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A member registered Jun 06, 2021 · View creator page →

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I would have liked for things to move a little bit quicker especially since there is nothing for the player to do during rounds, but overall I enjoyed playing!

A cool way to incorporate checkpoints! The puzzles were really fun; I would love to see more in the future.

Not sure how the checkpoint mechanic played into this game, but besides that it was fun! The movement felt solid and it was fun to explore the building. I think there were some bugs with ammo/health pickups though

An interesting way of using the 2 button diversifier! Like others said it would be nice if the jump was a little bit snappier, but overall a fun little game :)

A cool prototype, would love to see more levels in the future!

Really well polished game! I liked the way the checkpoint mechanic was incorporated, and the art is really nice :)

It was fun to move around while shooting. I would've liked for it to be a little bit harder and have clearer direction. It definitely has potential though!

The best entry I have seen so far! The slow introduction of difficulty and the incorporation of the theme are really great. Stuck on level 9 right now :/ but I'll come back later to try and finish it

Nice game! I would love to see this fleshed out further after the jam ends. One suggestion I have is to allow players to buy from the checkpoints as they pass them, since I was able to make it through the entire game without dying (so I wasn't able to buy any upgrades until after I had completely finished)

A cool concept, and after I got used to the ghosts chasing you even when you weren't shining your light directly at them, I enjoyed exploring the world! Like others though I couldn't move after talking to the knight :/

This is a fun concept. Giving the player only a snapshot of the match when it comes time to remember where the buildings are definitely makes it more challenging!

A cool concept! Exploration was well integrated into this

A nice prototype! Interested to see where you take this when you have more time to work on it

Definitely my favorite entry I've played so far! The character feels good to control, the island is fun to explore, and the story told through the logs is engaging. The physics can be a little bit buggy - I got stuck in a tree trying to figure out the floating spears, but I was so engaged in the story/gameplay that I refreshed and did the whole thing over just to figure it out. I would have liked to see a little bit more out of the ending, but honestly completing the game felt pretty great on its own :)

Fun concept! I like the idea of having to balance digging and fighting the guards

A fun take on the theme! The way the player controls definitely makes it more engaging than just moving around normally. I would recommend adding the control details in the description so that people don't have to figure it out on their own :)

I don't know if my luck is just horrible or if I am doing something wrong, but I played it a couple of times and kept getting mutiny on the first or second day and was never able to make it past day 3. Seems like a cool concept though (that maybe needs some balancing)

Interesting concept! I look forward to seeing progress made after the voting period ends :)

Cute little adventure, although it would have been nice to have some sort of feedback (audio or visual) when hitting the ghosts. I liked the way you used the hexagonal tiles to create the environment, and the floating objects/creatures were a nice touch!

Cute game! I enjoyed reading all of the descriptions of the items from the alien perspective :)

Short and sweet! Like others have said I think it could use a few more things to engage the player (rather than just walking/dying to spikes), but nice work for the time constraint :)

A nice prototype. With a few more mechanics/a variety of mission types this could be a really engaging game!

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Yeah probably a bug, I'll have to look into that. Thanks for letting me know :)

This is a creative concept, it was cool to have an idea of what the map would look like before jumping into the game

Thanks for playing! For the first level there is no third picture, you should be able to walk through the doors to the second level once you have completed the first two pictures.

Cute concept. I think some other people have already said this, but the music can feel repetitive after just a few minutes. Otherwise this was fun, I felt the increase in difficulty from level to level was perfect!

Really cool game for the time given for the jam! It would have been nice for there to be some sort of indicator for what you can interact with, but otherwise it was a fun experience.

Creative take on the theme! The leaderboard was a nice touch. I enjoyed looking at what other people had created.

The platforming felt really good! The arrows that tell you the direction the fragments are in was good encouragement to take jumps even when you can't see the landing.

Unfortunately, yes :/. There is a bug causing that task will never be considered "complete." Something I will have to fix when the jam ends!

Haha I like to think that Bailey and Bugs friendship is so incredibly strong that they can switch places at will :D Thank you for the feedback and thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing + the feedback! I will admit the levels are pretty straight forward. However, I do plan on revisiting this after the jam is over to modify and add levels to turn it into a real puzzle platformer that players can spend some time on.

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Really creative + entertaining way to implement the "you are the programmer" idea! I could totally see this being expanded further into some sort of "how to code" game.

Thank you! Glad you liked it :)

Fun puzzles

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Simple but fun! Keeping the controls as wasd for each game made it easy to figure out/adapt

Relaxing game! The music matches perfectly. If you are planning to do any development in the future it could be cool to maybe add more plants as time goes on to amp up the difficulty? Or something else to create a little bit more variation.

Fun to play and great execution of the theme!