go!

I really enjoyed this, the inspiration from Hollow Knight in the casting/healing/atmosphere is evident, but it’s well implemented and fits well in your game.

So I made the numerous attempts to clear the final boss without getting hit and made it to the secret ending, and I’ve got to say, INCREDIBLE! Definitely worth the effort for anyone else who comes across this comment.

Some thoughts I had:

  • the difficulty jump to the boss from the little eye creatures was pretty dramatic. It would have been amazing if the left and right paths had a simple enemy that introduced one of the three boss attacks as a learning tool (but it’s a jam I get it)

  • If you could implement a retry button for the boss that would be amazing - for someone trying to get the no-hit run it was tedious to have to allow the boss to kill me each time I got hit since that was the fastest way to reset.

I really enjoyed your game, excellent work!

Interesting take on the theme, I don’t imagine I’ll play much else quite like this in the jam. I scored a 29 on my best attempt and it felt like it probably speeds up to the point where you can no longer score? I had fun with it once I figured out how to time the jumps, nice work!

Not a significant amount of game play here, but the art behind each of the doors was a lovely surprise and I enjoyed it. Nice work.

Looking forward to trying yours!

Our horror-action game! (No jump scares).

Thanks for playing, and I appreciate the feedback!

Unfortunately the shoulder buttons (dash & scale) on controller don’t work on the web version. If you’d like to use controller and get the dash working then I’d suggest one of the downloadable builds.

(If you’re on Mac then you’ll be stuck with using keyboard on the web build, sorry!)

Thanks for the feedback! The second level definitely spikes the difficulty too much which is too bad because the levels that come after are a bit easier (probably not enough so though). Lesson learned!

In terms of not getting enough height on the second level - you need to use the dash vertically (it’s omnidirectional),turns out this mechanic could have used an explicit tutorial.

Thanks for playing!

This is a really exceptional tiny rpg given the timeframe. It’s charming and entertaining and just challenging enough. Beautiful art and wonderful music. You should be really proud of yourself for this, brilliant!

The first scene in the home having the same layout as the home in Undertale had my sold instantly, nice touch!

Pretty tricky but interesting turn-based strategy game! Surprising amount of depth for a game created in only a month, I enjoyed it, nice work!

Super fun, great premise for a game and it fit the theme well!

Interesting implementation of the theme through the use of the scales. Solid art and good sound! My only nitpick would be that the scale/time mechanics were cool, but it wasn’t really required to use them in most places which led to me simply using the sword for most encounters. Great game, nice work!

Hello, looking forwads to trying your game out as soon as I can!

Will get to yours as soon as I get the chance!

Dripping with polish that is totally unnecessary for a game jam but really makes it shine. This was excellent. Difficult, but in the way that makes you feel rewarded when things are going smoothly. The voice acting and context specific death notes were such a great added bonus. Really great work, loved it.

This has a really charming appeal and for your first game in Godot seems great! I couldn’t figure out how to jump up onto the non-ground level platforms in the second screen? If you have any hints for me I’d love to sit down and play a bit more.

Nice work!

Great retro vibes, fun gameplay. It’s short but lends itself nicely to replaying. Nice work!

Looking forward to checking out your game soon!

Interesting use of the theme, fun little PS1/N64 era 3D platformer. I enjoyed this, nice work!

Nice implementation of the theme that is simple but effective. I really enjoyed the overall aesthetic of your game and had lots of fun playing it, excellent work!

Wow wow wow. Blown away by the overall quality and polish on this, it just feels good to play. Also, I haven’t played many things like it, in a jam or not, and to top it off the writing is solid and pretty funny.

Excellent work!

Perfectly pleasant and relaxing (as advertised!). I had a great time with your game. It feels like it would perfectly fit into a visual novel style game as the slightly-deeper-than-expected fishing mini-game.

I had fun, and I’d play it again, nice work!

Cool use of the theme, it was fun to change size mid-air to help make those tough jumps. Interesting use of the weight/size mechanic on some of the platforms.

I had a bit of trouble figuring out where exactly to go, but I had fun doing it. Nice work!

Thanks for playing!

Trying to sort out the source of some of these issues, if you don’t mind: what browser were you playing in?

Thanks for playing! The dash is meant to be pressed while moving/pressing a direction which it sounds like you tried. I’ve also bound the dash key to shift, perhaps that would work better for you if you end up to wanting to give it another try.

Thank you the feedback!

(1 edit)

Thanks for spending so much time with the game, it’s certainly more than I could ask for. This is great insight that should help me make it more clear for others in the future.

Edit*: I believe I fixed the Windows build issue by building the Godot project in debug, who would have thought. Thank you again!

Thanks for the feedback! It is very much appreciated.

In the web build you’ll need to use the dash to clear the jump in that screenshot you’ve provided. Unfortunately, the controller support doesn’t work correctly for all buttons in the browser, which means you’ll have to rely on the keyboard controls. You can dash with CTRL or SHIFT in any direction.

I have no idea what is going on with the Windows build for some people, but it’s very disappointing as it seems to work for me every time. Could I ask which version of Windows you’re on?

Looking forward to checking yours out when I get a chance!

Looking forward to trying some of the other Godot projects in the jam, here’s mine!

I’ll give yours a go when I get the chance, sounds really interesting from the description!

Looking forward to giving your game a playthrough!

Look forward to checking yours out when I get the chance! I’ll link my game here: