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A member registered Sep 15, 2023 · View creator page →

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Looking back, I really should have went for a more stealthy heavy focus, but regardless, thanks for playing! :)

This ain't an easy one


lol, was waiting for this comment! Hahaha

There are 3 types of enemies, each having more health than the next one and you do a critical hit if the enemy hasn't spotted you.
Thank you for playing and glad you enjoyed! :)

Mjeesss! Suffer!

I was thinking of adding a sprint, but didn't have the time for that.
Glad you enjoyed it! :)

Aghh, I can't solve the final puzzle!!
Suffering aside, this is real gem. You managed to do so much and in a captivating way using so little. Amazing level design at work here! 

(1 edit)

Yea, a lot of people complaining about that, but glad you enjoyed regardless :)

This says it all!

I got the "Click, there's a key in here" dialogue even before picking anything up, yet I couldn't open the exit door. Picking up the crowbar didn't seem to fix this, but maybe I'm missing something

This captured the "lone wanderer in space" aesthetic truly!
Shame you didn't get to finish this in time

The graphics are fantastic! Mechanics, simple, yet fun!

Although content wise, there isn't much to this game, my goal was to focus on small atmospheric details like the door jamming. I've always enjoyed games that do that and I wanted to replicate that. I'm glad you noticed and appreciated this! <3
Regarding the respawn - While I will make the boss slightly easier, I will keep the respawn time. I think this gives time for retrospection and to collect yourself.

The trick to to the stun was pressing p only ONCE while the attack animation is playing and vice versa. This ques up the next action, making sequencing easy. There is a slight issue with this system where if you do: attack, attack, stun quickly, then it will result in attack, stun, attack. Because it prioritizes stun as the next action.
Thank you for playing, Clark! :)


Wish I could play this! :/

Also couldn't finish the bombs level, but had fun fun mechanic!

Can't say no to a mining game!

Yea, I think I made the captain a bit too hard. I'm curious to know if anyone had the nerve to defeat him (without cheating :D). You have to get lucky on the heals to get full hp and then nail the slash/stagger sequence:
2xA, 1xB, 1xA, 1B, reason for this being that his raycast in on his left gun, meaning that you can get more hits in when he staggers to the left.
Good luck and thank you for playing! :)

Noted and glad you enjoyed it! :)
I will add a downloadable after the jam. Also, there is a fixed resolution version linked in the description

Shame you didn't have time to finish this, but that's understandable, With the music looped in background, I got the full experience. The most original idea so far! :)

Less is more!

Lovely little game!
Minimalistic, but executed nicely!

The OST is amazing!

Thank you! :) :)
I actually had the idea that you could play as either alien or marine. Predator would be the hardest to implement with all the abilities, but would totally be worth it

Really glad to hear so many people enjoyed it!
I, honestly didn't expect such a positive feedback for my first Jam game.
The first kill is intended to be a stealth takedown, after that you can replenish your health eating

There's a charm to mining asteroids and you managed to capture it!

Controls we're a bit clunky, but I enjoyed regardless

Hardest game yet

Had a few issues with the enemy - getting stuck, not doing damage, which broke some emersion, but other than that, great submission!

Uh ohh, that's a bug :D

This has tons of potential!
Feel free to DM me after the updates!

Great job on the art, but I found the combat very unclear....
How can I dodge the enemies, how do I aim to kill them?
I'd say mainly this is an issue with the perspective (fake 3d) conflicting with the enemy bullets going straight (2d)

Ohh, I liked this one a lot!
A great sense of mystery and progression.
The music, level designs and mechanics come together neatly to make something special :)

Had an Issue with clipping, but other than that good fun!

Super fun mechanic, but except for the pixel art, doesn't feel very gameboyish

Oh, that's a bug then. :D
Very happy to hear that you enjoyed this! :) 
Also, there's a fixed resolution version that I uploaded separately at Invasion (fixed)[GBJam 11] by Algedi-Studio (

Thanks for playing! :)
Regarding the first 2 points: This was an intentional limitation on my part, giving a greater sense of mystery if just for a few seconds :  "Oh, I wonder what's around that corner...." and also giving a bit more challenge of map awareness.
3. - Totally agreed. This is fixed in the upscaled version ( in description)
4, - Yea, I bet the hp bar could be executed better. Maybe dither the border or something 

Had two issues with this game:
* I somehow teleported thru the lasers on my first run and won the game in 10 seconds
* Sometimes upon changing zones, I collided with an enemy on the other side, which just felt lame
Other than that, fluid and fun controls. Basic, but well implemented enemies; Great music and art!