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A member registered Aug 05, 2016 · View creator page →

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Not really my kind of game but I do like the base concept of this story. It was short enough that I did enjoy it somewhat.

It would have been nice if some of the skulls had a bit more to say than "why?"

Small but decently executed idea. Issues I noted:

  • The GUI elements are stretched horizontally
  • The main menu does not have any music
  • The main menu does not have any instructions or controls before you start playing
  • There are no settings to adjust, specifically for audio
  • Some arrow colors are harder to see compared to others (yellow and green)
  • The player does not always match the arrow colors exactly which can sometimes make it confusing which color i should be going for
  • When you take damage there is very little feedback to inform you

What I liked:

  • The music is catchy and feels like a good fit for the game
  • The controls and main mechanics are intuitive
  • The character and other sprites look good
  • The characters bobbing animation makes it look like they are going along with the music
  • The arrows do not always come at the same pace and there are moments of intensity that maintain interest.

I like the idea of this game but the execution is all over the place.

- I found it almost impossible to progress as enemies only need to hit you once and you die. Combine this with the fact that they start shooting as soon as you see them on screen and you have an insanely challenging and unsatisfying combat loop.

- You can freely walk out of bounds from any map edge and fall into an endless pit. Because the game has no pause menu or reset button, I can only fix this by restarting the game.

- The user interface does not scale properly with different resolutions meaning that my ammo and magazine counters would move around the screen when I switched monitors.

- The enemies are un-textured and gray, which contrasts with the player model.

- The player holds the rifle very strangely when aiming.

- The enemy and the players guns sounded very different. I think the idea is that the player's gun is silenced but the audio just sounds like a regular gunshot but quieter.

As for what I liked:

- The player character model looks detailed. I wish I could also use the pistol on their hip.

- The environment had some variety, though it was poorly laid out.

- The main menu had what looked like custom art which is nice.

Hope this helps.

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Cool game. I like the concept and artwork. I was able to finish the entire game and I will say it does provide a challenge to those who aren't paying attention. For those who are though, it becomes a rather simple strategy game.

In order to foil any enemy in the game except for the reaper, you can just move 1 tile away before you run out of actions and they will never be able to hurt you. 

A few things that I noticed during my playthrough:

- Some spawn points (the orange swirls) never spawned enemies. Not sure why but it caused some confusion as I was trying to block the spawns but could not move over them

- I almost never tried to use heavy attacks as it isnt worth it for how many points it costs. Light attacks give you more chances and with upgrades you can make it hit really hard too.

- The abilities you can buy from the store have a description of "???" I understand that you might want to make them mysterious but everything else in the store has a description and offer more obvious benefits. Why would I spend a large amount of my points on something when I don't even know what it does?

- I never had to use any of the items that the game offers. This isn't necessarily an issue but there should be a reason to use items if they are available.

- The enemy seemed to prioritize killing me over attacking the bottles meaning that I didn't really have to protect them. I expected the enemies to break the bottles and force me to react but they never did.

- I think the game would have been more fun with an interesting soundtrack. There was ambiance to set the tone but no combat music of any kind.

Got about 850 points. The difficult scales up a ton past 300 something points but I like it!

Not much to comment on, it's a pretty simple but enjoyable game. If I had to give some feedback I would say you should give some sort of power ups to the player to allow them to get higher scores. Something to allow for longer sessions at high skill ceilings.

I have modified some variables related to how physics interacts with the vehicle tires but for the most part, this is stock Unity physics. When you drift the car, I edit the weights and friction on the tires to adjust their feel.

I am really impressed that you and your team were able to make this in 3 weeks. The level of quality here is insane for that amount of time!

Good story delivered well. Can't say I paid attention to every word as things felt a bit repetitive towards the end. I'm sure that's partly intentional though because of the whole "Crashing waves" thing. I do like the idea of the main character being stuck in the grind and forgetting why he arrived at the planet. The ending you get by not leaving the ship is a good touch.

A very simple concept that could be good if expanded on. I think the art style is very simple but still looks good. The main issue I see is the lack of player control. The movements you can do are helpful in avoiding attacks but it feels out of place to not be able to move and jump freely. Maybe with some other supporting mechanics, it could make more sense that the player cannot directly control movement.

Not sure if this is just me, but I get an error when trying to play this game saying "Unable to parse".

Cool idea. Good art and music. Had some problems making the controls work and couldn't see any of the text until I went into full-screen. Not super obvious what I should be doing at all times. Interacting with objects doesn't give much feedback meaning I can't know when I'm done with the room.

The theme and overall style of the environment is nice but the game was difficult to understand. Without any sort of in-game tutorial or obvious ques to tell me what to do, I wasn't able to enjoy playing. I dropped foods that matched the icons on each bunny's ears but it didn't always work and when it did, I wasn't sure if I was even doing it correctly. The only feedback I was getting was the score on the register. It also didn't help that each bunny that appeared would block information like food icons or timers behind another one.

Ok then. Guess I never got to the tanks first phase. Might have been a bug because there were no enemies left on the map.

I fired at the crates in front of the tank but nothing happened even after around 200 shots. Am I supposed to jump above the crates and shoot at the turret?

Just played the terrorist invasion mode but wasn't able to progress through the first wave. Seems like there might be an issue with the tank?

- Enemy infantry were very easy to kill because I could block them with the glass and hold the trigger till they all died. Didn't even lose health or run out of ammo.

- I found the tank but could not hurt it and it would not move or attack me.

- I had some green unit icons at the top of the screen but couldn't figure out what they meant.

- Audio was very loud for me, especially the gunfire sounds. I had to turn down the volume to less than half.

- The quit button on the in-game pause menu did not work for me.

- The main menu has a lot of buttons that do not do anything yet and it isn't super obvious which ones work or not.

- Many of the assets/sprites look very low resolution or are blurred out to an aggressive degree. I would recommend reducing the blur effect strength and using assets with higher resolutions/quality.

- I like the shooting effects for hitting different surface types and the particles that fly around on hits like blood, metal sparks, bullets, or dirt. The audio for these impacts also sounds pretty good.

- Some UI elements are placed incorrectly resulting in text overlapping and becoming unreadable.

I can tell this is far from done right now but I hope my feedback helps.

Thanks for the feedback, glad you enjoyed the atmosphere. I do agree that it can be hard to see things and have made some small changes in the past to improve visuals. I might have to work a little more on improving visibility in another update.

As for objectives, I try to guide the player by blocking them off or highlighting important objects. I'll look into adding more ques if I go back for an update.

Thanks for such a detailed response. Glad to see plans for future updates! If you ever want any play testing feel free to DM me.

This is unironically pretty good! I don't think it's necessarily a new idea and the implementation isn't perfect but I enjoyed this. The music and sound effects are a good fit but it seems like some of them are ripped from other games. Especially what I think is the wave complete sound from CoD: Zombies.

Some feedback:

  • The planning phase seems too quick. It may be better to lengthen the time and offer the player money for ending the phase early.
  • Constructed walls seem very thin. It might look better if constructed objects were thicker.
  • Do walls shoot primitive cubes? It would look better with custom sprites.
  • It can be hard to build from an FPS view. Planning would be easier from a top-down perspective.
  • The weapons list on the right of the screen makes it seem like you already have all weapons unlocked. Hiding or dimming weapons you do not have ammo for would make it more obvious.
  • Some UI elements take up more screen space than they need to. Scaling some elements down may make the interface easier to look at.

Just played the demo. Gotta say this is a really polished game with an astounding ability to immerse with audio and visuals. The story is well written and feels natural. The monsters feel menacing and deadly, allowing for natural horror that doesn't need to rely on cheap methods to scare you.

Some feedback for you:

  • Some navigation, such as looking at things in the trunk of the police car, does not have immediately obvious controls. It was not an issue for me, but may confuse some.
  • Inspecting the clipboard to get the bobby pins was not entirely obvious because you have to inspect the clipboard twice to get them.
  • The running animation feels a little stiff and unnatural

Hard to make any comments on this one:

  • It's hard to plan ahead as you move too quickly and things appear as you enter their range
  • I don't know why my character is changing colors or what the controls are. I figured out how to jump by pressing random keys. It seems like you can triple jump but I don't understand how the mechanic works.
  • Red triangles end your run but this is not explained either.
  • There is no way to measure progress.

Could be a good concept if expanded on and made more user friendly.

Simple puzzle game with a strong theme. The part with the holes was a bit tedious but I pushed through it. The narrative is comedic and well written. I like how the music changed as the night progressed. Solid project overall.

Solid game with a simple yet effective premise. Some issues i noted:

- Red enemies cannot track the player if you are elevated from the ground when you spawn. You need to touch the ground again before they move.

- Green enemies can get stuck in walls.

- The audio for shooting and shots landing can get very loud, especially when multiple enemies are shooting.

- Enemies can spawn near the player and track you aggressively which leaves little room for you to escape.

- It is not obvious to the player what each dice roll means or what the outcome is other than seeing your hp go up or the ammo increase.

- It is not obvious how much health the player has as the bar is hard to see when increasing or decreasing in small increments. There is also no number present to show the exact amount of health the player has.

- Sections of combat where only green enemies are present are not fun as there is little to no challenge.

- I did not see any way to quit the game at the start screen other than alt + F4

- The play time counter should be rounded to remove extra decimal places. 10ths and 100ths are useful but after that it loses practicality for the player.

I agree that levels take quite a while with the current amount of soldiers. If there are future updates, the amount of enemies, their composition, and possibly the player unit cap would be changed drastically.

Thanks for the review!

Oh wow. Didn't know about the clones, good catch. I agree about the opponents turn being too long and this is something we were aware of before release. If we had more time it would have been made much shorter or more interesting. Thanks for playing!

Thanks. We tried to do a twist on the traditional combat of turn-based strategy games. Hopefully that comes across.

Thanks and sorry to hear that you had a crash. I do know of a bug with the battle system that could cause a problem like that but we ran out of time to fix the issue.

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No ending so far. Just wanted to figure out the base mechanics before going forward. Want to have infinite expansion in future versions. Possibly even an AI competitor that you have to beat. Glad you enjoyed it!

Overall not bad. The physics on the boxes could be tweaked a bit. Seems like it would be really easy to get a box stuck somewhere you cant get to it. Also difficult to move them past any sort of height changes in the ground.

I have a good amount of ideas to make the environment more interesting and hope to put them in at some point. Thanks for the feedback.

I definitely wanted to add more things to look at but ran out of time. In the future I'll probably do an update the increase the complexity.

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Its 9 different terrain tiles combined together. You can get to the end but there may not be enough time to walk that far.

The original idea was to have the 9 tiles follow you as you move, placing the ones behind you in front so that you would never run out of space. Didn't have time to put it in though.

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Yeah. It's a bit rushed. You can pick up the hourglass with E. I was going to add a prompt but already made the build and uploaded.

I'll probably update the build after ratings are done so there are more sites to draw you into the environment.

Thanks for making a video! Interesting to see how people played through the game.

Thanks! I understand that the objectives might not be immediately clear. I believe in the current build there is no initial delay before washers turn on. (something I forgot to change while testing)

I may put out a future update that adds a delay, allowing the machines turning on to act as a hint for the player to investigate. I don't want to add explicit instructions as I believe the game plays more interestingly without them.

Really quick game but done well! Where did you get the music tracks from? They work perfectly in this game, especially for the title intro.

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My favorite so far. Really like the music and effects. Some issues though:

- It can be hard to see balls as they are rather dark. Maybe just a little brighter OR you could make the player ball glow brighter so that you can see nearby balls better.

- You can hit the same ball more than once after it has been lit.

- Some balls would light up multiple balls even though I didn't touch the other ones.

- Movement can be a little difficult, especially when moving vertically.

- There is no score provided at the end.

The controls hurt my brain.

Thanks for the unfiltered opinion. The pixelated style was something I struggled with over development and even now I am not entirely sure how much I enjoy it. I am also aware that it can take away from the gameplay and make things hard to read. I spent a good amount of time trying to make things readable while still maintaining the look. Some things, like the billboard, were never going to be readable with this style though. A large reason for this style was my lack of confidence in making an appealing 3D environment. I believe that the pixelation helps to hide some of the greater imperfections in appearance, though I could be wrong.

In the future, I may go back over the post-effects and pixelation level to improve the look.

Either way, glad you enjoyed some aspects of the game. The atmosphere was what I really wanted to get right.

I recently uploaded a small prototype driving game that showcases a driving setup I plan to use for a future RPG driving game. The game has gotten a good amount of plays and views but not any feedback so far.

I plan to make improvements to this prototype over time to get a solid driving system in place.

Feedback is instrumental to this being polished and fun so if you have any interest in helping out, please take a look and leave some impressions for me. Thanks!

You can find the game through the link above or right here: