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I Wanna Lockpick

A strange puzzle game about matching colored keys and doors. · By LAWatson

Bug Reports / Feature Request! Sticky

A topic by LAWatson created Dec 03, 2021 Views: 5,543 Replies: 125
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If there is a door across a corner from you, and a key normally blocking that corner, you can sometimes unlock the door before collecting the key. Demonstrable in (Base64 for endgame spoilers) MC01, just hold right as you jump up after the tall black door.

I find it a bit annoying that when you walk a bit, do something and then undo, you get teleported all the way back. It would be nicer if you would be teleported back to the last valid standing location instead of the first one after the last action. I figure this can be changed by putting the player position onto the undo stack last and swapping it out as long as you are on a valid standing location. Also, touching salvage points should be an undoable action, which it currently isn't. Additionally, there is a bug where, when you did an action but are not in a valid location (like within a salvage point), you can't undo. Also, why do you need recentPush? Isn't recentPush always 1 once you pushed an undo stack frame? I mean, after every undoPOP call you eventually call undoPUSH, so recentPush will necessarily be 1.

(1 edit)

You can cheese omega-9 by not hitting the purple blank door on the 0 bypass route to swap glitch and going in with white instead, causing you to shift orange but not cyan.

My game is quite often unfocused (on Windows), but when I click on it for it to be focused again, the pencilmark menu opens every time, which is pretty annoying. Maybe there is a way to detect if the game is unfocused on Windows, so that the pencilmark menu doesn't get opened in that case?

If i have to remember the setup for Stable Loop one more time i am going to have an aneurysm

Hello! I'm not sure if this is something you can address, but I was playing an EX level and noticed there were some blocks I could not reach.

Instead of doing the intended solution, I managed to jump on blocks while they were breaking in order to get a third jump. Since I didn't switch signs at all with multiple being available, I'm pretty sure I skipped a part of the solution.

For the sake of spoilers, I'll limit my reply.

If you can break all the blocks, you just need to rethink how to break them: a third jump isn't necessary.

I wiped my save file in the menu with the 3 save files, and when I went and started a new game in the save file I deleted, my pencilmarks were still there. Is this intentional?


Yes, it's a feature intended to assist in future playthroughs or speedruns. Press Ctrl+Shift+D while loaded in a savefile to delete all of that savefile's pencilmarks.

I see. That makes sense. Although maybe an option to also delete pencilmarks when deleting a save would be cool. Or just informing the player in-game about that hotkey.

Unsure if just weird intended behavior or bug, but: (rot 13) jura cynlvat guebhtu jbeyqf 1-5, v arire fxvccrq n (ahzorerq) yriry, ohg va jbeyq 6 v fxvccrq yriry 3 (v hfhnyl cynl va beqre, ohg v jnf fgvyy jnxvat hc), naq nf n erfhyg yriryf 7, 8, naq 9 bcrarq hc, ohg abg yriry 6. v nffhzr vg'f whfg n dhvex bs ubj gur yriry haybpx flfgrz jbexf gung v unqag abgvprq gvy abj, ohg gubhtug v'q ercbeg whfg va pnfr.

Post T4 Spoilers:

V guvax vg jbhyq or n ernyyl avpr nqqvgvba vs lbh pbhyq erfrg qbbef gb ubj gurl jrer orsber nal zbqvsvpngvba va gur Bzrtn Grezvany. Pheeragyl, lbh unir gb erqb gur fnyintr gb oevat gur qbbe onpx naq vg'f ernyyl naablvat univat gb erqb G2-7 guevpr rirelgvzr lbh guvax lbh zbqvsvrq gur qbbef jebat.

When I hit the "defaults" button in the sound options, the balance changed from its initial values.

When I changed the color of keys/doors, they didn't update until I quit and re-entered the level.

I really wish this game had multi-language support. If you open up cloud translation for this game, I'm willing to contribute.

Post T4 spoilers:

Gurer vf bar qbbe va gur tnzr gung qbrfa'g jbex cebcreyl jura vg unf vzntvanel pbcvrf, fcrpvsvpnyyl gur pbzob plna/oyhr/benatr qbbe va yriry G4-2. Lbh pna znxr vzntvanel pbcvrf ol fnyintvat vg vagb yriry G4-3 naq hfvat na vzntvanel znfgre xrl; nygreangviryl, lbh pna hfr gur znfgre bzrtn xrl gb tvir lbhefrys na vzntvanel znfgre xrl va gur G4 yriry uho. Jura lbh qb guvf, gur ybpxf ba gur qbbe ner fhccbfrq gb unir vzntvanel pbfgf, ohg gurl fgvyy unir erny pbfgf sbe fbzr ernfba. Urer vf n yvax gb na vzntr fubjvat gur oht:


That's actually purely a visual bug, and one I knew about nonetheless, although I didn't know it could happen in this specific case. Basically (rot13) Pbzob qbbef unir n qvssrerag fcevgr frg guna abezny qbbef, naq vzntvanel inevnagf jrer arire nqqrq. V gevrq gb hfr ahzrevpny ybpxf sbe rirel pnfr bs n Pbzob Qbbe juvpu pbhyq unir vzntvanel pbcvrf nccyvrq, ohg V sbetbg nyy nobhg guvf bar. Hafher vs V'yy svk vg nalgvzr fbba.

(2 edits)

I actually have a sick suggestion for if you add operator keys (or whatever they’re called) back into the game. Spoilers, by the way

(Rot 13) Lbh xabj ubj gb bcra Xvan’f ybpx, lbh phefr gur ybpx jvgu n oebja xrl, gura bcra vg jvgu n znfgre xrl? Jryy, znlor gurer pbhyq or fbzr furanavtnaf jvgu fgbar xrlf, naq ng gur raq (lbh jbhyq unir n cbfvgvir ahzore bs znfgre xrlf naq 5 fgbar xrlf), lbh jbhyq qvivqr gur ahzore bs znfgre xrlf ol gur ahzore bs fgbar xrlf. Guvf jbhyqa’g tvir lbh “reebe” znfgre xrlf, ohg vasvavgl znfgre xrlf, naq gung’f ubj lbh jbhyq bcra gur ybpx. Naq nyfb, V guvax V jbhyq xabj ubj vasvavgl nzbhagf bs xrlf jbhyq jbex, fb qba’g jbeel nobhg gung. V qba’g guvax lbh jvyy rire nqq guvf gubhtu, orpnhfr gung zrpunavp vf fpenccrq.

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