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Amir Matouk

A member registered Oct 26, 2017 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Ich hab selber 2 Katzen, die auch eine Party machen, wenn ich schlafe :D Danke für das kleine süße Adventure, es hat Spaß gemacht.

Ok, thank u.

(5 edits)


why do I have 2 downloads there? the new should replace the old one. If I delete the old one, I will lose the downloads number. What should I do now?

Edit: I still don't know why, but whatever, I did the alternative. Uploaded the file with the same name. It was a mistake to use Butler. Where can I show and write to people that I've uploaded a new version? Or is that not possible with the alternative way?

Edit: I just changed the file's name and added (version 1.0.1)

Hi guys, 

the day before yesterday I released my game "Challenge of the Tentacle". it's a free point and click escape room adventure fangame inspired by Maniac Mansion, Day of the Tentacle and Maniac Mansion Mania. I hope you like it. I warn you, the puzzles are difficult :D I would appreciate feedback on or anywhere else. If you find any bugs, please contact me. Have fun!

Thank u :)

Thank u, I find your games interesting too :)

Jesus, Religion, God, Bible and Dark Humor. What do you think?

The Secrets of Jesus is a classic point & click adventure game, which tells an old tale in a completely new manner.

Delve into the atmosphere of the first century. Experience a fascinating adventure filled with biblical quotes, allusions to the Holy Scripture, and a lot of black humor. Play detective and decide at the end of the game for yourself which version of the historical narrative you want to believe in.

Oh im sorry. I didnt know that. Thank u :)

I released my game 30 minutes ago, but I cannt find it in the search. Does it take long or did I do something wrong?

Whaaaaaat!? Ok... I hope no one discovers the game before I make the discount. I have to be fast. It's more logical on Steam, you can do it before you release ur game. Ok, thank u man :)

Hi guys,

My game will be in 3 days available and public. But I want to make a 10 percent discount for a week, but it dosnt work. When I click on create a new sale or bundle im getting this: You don't have any games eligible for a sale. Try creating a purchasable game first. How should I do that before I make my game public? I can do it on Steam but not on (I set a price for my game, but its still not working)