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A member registered Mar 05, 2018 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Hey! Answers are finally here:

1) We aim to create more activities around the exploration mode. Actually there is already more in the Steam version where you have a small treasure hunt on each Exploration map, the treasures being skin parts.
We would like to extend this treasure hunt to get a more competitive aspect by instanciating objects only one player can pick up when he finds it before the others.

2) The "drone" question is a good one. The game was first meant for real flying objects like drones or helicopters. We recently redid all the background aspect, adding the scenarios and different eras (the game was set in a modern era only). We wanted to add more funny vehicles, which
would furthermore lead to better sound. Balloons and Zeppelins are very interesting, we did not think of that. Birds are indeeed interesting but more difficult to set up as we do not have artists in our team.

3) Thank you for this feedback, we had a big discussion with the members and decided that we will add more tracks to fill the gaps in the progression curve
and will also make some easy tracks funnier to play.

4) Thanks for taking the time to visually match your feedback. We are currently discussing the whole UI update, including font changes as it does not match our themes anymore (remember, the game was "modern"). However we did not notice some facts you mentionned and will fix them in the next udpates, good job ;)

5) Very interesting point for multiple reasons (performance, FPS differences between computers, mesh handling), we will definitly give it a try.

6) That is sadly a real issue linked to the game scale. Unity shadow details are calculated with display distance and as the player in our game is very small, detailed shadows would mean very short distance. We managed to get much better results with URP though and will probably switch to it when a few more features are added.

7) I mean, who wouldn't want a juicy boxy steak ?

Thanks a lot for your feedback, no constructive feedback can hurt us, it means a lot.
A member of our team already used your in-game feedback report to give some ideas and we are gathering info to return the complete it on your game page, brace yourself ;)

Keep up the good work and happy new year!


Thank you very much for taking the time to list and explain all the things you noticed.

All the aspects you are mentioning are interesting, we were aware of some of them and are even  fixing some others for the next updates (including a revamp of the UI planned)

This is a first answer in order to thank you, but will provide more after discussing all those things internally.

We crave for this kind of feedback so thank you very much once again and we will do the same after the holidays.

Have a good end of this weird year!


Thanks! Great, we spent some time making the script for this trailer so it means lot


After a few months of work, we have finally redesigned SRX almost entirely, check out this new version trailer:

More than a graphic update, we also have redone the behaviours of all vehicles along with the new scale of the game. The player is now very small compared to the environment.
We also introduced a new concept, that we call "scenarios". Those are stories frozen in times, in which objects and characters become obstacles for the new tracks specifically built around them.

For those of you who did not know the game, SRX (Sky Racing Xperience) is a time-trial (for now) racing game in which the player pilots all types of flying vehicles inside various environments, set up in various timelines.

If you're interested, here is our page:

Hope you will enjoy!
Arokma studio

(1 edit)

Hi! We have been working on our game for more than a year now and just redesigned it entirely, check the trailer:

This is a light version of the Steam one, in which we added multiplayer modes and world rankings, you can add it to your wishlist here:

In this huge update, the player is now very small inside various environments, where characters frozen in time are now obstacles

If you want more info about the game and download it (available for free on Windows, Mac and Linux), here is its itch page:

We would love to get constructive feedback, on both technical and visual sides.

Hope you will enjoy!
Arokma studio

Thank you ! We are a few days away from a huge update on Steam and will be updating the itch version soon enough after that

We are using an Input System that should recognise pretty much every type of controller. Maybe not natively, but you should be able to remap the controls in the options according to your joystick.

Hi, if it is 64bits it should run, however we did not actually test on a Windows 7 PC, please tell us if everything is working fine.


We are currently working hard on the Steam Multiplayer version which will be available on Mac.

If not yet registered to the closed beta, feel free to do so!

Thank you for your feedback and enthusiasm!

Thanks for your feedback !

Keyboard/Mouse default inputs seem to create debates, even in our own team.

Seems like there are as many mappings as people who test our game :D

I will try your configuration, we didn't try this one.

(4 edits)

Hi everyone !
We literally worked for months in our first game SRX after posting its prototype last summer.

It is a flying vehicles racing game meant to become an online multiplayer game, melting Trackmania and Mario Kart / Crash Team Racing.
We put a lot of efforts to make reliable systems in order to offer a great user experience.
Among others, we have:

  • An easy-to-learn but difficult-to-master gameplay
  • An interactive tutorial to learn how to drive vehicles
  • A Very easy-to-use Control Mapper for Keyboard/Mouse and Gamepads
  • A Glyph System showing the player the game controls using its preferred Gamepad (Xbox and Playstation ones for the moment)
  • A track system to easily create new tracks and in the future make it available to players to let them create the tracks they want
  • Deeply customizable Options such as Graphics, Controls, Audio, Camera, Interface, Language

But, is it worth it ?

We just began our journey but barely got a few downloads so for now, the short answer is no.
We never made it a single minute to the front page, not even in Fresh Games. Our social media ads campaign does not show its potential for now.
And aside from that, games developed in days during jams get as much or more views, boosting and downloads.

So, would we put the same efforts and time to release our game knowing that ?
We believe that players would be thankful if every game studio put as much efforts to please the player and offer him the best user experience it can as we did ! Our efforts are limited due to the fact that we are only two developers and a part-time sound designer but yes, we did as much as we could to please the player and dream of big studios doing the same thing for us.

All our systems are strong, stable, reusable, and we aim to use them in future updates and projects.

We believe in our game and would be really glad to have constructive feedback to boost our efforts !
I'd rather have a thousand bad but constructive reviews and learn a lot from them than the few good feedbacks we have for now.

Please tell us what you think of our game and feel free to give us any kind of feedback, it would help us a lot to go further and reach our ambitious goals as long as yours:

Thanks, and see you in the sky ;)

Rémi from Arokma.

Hi !
Sorry for the reply on an old topic but I was also wondering how the fresh system works, as our game SRX isn't showing in fresh games either.
Are these collections run by itch administrators ?
And is there a time limit before the game won't be able to appear in the fresh section ?

Thanks in advance !
Rémi from Arokma.

Hi everyone !
After a few months of work, we, the studio Arokma, finally published our first game, SRX.
This game is a big evolution of a prototype called Drone RX, published in 2018 already on

In this Solo version of SRX, the player can control various types of flying vehicles in order to beat records and ghosts on 10+ tracks in the Time Trial game mode.

For the last few months, we worked hard to provide a great user experience by improving every aspect of this game and adding all the features that were missing from the prototype, hoping that this time, we will seduce you!
Take a look!

If what you see pleases or intrigues you, here is the link of our page :

We are very interested in every type of feedback, so please come by and tell us what you think of it or what could be improved.
This is only the beginning!

Rémi, from Arokma