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A member registered Nov 09, 2020 · View creator page →

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Watching ya... 

Awesome game! No... More... Words.

Privet, comrade! 

Interesting concept, didn't get all the gameplay elements on how they should be working (a little bit more of tutorial would be nice). Combat mechanic got me (you know man hitting thair opponents with heads is not to common sight), it was pretty fun. Music is great.

P. S. Got stuck on some random brick in road for about half a minute, then somehow unstuck.

Oh, found out you should be putting your mouse behind the character. :ь

Feel dumb now...

Nice work on art and sound, but controls really confuse me: couldn't understand how I can control shooting direction, also sometimes there is no projectile (is it somehow related to time mouse button is pressed?).

Interesting idea. Monsters are cute. Slow character speed made completing some levels harder. Overall left good impression.

What could I add? Great job there!

Interesting idea and pretty cool graphics but a little awkward and confusing gameplay. 

(1 edit)

Oh no, I've just killed a family in this game! 

Cool idea. Reload time takes to much time: few new words spawn while you reload, so you soon find yourself overwhelmed by the words swarm.

Hey, that's cool. Would be nice to have more levels or as some1 already mentioned endless mode.

Yup, that's what we used as reference. :)

Pretty nicely done rooms in exploration part. Would be nice cozy place if not the monster hunting you, hah.